Dutch has incontinence issues

and Propalin has been prescribed for her, just wondering if anyone has used this and what they think of it
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Well.. this may be a fluke, but Max started taking it about a month ago, and , things got worse instead of better. His diapers were soaked in the morning, not just the usual dribble. But then he had begun drinking more too. With our Vet's advice, we decided to wait until after summer, when he typically drinks less, to try again.

Good luck!
I have never used it but, from what I have seen Proin
does work well with incontinence.
Maybe in younger dogs???
That really sucks... when was she spayed? When did she start having incontinence issues?
Willowsprite wrote:
That really sucks... when was she spayed? When did she start having incontinence issues?

She was spayed at 6months, just before we moved she wet my bed, and then I found a few wet spots on the floor and her hip and leg was all wet.
Since moving she has wet the bed once and a couple of times on the leather chair she likes to sleep on. Took me awhile to clue in . Since starting her on Propalin (almost a month ago) she has only done it once so hoping it will not be long term medicine thing. This is the first time in almost her 3 years that she has had any problems and other than going to the vet for the dog bites she has been sooo healthy
I know 2 dogs on proin, and both are doing well on it. One is an older basset, the other an 18 month old dobe. Both are spayed, but neither at an early age.
Bella is on Proin. She has been on it for almost a year and it really helps. My vet charges $28.00 for it, and I can get it as cheap as $12.95 online. I know you are in Canada where the meds are cheaper, but try these sites.

1-800-petmeds will meet all others prices. There is one other called Valley Vet supply. You can google that one.

It seems to worked fine for the spay incontinence. Bella didn't develop it until 1 year after the spay. Hang in there Jean. It's an easy fix. I wish Bella's chronic dry-eye was. SIGH.


www.petsuppliesdelivered.com ( Omaha Vaccine Co. )


I mentioned this post to John, and, he thought maybe it didn't work as well for Max because his problem is caused by an injury. I think he is most likely right on...

Hope this works well for Dutch, and all other "leakers"!
Keeping fingers crossed for Dutch and her leaks.

With spay incontinence it can take a few years after early spaying for the leaks to happen.

At dutchs age and still being quite young it sounds like it is spay incontinence if she was elderly you do sometimes get incontinence issues with age.

I cant remember what I had my old girl (peppa) on when we had old age leaky issues but some sort of tablet was given each day & it did make the old girl attractive to male dogs. Just a side effect of the incontinence medication. So just be aware of that with Dutch even though she is spayed, Peppa also had a bit of a discharge also while on the medication for her leaky issues.

Did they run tests also on Dutch a urine sample to rule out firstly a low grade UTI problem? Sometimes also it turns out to be that not spay incontinece, so low grade and not making them ill just every so often they leak unexpectably.
:( I have been worried about that as our new foster/adoptee
was spayed at 17 weeks :?
So far no problems but, I am not sure what the "side effects"
of such a young spay will be!
Sorry to change the subject...
We put Abigail on Proin last year (shortly after we adopted her). Abigail is somewhere between 9-11 years old. All I can say is the Proin works fabulously for her. She gets a 50mg pill twice a day....and no more puddles :D

Jennifer, Baxter, Cassiopia and Abigail
Thanks for the interest and info everyone . so far so good, no more incidents and the vet says if all stays good to only give it to her 2x a day for another month and then 1 once a day for a month and then we will try stopping the med and see what happens .So crossed paws and fingers please :lol:
Good to hear she is doing well on the meds! Marley is 4 and last year started having occassional leaks on the furniture. We did a ton of blood work and urinalysis and nothing came up, so we have propalin as a standby if it starts getting worse. Hope it works for both our ladies!
Good news. Hope it works well for you. :crossed:
Keep updating it great to know how these things go.
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