Is there a registry of Old English sheep breeders where I could look up her name and info. Thanks! Nicole |
I'm not sure if this is the same woman or the same family but, there is a Joyce Stoltzfus who has legal action pending against her. She runs Puppy Love Kennel in Lancaster County, PA.
Please reference: There is a section on PA puppy mills. There are some amongst the Amish community that are causing huge problems breeding dogs. Please, please, please check into this very carefully. |
Please also contact on the breeder referral page. Someone will contact you regarding litters from breeders in your area that have to sign a breeding code of ethics form in order to be a member. (Actually I just checked the link - they are doing a lot of updates so please check back to get the contact info or see this section of the forum for direct contact info There are a lot of posts on this forum about "buying a puppy" that will also guide you in questions to ask your breeder, etc. |
Thanks everyone for all of your advice.
Nicole |
Hello all,
new to this site and thread, but anyone thinking of adopting an animal from Joyce Stoltzfus / Puppy Love kennels should run the other way. A local news Channel, Fox 29, just had a big expose (w/hidden cameras etc. ) on her horrific puppy mill operation in PA. From what I learned from a quick spin on Google and a conversation with an area animal rescue 'foster mom' Stoltzfus has been shamelessly mis-treating animals for years. The horror stories of this woman abound online. Here is one of many links - The news story mentioned several state agencies investigating her/ trying to shut her down. Hope this helps. Dave |
I highly recommend contacting the OESCA and also talking to owners/breeders/handlers at dogshows. Getting a referral to a reputable breeder is the best way to go! |
I checked the membership roster for the breeders name in question, and she's not a member in the OESCA. You are more than welcome to contact myself regarding finding a puppy. I am the Breeder Referral of the OESCA. Regards, Tarja Peters e-mail: |
Joyce Stoltzfus advertises on many dog web sites. Her kennel is now called CC Pets(formerly Puppy Love Kennels).
I have been notifying some of these dog web sites that one of their advertisers is a puppy mill under investigation; some care and some don't. actually forwarded her my email that I sent to them! There is also another breeder called Clearview cute puppies that you should stay clear of. It is run by a woman named Gloria Brandt who sells dogs for a man named Daniel Esh. He is another miller who had his license taken away. The best thing to do is adopt a dog from a shelter. Many shelters have pure breed dogs and there are a million pure breed dog rescue sites in every state. I have three dogs and one is adopted (border collie). He is amazing. If you really want to purchase a dog, every kennel, breeder must be licensed. Go to the department of agriculture for their state and find out if they in fact have a license and what their inspections have been like. I would also do a google search and see if they have any complaints against them. Many breeders lie about the parentage of the dog. Many are inbreed which causes a hole host of physical and emotional issues. Bottom line is any really good breeder will not ship a have to come and get them. Any good breeder will let you see the kennel and not have anything to hide. Any good breeder will let you see the parents of the dog. |
Forum Members,
This is exactly the sort of post I was decrying when I opened the “No To Anonymous Guest Postings” thread last week. Here is someone posting as a guest “in our house” spouting off opinions, which are very offensive, directly assault a number of our own members and some of which are in fact categorically wrong. Guests, even with a “handle” are unidentifiable and as such are unaccountable for what they say and cannot be sanctioned for such offensive babble! Guest: dogsrule. Who do you think you are, coming in here and “resurrecting” a long dormant thread to spout off your self-righteous drivel? Adopting a dog from a shelter is indeed a laudable thing to do but it is not necessarily “the best thing to do” for everyone. The fact is dogs adopted from shelters often have behavioural or medical problems that many people can afford neither the personal time, nor finances to correct. And that assumes that such problems are correctable in the first place, which is not always the case either. Shelter dogs generally have unknown histories and may pose a risk to children or the home itself. I thank and applaud everyone who rescues a dog from a shelter from the depths of my heart but I also understand that not everyone who wants a dog can do this. As to your “opinions” about good breeders: Well I hope you realize there are a number of well-respected breeders on this forum who you have grievously offended. If you are so sure that every kennel must be licensed how about quoting your reference statues, be they federal, state/provincial or regional/municipal? Certainly large commercial kennels must be licensed in some jurisdictions but it is a far stretch from that to say every kennel must be licensed. A Google search on a kennel is just one way of investigating the kennel. So too is asking a question about a specific breeder on forums such as this which have many members spread over the globe with experience with many, many breeders. Those experiences reflect the entire spectrum from absolutely excellent to desperately horrendous. This thread was originally opened by a registered member doing exactly that. There is also a discrepancy in your post when identifying the breeder originally referenced. "Your" Joyce Stoltzfus may or may not actually be Linda K Stoltzfus, perhaps you should have confirmed that and given appropriate proof before “jumping in”. "Good breeders don’t ship their dogs." Get real!! Many people cannot find a good kennel with available puppies, or even get a position on the waiting list locally and hence must seek a dog elsewhere. It is not necessarily practical, or even desirable to travel across the breadth of a 5000km wide country, shipping is often the only way of getting a desired puppy. Many on this forum, including myself have done exactly this and have been rewarded with excellent dogs, great breeder support and lifelong friendships. Lets see, by your standard in this respect a recent Westminster Group 7 winner is not a good breeder, nor are many other widely recognized breeders in the US and Canada, some of whom I know personally. I’m sure other members can vouch for many excellent breeders in their own countries who ship dogs. “Many breeders lie about the parentage of the dog.” This is an outright slanderous generalized allegation. In Canada the Animal Pedigree Act regulates the CKC’s registration of dogs. To “lie” about this in Canada exposes breeders who register their litters to charges, fines and imprisonment. I have no doubt that there are some less reputable breeders who will mis-represent their dog’s pedigrees but to say “many” is way out of line and is an unwarranted generalization. “Many are inbreed which causes a hole host of physical and emotional issues.” What are you actually trying to say here? It is so poorly written you may be saying the breeders are inbred. And on a side note the word you probably wanted was “ … a whole host…” Some dogs are indeed inbred and have resultant genetic illness but again your cavalier use of the word “many”. Many dogs are in fact “line bred”, but line bred and inbreed are not synonymous terms. Most breeds have some genetic pre-disposition to health and behavioural problems but it is the “good breeder” who immediately removes these dogs from their breeding programs once identified in an attempt to improve the breed as a whole. “Any good breeder will let you see the kennel and not have anything to hide.” Yes good breeders will do this, but equally so good breeders may well impose quarantine requirements on their visitors and not allow visitors prior to the puppies being inoculated and having developed both physical and mental strength to deal with new situations and people. At least you got this one half right! “Any good breeder will let you see the parents of the dog.” This is often simply impossible. It is in fact quite rare that a breeder will have both parents in their own kennels. If a breeder consistently has both the sire and dam in their own kennel that is, or should be, a “red flag” that there is a potential inbreeding situation. One of our own forum members recently had a litter and she used a sire from another kennel. That member will readily allow potential clients to visit her kennel, let the client meet both the puppies and the dam but she simply CANNOT show the sire. Does that in and of its self preclude her from being a “good breeder”? Your post says so! NOT on your life, and more importantly NOT on the life of the puppies she has carefully and responsibly bred. She IS a good breeder even without the sire in her kennel. “Bottom line is any really good breeder will not ship a have to come and get them.” Bottom line here is that whatever your intentions were in posting this message you have made serious errors, slandered many good people and offended many clients of good breeders. Perhaps your warnings about this breeder were well intentioned and valid but the rest of your post essentially negates the soundness of what you tried to say. If you want to have a serious discussion why not register and back up your “opinions” with fact? Sincerely Carl dogsrule wrote: Joyce Stoltzfus advertises on many dog web sites. Her kennel is now called CC Pets(formerly Puppy Love Kennels). I have been notifying some of these dog web sites that one of their advertisers is a puppy mill under investigation; some care and some don't. actually forwarded her my email that I sent to them! There is also another breeder called Clearview cute puppies that you should stay clear of. It is run by a woman named Gloria Brandt who sells dogs for a man named Daniel Esh. He is another miller who had his license taken away. The best thing to do is adopt a dog from a shelter. Many shelters have pure breed dogs and there are a million pure breed dog rescue sites in every state. I have three dogs and one is adopted (border collie). He is amazing. If you really want to purchase a dog, every kennel, breeder must be licensed. Go to the department of agriculture for their state and find out if they in fact have a license and what their inspections have been like. I would also do a google search and see if they have any complaints against them. Many breeders lie about the parentage of the dog. Many are inbreed which causes a hole host of physical and emotional issues. Bottom line is any really good breeder will not ship a have to come and get them. Any good breeder will let you see the kennel and not have anything to hide. Any good breeder will let you see the parents of the dog. |
Thank you Carl, from all us breeders of Sheepdogs.
I too took offense to this "Guest " statment. As a breeder I'm more then happy to help people find a reputable breeder to buy a healthy, normal puppy from if I do not have something myself. Barbara |
I don't think this person was out to offend at all, she just has a lot to learn. Ignorance does have a way of coming off that way, though. |
Are any of the people mentioned in Guest's post members here? |
I didn't see that post as offensive as all- in fact I agreed with many of the things said.
Puppy mills and bad breeders are a serious problem and I think unlicensed breeders who don't show the parents, lie about who the parents are, and ship their dogs are often the ones handing out sick and aggressive dogs. Sure there are exceptions but these sure are some warning signs. It is also silly to deny that there are MANY of these bad breeders out there, making the word "many" completely legitimate. I 100% agree that rescuing a dog from a shelter is the best thing to do. Sure they might have some health or behavior problems, but so does my purebred OES that came from a "reputable" breeder (who shipped my dog and has been caught lying about who the sire was in previous litters). There is also a severe pet overpopulation problem and hundreds of thousands of animals are being euthanized in this country every year. |
Personally, I think that rescues do a better job of placing dogs than most breeders....Even reputable ones.
How many good breeders do home visits and vet reference checks before placing a puppy? If I was getting a puppy, and a breeder did not at least do that to check ME out, I wouldn't get one from them. And if the reason is because the pup is being flown somewhere, then there should be someone in that area that can do it for the breeder. That way there is a contact in case the puppy has to go back to the breeder, who is across the country. If there were more good original placements of the puppies, then there would be a lot less dogs in rescue. In my opinion. |
I got the third degree from my breeder and she almost said no to me for not having a physical fence. She has since been to my home a few times and I don't think she has any regrets.... ![]() |
I want to disagree with the statement that rescue dogs have behavior and medical problems that adopters cannot deal with. Having done rescue for years I find that insulting, plain and simple. These kinds of statements make people not want to adopt a homeless animal. Too many dogs are bought from breeders good or bad .(I am not in that fight at this moment) and people do not know how to take care of or train that particular breed , where does the dog end up??? In a kill shelter or tied up in the backyard. Hopefully a rescue will step in. I have three such dogs .All dogs need training, grooming and socialization. One is now a therapy dog and all of my dogs are good with children, people and other dogs.No serious health issues either!!! These secondhand dogs make wonderful pets , so to make that statement is just NOT true. I am not be a breeder but I do rescue and I take offense with these kind of statements..... I really think this poster(dogs rule) was trying to help not hurt. Personally I would never purchase a dog if I did not meet the breeder face to face and view the kennels and dogs. I am quite happy with my rescues.
Cindy 4dognight |
I would like to agree with the first half of dogsrule's post. Those people are bad, bad people. Live in PA, heard all about them, seen the problems with my own two eyes. As for the second half of the post, get real!!!!!! |
I apologize to all the responsible breeders who were offended by my posting. I have had lots of experience with puppy mill rescues, spoken to many who have worked in pet stores, have helped with investigations and have interviewed many breeders. As for slander, well all of the information that I posted is a matter of public record. |
All of the information posted is accurate and a matter of public record. You can take a look on the Companion Animals Protection Society (CAPS) website and they will tell you the very same thing and more. How about the Human Society? Everyone is wrong and ignorant except for you Carl? Well maybe you are a very good breeder however, for every good breeder there are two bad ones. As for your statement about adopting shelter have no clue what you are talking about.
Dogsrule |
lovemysugar wrote: Her name is Linda K Stoltzfus she is located in Airville PA?
Is there a registry of Old English sheep breeders where I could look up her name and info. Thanks! Nicole I know this question was asked a while back but I believe this person now lives in Ickesburg PA and not only breeds oes but many other diff kinds of dogs including rotties dobermans etc. Quite an Amish puppy mill. |
If you want to find out information regarding Linda K. Stolzfus in PA, you can email and ask them if they have heard of her. Or you can call them directly 781-210-0938. They are very knowledgable about most of the kennels and breeders in PA.
Good luck. Dogsrule |
My Stella came from an Amish puppy mill, and I can assure you that these people do NOT care about the puppies they sell. Stella was sold off to a pet store where she sat in a window for 4 months, then when she was purchased for $900.00, the new owners had a large puppy on their hands who had no social skills, no training, and had only had the minimum of vet care. Needless to say, they had thier hands full, and I don't think they meant to be neglectful at first, but that's what they ended up doing. So now I have this wonderful dog that I truly love, but who also has had more than her fair share of behavioral issues due to the carelessness of the Amish breeders, the Pet store that bought her, and then the people who ended up with her after that who had no clue how to properly care for her. I wouldn't give Stella up for the world, but purchasing puppies from people like this only helps this cycle to repeat. People like this are the reason there is such a severe need for rescue groups. You don't have to go to the most expensive breeders if all you're looking for is a pet-quality dog, but at least go through someone who comes recommended by someone who truly knows the breed. Also, I wouldn't purchase a puppy unless you are provided with proof that the parents were health certified (hips and eyes minimum), especially a sheepdog who by nature can be prone to these problems. |
I read this and didn't catch the problem at first until I reread it this afternoon...
Quote: Joyce Stoltzfus may or may not actually be Linda K Stoltzfus Okay... so I'm confused. Are these two different people? One definitely had some big legal problems and was forced to pay restitution, penalties, investigative costs, etc. back in 2005 according to the Pennsylvania Attorney General's website. BUT the name doesn't appear to be the name of the person originally inquired about. This MUST to be set straight if these are two different people. "...Corbett said the restitution, fines and operating terms are part of a consent petition filed today in Commonwealth Court against Raymond and Joyce Stoltzfus, the owners of Puppy Love Kennel, 267 Riverview Road, Peach Bottom, Lancaster County..." There are 18 Stoltzfus' listed as USDA breeders in Pennsylvania so it appears the name is a popular one of breeders in Pennsylvania... USDA anyway. ... olders.txt Quote: The fact is dogs adopted from shelters often have behavioural or medical problems that many people can afford neither the personal time, nor finances to correct. And that assumes that such problems are correctable in the first place, which is not always the case either. Shelter dogs generally have unknown histories and may pose a risk to children or the home itself.
This statement I'm thinking was made in anger not ignorance. Fabulous dogs do indeed come from shelters and rescues both. Many are healthy as horses at least by the time they leave... others definitely are not. There are great dogs euthanized at shelters due to over breeding and careless breeding that tragically leads to too many dogs that no one wants. I think someone wanting to buy a dog that instead gets one from a rescue or shelter is doing the MOST responsible thing considering the situation in this country anyway. I hope someone can clarify the first part about the two people. It would not be fair if these are two separate individuals. |
The last name may be common because its the Amish country and the entire family may be involved with the breeding. They may be two different people, but same kennel and same family. No offense to anyone but the Amish are notorious for puppy milling and why that is I have no idea... |
Linda and Joyce are two different people. I am pretty sure Linda lives in Ickesburg, PA. I live near by and have seen the dogs and the kennels. They have all sorts of dogs. Rotties, dobermans, oes, and others. Theres two rows of kennels with runs. To me that is no life for a dog. Dogs should be with their people! But there you have it, thats my opinion!!!! |
Ashley wrote: The last name may be common because its the Amish country and the entire family may be involved with the breeding. They may be two different people, but same kennel and same family. No offense to anyone but the Amish are notorious for puppy milling and why that is I have no idea...
Because they see them not as pets or something to love and give love back, but as livestock to make a living off of. |
I appreciate the clarification. Two different people with massive numbers of dogs. Dogsrule HAD made a legitimate statement then?
Quote: Because they see them not as pets or something to love and give love back, but as livestock to make a living off of.
Sick, sick, sick. ![]() |
Hey Dave, Just wanted to add that I bought my pug from PUPPLE LOVE KENNEL from JOYCE STOLTZSFUS; within 1 hr and 15 min he was no longer energetic, happy, hungry, playful etc. but SICK, SICKER, and DYING with PARVO VIRUS. My Pug named "NO NAME" at the time because we didn't have him long enough to give home a name since he was in quarenteen and struggling to survive PARVO VIRUS. He was part of the Fox undercover news story. Joyce is the devil! After all my pug's pain and struggle to survive a disease that is so deadly, in addition to the additional thousands of dollars to scrape from opening 3 credit cards to fight for his life... MY PUUPY SURVIVED! Joyce is still up and running. Last I heard she changed the name to CC Pets. Should be called "Pick your breed; I have a slew; I have no soul and will take your money; the pup is most likely severely sick and many will die; I won't lose a seconds sleep over it; thank you and come again to my Killer Kennel"
bigdave wrote: Hello all, new to this site and thread, but anyone thinking of adopting an animal from Joyce Stoltzfus / Puppy Love kennels should run the other way. A local news Channel, Fox 29, just had a big expose (w/hidden cameras etc. ) on her horrific puppy mill operation in PA. From what I learned from a quick spin on Google and a conversation with an area animal rescue 'foster mom' Stoltzfus has been shamelessly mis-treating animals for years. The horror stories of this woman abound online. Here is one of many links - The news story mentioned several state agencies investigating her/ trying to shut her down. Hope this helps. Dave |
I personally know a breeder named Omar Stolzfus in Ickesburg, PA. He breeds Norwegian sheep dogs, Rotts, Dobes, Shelties, English Mastiffs, and has the boxers and some shelties as pets. Omar just took over the business for Ephraim. The kennels are gone there now because Omar moved closer to Millerstown. Some of the Rotts and Dobes are from Kimbertal lines, which could relate to the known puppymill investigation of CC Pets LLC (Puppy Love Kennels. |
We recently purchased our Bailee from Omar Stolzfus who has a kennel in Newport Pa, just North of Harrisburg. We drove to pick up our pup and we saw no indications of any horrendous environment. I noticed the name on the AKC Registration is "Linda Stolzfus." We have had Bailee for 2 weeks and he is doing exceptionally well. Our Vet was very pleased with his physical condition and he appears to be a very social and non-agressive pup. Housetraining is going exceptionally well also. I can't speak of "Joyce" but as far as Omar goes, we have no complaints (yet.) The pups were housed in a ranch type home with 3 stalls and a separate run for the parents who were on site and certainly did not appear to be in and distress |
We too visited and purchased an OES from Omar and Linda Stolzfus, Newport PA, in July 2008. The description of the kennel, housing and over-all environment given by baileesdad is very accurate. After visiting many breeders we were very pleased, as well as, impressed by what we saw. At that time, there were only two pups left out of a liter of 4. Both pups, along with the parents where in great condition, clean, well feed and groomed, playfully happy. We picked out a pup and bought him directly to our Vet. No problems what-so-ever. The pup was in great condition, very healthily, and appeared to be in good physiological order as well. The Vet was pleased and also chokingly mentioned that he thought our pup was going to a be "a big boy" when he grew up. Well, 2 years later, our pup (Omar Winston) is a very healthy 100 lbs and stands nearly 3 feet tall! He's our gentile giant, very intelligent and very sociable. We could not be happier with him. From day one he fit right into our family (a family of ![]() |
Given what some of the others have said about this person breeding multiple breeds, if you have a 3 foot tall Old English Sheepdog, something else may have crept into the gene pool because that's almost a foot taller than an OES really should be! |
I have been in touch with another individual here on the Forum who purchased a puppy from the same litter as Bailee and he is thriving and doing quite well. Bailee is 78 pounds, about 26 inches tall and is the nicest dog we have ever owned. He is extremely social and so far has been in exceptional health. We have no complaints what so ever with Omar & Linda Stoltzfus. |
ButtersStotch wrote: Given what some of the others have said about this person breeding multiple breeds, if you have a 3 foot tall Old English Sheepdog, something else may have crept into the gene pool because that's almost a foot taller than an OES really should be! It's my (new) understanding that an average OES is between 21 and 26 inches tall when measured from foot to shoulder. If one accounts for the neck and head, as I did, one would naturally get a larger measurement. Just to clarify, Omar Winston is 27 inches tall from foot to shoulder. Still above average but certainly not suspect to anything such as a corrupt gene pool. He's above average in character and Intelligence too - maybe it's an exceptional gene pool. In any event, I am extremely happy with him, as well as, the breeder I bought him from. All I wanted to do here is help answer the "anyone know this breeder" question, as well as, try to help a couple of good people like Linda and Omar from having their names tarnished by the actions of some-one else. Linda Stoltzfus and Joyce Stoltzfus are two different breeders. Linda and her husband Omar live and run their kennel in Newport, PA. Joyce and her husband Raymond operate their kennel in Peach Bottom, PA. Joyce and Raymond have been barred from registering litters with the AKC. Linda and Omar's puppy litters are registered with AKC. |
lovemysugar i would recomend what others have posted, Please contact, I was referred to a wonderful breeder and have my Beatrice for 8 years with no heath issues and the sweetest girl. She was in Michiagan, a bit a drive for you, but I have given her name out many times (Geraldine House). I also have OES Mix from a rescue, He came to me heart worms (Expensive Treatment). The rescue informed me he had them. The Rescue wanted my vets name and number to make sure I got Rolf treated correctly. Rolf has been a wonderfull pup. But again if you want a pup please use OES Club of America. |
Just for future puppy owners possibly reading this thread (not in direct response to the guest or other comments) registering a dog with AKC means virtually nothing. It is the breed club that sets the conformation standards for the breed, does breed health research and addresses problems or issues with the breed. The AKC is only a registry. That's why we deeply encourage people to only deal with breeders that are associated with the breed club, whether directly or recommended by the bred club, because they're the people most experienced in the breed and you can be sure you're not only starting your puppy's life out with a better chance of being healthy, but also that you're getting a dog that is a good representation of what the breed should actually be, both in temperament and conformation. I know we all love our dogs no matter what, but if you're paying money for an Old English Sheepdog, you should be getting a great Old English Sheepdog, not a discounted approximation of the breed. You're only doing yourself and the breed a disservice to settle for anything less. I don't say that to make anyone feel bad about where their dogs came from, only to give new puppy owners seeking advice something to consider so they get a great, healthy, beautiful dog as they make a first time decision. |
I know a OESCA breeder that has 2 female pups ready to go to homes She contacted me yesterday............ If someone is interested they can contact me and i will give you the breeders information. |
baileesdad wrote: I have been in touch with another individual here on the Forum who purchased a puppy from the same litter as Bailee and he is thriving and doing quite well. Bailee is 78 pounds, about 26 inches tall and is the nicest dog we have ever owned. He is extremely social and so far has been in exceptional health. We have no complaints what so ever with Omar & Linda Stoltzfus. Guest wrote: OES - a little brother for our Omar. And would most definitely buy him from Omar and Linda Stolzfus. "We too visited and purchased an OES from Omar and Linda Stolzfus, Newport PA, in July 2008. The description of the kennel, housing and over-all environment given by baileesdad is very accurate. After visiting many breeders we were very pleased, as well as, impressed by what we saw. At that time, there were only two pups left out of a liter of 4. Both pups, along with the parents where in great condition, clean, well feed and groomed, playfully happy. We picked out a pup and bought him directly to our Vet. No problems what-so-ever. The pup was in great condition, very healthily, and appeared to be in good physiological order as well. The Vet was pleased and also chokingly mentioned that he thought our pup was going to a be "a big boy" when he grew up. Well, 2 years later, our pup (Omar Winston) is a very healthy 100 lbs and stands nearly 3 feet tall! He's our gentile giant, very intelligent and very sociable. We could not be happier with him. From day one he fit right into our family (a family of ![]() Post Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:08 pm" The two posts I quoted about are accurate! Linda and Joyce are NOT The same person, and the breeders Omar and Linda Stoltzfus of Newport, PA do NOT have a puppy mill, and breed perfectly healthy OES puppies. We got out Sully from them, and he is happy, healthy, and a fantastic dog over all. Everyone who meets him loves him. |
Just found paperwork for a dog my dad had purchased aome years ago. i sudpected he was a puppy mill oes but came across the breeders name when I found the paperwork. We got our sheepdog from this linda that you speak of and he was most definately a puppy mill puppy. After 2 years and trips to cornell and almost $10k in testing it was found out that he had a brain disorder and had to be put down. The vet stated she belived he was a puppy mill puppy as he had numerous issues that are uncommon for the breed at that young of an age. Not sure if she is still breeding but wanted to pass along the i fo as i see she has a youtube page with numerous breeds of dogs |
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