I knew it! I knew it!! (Morgan's left hip & therapy)

I made an appointment with the rehab therapist to evaluate Morgan - the therapy has healed Marley's injury totally and I have always been suspicious about Morgan's physiology.

When I told hubby (for the 6th time :roll: ) where I was going Sunday - he had a little snit - apparently I don't know how to spend money fast enough (and here I thought I was doing a pretty good job at that :? )

Anyway I did get to say I told you so, Morgan's left hip is 2" smaller than his right - I knew he walked funny and I was right. Of course I sort of wish I had been wrong :(

Now we have an entirely new set of exercises and massages and manipulations to try to ward off further issues with the legs - and continue to bring his weight down. And when we get back from vacation in October, Morgan will be swimming for therapy as well. See I do know how to spend money quickly 8) 8)
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What part of the hip? The femur? The pelvis half?

Well, at least you have an answer.

Sorry about hubby......yeah, they can go off sometimes.
I think she's talking about muscle mass, not his actual bone structure. Kerry?

Any injury/pain will usually cause compensation and you can usually guess what's going on by checking to see if there's inexplicable (or not) muscle loss on one side compared to the other.

Another clue, often, is looking at uneven wear of toenails.

Kerry, I'm sorry you were right, but good observation skills and well done on the money spending front! :wink:

the top of his hip just below his groin measures 2" smaller than the other side - his latest xrays show some early dysplasia (flattening of the heads, but they are nicely up in the sockets - an improvement in alignment over his 2 year xrays actually), the lower part of his leg just above the joint the muscle mass difference isn't as significant maybe less than an inch.

Luckily his quad muscles aren't as significantly different - which would indicate some hip issues. But he has about 30% of the flexibility he should have in both back legs! No idea why - just know we ned to do a lot of walking and hill climbing and swimming to help fix it so we don't have to do surgery or have a lame dog in the future.
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