
I think I'm just being a nervous mommy but Spike seems to have a bout of hiccups at least one to two times a day I've noticed. Is this normal and have any of you noticed the same thing with your dogs? Do they grow out of this? Thanks in advance!
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Normal for puppies. Pooh now gets them about once every 2 weeks, but when we first got him, he had 2-3 times a day!

Thank you (for the compliment and the reply)! That's very good to know, I'm of course worried about gastric torsion and have purchased adjustable food and water bowls to help eliminate bloat but the hiccups freaked me out. I'm very glad they grow out of this stage since he seems a little uncomfortable when he gets them.

Ironically, I was just thinking of hiccups last night! Merlin had a bout of them and took on that "Oh mom, what's going on?" look. He hasn't had them since he was a pup which back then occurred frequently. I think it has to do with eating his food too quickly and swallowing a lot of air as a result. Remember puppies had perhaps 10 other siblings whom were vying for food at the same time as them. Pets in multi pet households do this frequently as well - just seem to inhale their food. Just like kids, some will always eat their food quickly and others will eat slowly and seem to realize the food won't dissapear in a matter of seconds if not eaten as fast as possible :D

Not to worry your little tyke will outgrow it.

Marianne and the boys
Clyde's a water addict and drinks as fast as he can whenever he gets water so I'm used to the hiccups now. The first time I thought the poor baby was having a seizure and I rushed him to the vet! The funniest thing is watching him try to play or act tough while he has the hiccups. Sometimes he'll be running, stop, hiccup, run, stop, hiccup. It strats to look like a nervous tick :)
Beaureguard has the hiccups sometimes, too. He's 3 1/2 months old and is getting them less frequently now than he did just a few weeks ago. So, I do think he'll outgrow it. I'm sure Spike will too. :lol:

I purchased the adjustable bowls, too and it does seem to make a difference. Now, when he's at the office with me, I put his "regular" bowls up on a box to lift them to a comfortable height. I get teased about spoiling him, but he IS my BABY!! :D
What a great Avatar!!! Always thought the bum was the second best feature. Hiccups quite common in puppers. They grow out of them.
When our pup was 4 months, he would wake up with hiccups in the
morning. He was fine in about 15 minutes.
Now at 10 months, no problem...
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