Which is the best, girl or boy sheepies?

And why? I was thinking about a boy - but I've never had a boy dog before - so I don't know.
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Well lets see I have had female dogs,and for me I just love the males.I like the fact that they "usually" get bigger than a female.The males I have had have been more of a velcro dog.And it is cheaper to fix them "usually"Altho there are some very adoreable females,so I guess Im just partial to my males.I love ALL dogs,shapes and sizes tho so its hard to decided i guess. :lol:
I personally like the males also, as a single dog, but you have to add more at some point.
How could I vote? We have one of each! :D

They both are great! Just be sure if you get a puppy, both parents have had their hips OFA certified, or you will be spending thousands getting hips fixed like we are.

Good Luck!
I have two girls, but I voted boys. I think male dogs make the best pets. I can't wait to get a boy sheepie someday, although I don't think it will be the same since I have 2 girls already. I've found male dogs to be more wanting to please, more cuddly, more calm, but coming into a house with two girls to play and romp with already I doubt any puppy I get will be overly calm or cuddly! LOL

This is kinda funny as I did the opposite of Willowsprite, I have three males and I voted for Females.

Shaggy has been the only female dog in my life, while the other 6 dogs I've had the pleasure of sharing my life with now and in the past have always been males. Ironicially just had this conversation with someone at the dog park and I mentioned the girls were much easier to deal with.

Dogs have a code of law which most of the time they uphold..males don't attack females, adult dogs don't attack puppies, that sort of thing. I find at the dog park the males constantly challenge each other. Two females will fight on occasion but that is extremely rare and in a household the older adult female is naturally dominate.

Gawd I have the three boys whom still test and fight (all that testoserone I'm thinking) allthough they have all been fixed. Plus being a mom of two boys and 12 nephews...I would long to have a girl in the house!

Marianne and the boys
I've had equal numbers of each and could never decide as I love them both for different reasons! All the boys I've had have been very sweet and very laid back. All the girls have been very sweet and almost hyper in their demands. The boys and girls are very smart and hysterically funny. I think it depends on your temperament! LOL! I've always had at least two...one of each. They seem to balance each others temperaments out.....I need to get one more boy as my Taz is being overwhelmed by my two females! : )
Like Lay's potato chips, you can't stop at just one! LOL
I can't wait to get my little boy sheepie!
Both my two dogs are girls. But i think boys are more loving when YOU want them to be. With the girls it is on their terms. I won't have a sheepie boy till probably Saturday though. Grannie Annie will let me know later this week. Hopefully soon Bubba will be here!! *doing the happy dance*
I really can't say boys or girls. The experience is totally different and I don't think is fair to compare. With Lennon I ran play very rough, he chases me, likes to jump on me, loves belly rubs and chasing balls and frisbees. Sofa is the sweetest thing, she's very quiet, loves to sleep next to you, gives a gazillion kisses a day and loves her rubber chicken.... I Love all sheepies!!!
I've had both, but I voted girl. Buford was a totally wonderful dog, a real mama's boy, and I never thought I could recover from the hurt of losing him.

But my Drez - now she's a different story. She is the light of my life. She loves EVERYBODY, no matter who. When you come into my house and she meets you for the first time, she glues herself to your leg and just gives you those long, loving glances. She stays by my side when I'm not feeling well, she'll play at the drop of a hat (even with her gimpy legs), she'll climb the steps to be with Daddy during the day (even with her gimpy legs). She's just such a people dog, so loving, so darned cute! I truly don't know how I will survive when she passes to the rainbow bridge.

Comparing the two personalities, the girls have my heart.

I have to agree with Saul on this one. I have 2 wonderful sheepies, a boy and a girl, and could not choose one over the other. They act so much alike, but there are certain differences. Jack was more stubborn when he was in the 10-15 month range, but we worked through it with more training. They both love children, cats, and other dogs. They both listen to the commands from me, CJ and both kids. I used to believe that I liked boy dogs better. I always had boys growing up, even in cats. I love my Annabelle, and my girl kitties. So, my vote is for both. :wink:
Stormi and co.
I am voting for the males. The reason being is the males are more submissive. Also they much less likely to have hormone problems, which is a big problem with this breed. Of all the male dogs I have had they all seem a bit dopier than the females.... they do seem to require more attention and affection, females being a bit more independant.
But it depends on what you are looking for in a dog.
I love both, but would rather own a male.
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