John passed away...

Hi Folks!

John, my girlfriend's sheepdog, died last saturday. He was almost 17 years old and had a long and joyous life here in Brazil.

He stopped eating about three weeks ago, and we had almost to force-feed him with baby food on a spoon. But last wednesday he had a brain stroke, and just went on crying, moaning and barking; so painful that we had to put him to sleep on saturday.

For those of you who had access to orkut, here's the link to his profile. He will be missed... ... 9083037040
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so sorry for your loss :ghug:
Seventeen years 8O How wonderful! I'd be celebrating his long life......after shedding many tears for a long time friend's passing.
John had a wonderful life! That is a very long life for a sheepie. You and girlfriend must have really made it worth living.

I know the two will miss him terribly. But know that he is at the bridge sending you kisses, until you meet again.
I am so sorry.... :cry:
So sorry to hear of your loss. :cry:
so sorry for your loss :cry:
I have looked at John's photo album and it is clear that he was loved very much. I'm sorry for your loss and for your girlfriend's loss.
I'm so saddened to hear of John's passing, he was a grand old man and very well loved. I looked at the photos of John Jose and he was just beautiful, I reallyliked the look on his face when he is all wet, sort of like, "hey who said you could dunk me?" Give your girlfriend a hug and tell her how sorry we are here at OES to hear of this grand old man's passing and via con dios John.
Sorry for your loss----it is always hard to lose our furry friends. Thoughts are with you and your girlfriend.
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful sheepie boy John.

I'm so sorry for your loss, but John had 17 wonderful years.
I am so , so sorry for your loss, and will be thinking about you and sending prayers.
I am so sorry....
Our thoughts are with you in this sad time.
Know that your baby is still near you on silent paws.
So sorry for your loss, remember the good times you had and it will help pull you through. :ghug:
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