Is one OES cleaner than another (gender wise)?

Wondering if your females or males tend to stink more or are they both at the same level?

My female doesn't stink. It takes awhile before she gets that slimy film on her skin or an odor to her in general.

My male on the otherhand... oh my goodness, he is a mess. A BIG MESS. He stinks at the week mark but for my sanity I wait every 1.5-2 wks to give him a bath. This wouldn't be an opinion b/c I'm an anal freak either. He gets the slimy film, and literally makes my oldest say "ewwwww...." :lol: We always love bath day here b/c then everyone wants to smother him with hugs. ;) I just don't get what makes him so dang stinky. He doesn't have outside time off the leash (which just means we see where he walks and it's on a sidewalk), and any wrestling or play with Yuki is done IN the house since they are let out separately so they can get their business done. Yet his body stinks. I understand his butt or legs stinking... I mean he pees on himself which after each time... we clean immediately the best we can.

They both have very different coats too, so that probably plays a big role in it too.

What about your dogs? Who is the stinker?
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My two males have similar coats - what I think of as the typical, heavy undercoat, coarse coat. They don't tend to get -- fragrant.

My female has virtually no undercoat and particularly smooth, fine hair. And she gets oily and dirty the way your boy does. I can't stand her by 10 days after a bath. Fortunately, with no undercoat and because I keep them in short cuts these days, I don't have to do much brushing on her to keep her mat free.

But Good LORD she stinks.
I can't say if one sex or the other stinks less for sure,
but I will say that some have much oilier skin. Mine
are both boys, and the younger one tends to smell much
more, and much quicker after a bath. The older never
smells on his own, only from the 'rub off' from the other
dog. Tucker, the older, even weeks after a bath smells like newly
ironed sheets next to his skin. Zeke,the younger, leaves a
slight film on your hand after petting if I wait too long to
bathe him. Just writing that is making me gag. I work much
harder at keeping Zeke clean than Tucker. Zeke also matts
up much quicker than Tucker, and Tucker has a much
softer coat than he should, but he also has very little undercoat.
Lucky for me neither of them roll in smell stuff outside.

But between the sexes- I guess I can't say from experience.
I guess I'm no help!
I'd say the boys are definitely dirtier....
Willowsprite wrote:
I'd say the boys are definitely dirtier....

Chewie and Martha are siblings.
Chewie is dirtier than Martha.
However - Martha bosses and Chewie is the one rolled over in the mulch, grass or whatever, so it is the girl's fault!

Other than that issue, I'd say they are pretty similar as far as getting dirty or smelling on their bodies.
I don't believe it's the sex that determines the difference......other than the boys peeing on their leg or stepping in the puddle they just left :cry:

There are two forms of Seborrhea, dry and wet. The wet is called seborrhea oleosa. Why your little wonder is producing too much fat at the skin, who knows. Actually bacteria can develop in that fat complicating the whole thing.

Ruling out lousy dog food and poor nutrition, I'd want to know if a hormone problem is at work. Could be hypothyroidism. Could be he's producing too much female hormones or corticosteroids. (I assume he hasn't been given corticosteroid meds) . Other thoughts, pancreas problems (you'd be seeing other things which you aren't in such a happy, playful pup) . Other autoimmune problems can cause this oily stinky problem.

Also skin parasites under the skin can cause an allergic reaction. Flea bite dermatitis is common cause of seborrhea. Scabies and demodectic mange, lice are others.......I don't see that happening in your dogs.

The only one who can answer is your vet and many are not interested in finding the root cause. "Oh, he's just an oily dog" is their common comeback.

I know you are feeding him quality food, but maybe he's allergic to something in it. I know you are keeping him well groomed so the skin parasites are probably not at fault. So it's up to you if you want to persue this further or just stock up on dog shampoo. The best would be ones contain selenium, benzoly perioxide or salicylic acid (obviously not while you are pregnant or nursing!!). Apply, leave on for 15 minutes to dry out the skin and rinse.

Finally, he is growing quickly, probably getting ready to change coat here shortly, so hormones are screwy. I'd blame this for awhile and pray this too will pass.

Poor guy, he's just too cute to be a stinker!
Stupid question-- Does OVERBATHING make them smell more?
(although NOT a sheepdog but a beardie)) Coz is dirtier and smellier than Heart or Pearl.

AND when Heart and Harry play~~~Heart seems to be just as fresh as when they began, BUT, Harry is generally covered with leaves, twigs and whatever...but one of the reasons is....................

he loves to 'be on the bottom'.... :roll: :roll: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
Sammy was never stinky. She had her own unique scent but it was not a dirty smell. I miss her smell :(
Owen mostly smells like a urinal but never dirty. His coat is never greasy or oily but he has nice thick, textured coat. Clyde's hair is fine and soft and will definitely get a dirty feel to it but he never actually stinks. He always just smells like carpet to me.
Morgan's nickname is pig pen - well the one I can print :oops: Thye both get bathed regularlly and Morgan manages to look like he has never seen the inside of the tub, while Marley may look unbrushed or "wilted" but never dirty.

Neither of them smell, but my husband's dogs stink.
I really worded his coat wrong in an attempt to describe that film you get in your hand. Mequpak's coat is NEVER oily or comes close to it. His is how Butters describes Owens. I definitely hope it's not a medical thing. I really think he's just stinky. It really is the urinal smell that drives me bonkers. We clean him so much that he comes in, lays on his side ...paws up waiting for me to bring over the paper towels, shampoo, brush, and cornstarch. :oops: ...and I've got to say out of everything we've tried training him to do [unsuccessfully], I'm just thankful he's trying to help me out on this.

I have been considering putting him in a puppy coat (3" all around) in the next few weeks to make it easier on our guests who will have to smell him while I'm at the hospital. His body probably won't stink, but I doubt mr. j's sis will clean his legs (too much to ask of her!!!) after each pee.
Do you give him a sanitary clip, even a shave. Penis tip, belly near the pee-port and inside of the legs? Is he stepping in his puddle? Jack zeros right into it. Back feet don't have hair down to the ground, hair between pads is gone too.

Glad to hear this is more a urinal problem, not an overall coat problem.
Yeah, I'd shave the inside of the legs and the whole belly. that would help the pee from penetrating.

The pee smell doesn't really bug me but if he goes out or people come over, I give him a quick rinseless shampoo bath. He's normally washed once a week so he only has a day or so that he actually smells but, with boys, it's just what they do. He'll get a bath and then pee down his leg after I spent hours washing and drying. Thanks, Owen. :evil:
Edgar was a VERY stinky little boy. You had to wash him every week or you would just want to gag. As he got older though the stink calmed down. The washings went down to every two weeks, every month, and now every several months. Now I just wash him because he is dirty. He will get a film of grime on him which I hate. Edgar is also allergic to some foods so that could have been some of his stinky problem as we tried to get that figured out.
I very rarely bath Archie, apart from sweaty feet he doesn't smell overly even when he is wet.

A quick bound through a dew soaked meadow normally cleans his feet up a treat.
Jo, try spraying his legs (the part he pees on) with The Stuff or whatever you use and leave it on. It does help make the pee less absorbable, is that even a word? :)
I've never had a female sheepdog, just two males, but neither one has been "stinky" at all. Both have been very full coated though, with dense undercoats. Even with all of Oscar's immune issues, meds, and skin problems, we've never had an issue with odor, urine or otherwise. (He always has a sanitary shave, which I'm sure helps.)

Laurie and Oscar
panda doesnt seem to stink, well, most of the time...

i bathe her once a month...but we play with the hose at least once a week...

winter months she seems to get a little more ripe but never offensive..

her best smell is when we go to san diego...she smells like salt water, sand and sunshine.....i lay on the ground with her and just sniff...just like that dumb fabreeze commercial :wink:
After 12 sheepdogs of both sexes I can't say I have noticed any difference.

Charlie one of my current males, usually smells like Rosemary. Since he has been catching rodents in the yard, he often thinks one is in the rosemary bushes and lunges with his head deep into the shrub. I can always tell when he's been hunting when he comes in and the house smells like an herb garden. Otherwise, sheepies always seem like an odor-free breed to me—except when one gets a lingering perfume of anal gland of course. (I found that baby wipes do a good job of taking that off).) Then there's chasing skunks, and of course rolling in something stinky they find in the field...

OK, so my dogs aren't so odor-free all the time, I guess... but I kind of like the Rosemary.
We just went about a whole year without bathing Frank, with exception to some spot cleaning semi-regularly. He's in full coat. The only thing that really gets stinky on him is his chin when it stays wet all of the time. He does not pee on himself.

Rebecca on the other hand we keep clipped. Her coat is pretty oily and she does stink regularly. She gets baths more frequently, but it is usually every 2-3 months after I clip her down.
It's interesting to hear how people keep their dogs clean. We (actually I) bathe Ru about every 8 weeks, he gets his legs, tummy and beard shampooed and hosed about once a week and just hosed with water once a day. Otherwise it is unbearable, he pees all over his front legs, walks in the puddle most days although he does try to hop over it. Also, he sometimes gets dirty feet from outside which I like to keep clean. Having said all that.. he smells GLORIOUS... I just love putting my face on his back & breathing in that sheepie smell. He smells different to other breeds, I hate the smell of labradors :oops:
I think that for the most part my sheepies are pretty odor free. Asterisk's hair seems to absorb and retain the shampoo that I use on her monthly for a nice long time.

Wendel does have this interesting smell on his nose. It was stronger when we first got him and I attribute it to the minerals in the soil from his previous owners home. The minerals in the soil gave his feet a slight yellow color. He's been with us for the past two months and that different odor is becoming less and less noticable.
Lola never seems to stink. I just wash her when she changes colors. :lol:
spacegirl21 wrote:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm not sure what everyone means by "stinking"? Do ylu mean dirty from playing or rolling in unmentionables :roll:

If your dog is really stinky, it could be a skin condtion or food related. I don;'t think in general dogs are naturally stinky. Well, rolling in dirty stuff or smelly stuff makes them stinky - on the outside coat. But really stinky, like their skin smelly stinky, I would wonder if there is a yeast problem or something else.
My lil Georgie and Finnie smell equally icky!!
Twenty times a day...
Baby pool, dirt, baby pool dirt... :lol: :lol:
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