Odd happenings

Well, I miss Mr Quinnie every single second of the day!
I have had so many things happen saying he is still near!
(sorry, if this sounds odd)
There have been a few things happen but, the oddest
are a Christmas card the groomer made for me in 2007
that keeps flying off of the fridge(3 times now)
Never happened before 8O
OK, this is the strangest...
We just got wireless internet so, I was cleaning the
keyboard on the older computer to use it again.
When I went to send an email the 5 key was stuck!
Quin means 5! 8O
Geesh I think the baby is near sending me signs...
Am I crazy???
OK, maybe I dont want that answered! :P
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No. Or, rather, if you are, you're not alone. :wink:

I swore my first OES was there for some time after she passed. Every so often I'd hear her tags jingle. One day, not that I noticed at the time, it stopped. Probably around the time I met Belle. Maybe she figured I was in good paws.

You may want to consider talking to an animal communicator. Talk to people where you and Marty train, chances are someone has used one and can give you a good recommendation.

You and he have unfinished business to discuss. I think I know what he wants to tell you, but one way or another, you'll figure it out.



The first couple of months were hard, we saw our big boy everywhere we looked and we frequently talked about what he'd do if he were with us. We still miss him.
No I dont think you're crazy. As per a previous post of mine here both mine came to visit me in dreams that were very real to tell me they were happy and healthy again. My last dalmo gave me his blessing on Rastus in the dream. And our very first dog used to visit me for a few months every time I went on his favorite walk. It was down a long deserted alley where I'd let them off lead as no cars and there was no where for them to get away. I'd hear him puffing along behind me and almost see him when I turned to look. I still get all choked up thinking about it. But it was comforting too. :)
Do you know the second signal if you are going crazy, HAIRS ON THE PALM OF YOUR HAND ! :wink:
I fell asleep on the lounge one night and dreamed of our boy, felt his weight on me when he jumped onto the lounge, he must have known we were having trouble coping with his loss......when I woke the next morning the whole thought the house smelt like he was still there and I know he was trying to comfort us and help us to let go......trying to tell us we will meet again when it's time.

if it helps you to see someone then do it ....if you have a spiritualist church nearby maybe they can recommend someone.
No, You are not crazy.
I mourned for Fergie for such a long time.
The funny things we did together ect

If you are crazy then so am I. :wink:

I beleave that she has come back as our Snowy.
Other then color they are so much alike. :) :) :) :)
Nope, you're not crazy and your not alone on this one.

Here is what has happened in this house since losing our 2 cockers and OES this past couple of years.

Now if anyone sounds crazy...it's going to be me. After our OES Roxy died back in 2007....a couple of weeks had passed and we had our 2 year old granddaughter over for the weekend. First let me add that she is special herself in that she see's see's/hears children and people...or spirits if you will....but without going into alot of detail, let me get back to the story I was about to tell. This particular weekend she was here..her grandpa and she were sitting out on the front step together. They had just been a few houses down to pick a green apple off of the apple tree and she was holding her apple so I decided to go and get my camera to snap a few pictures. I took a couple...and in a couple days I downloaded them onto my old computer. I looked at the pictures a few days later and although I really liked how they turned out...the only thing I "didn't" like was that my husbands glasses had a reflection on them that i wished wasn't there. Anyway....as I made the picture alot bigger...I got to REALLY looking at the reflection in his lenses and I could NOT believe what I was seeing!!! I saw Max our 18 year old cocker who passed the 10 months earlier...and Roxy who had passed just two weeks earlier. Also in the reflection was another OES looking dog (we had only Roxy)....a face that appears to be that of a child...and one who looks like my husbands dad who has been gone for 20 years. Now, trust me when I say that I thought "I" was crazy even thinking I saw those things....but there was no mistake...I knew what I was seeing. Ok...so my hubby gets home a few minutes later and I'm sitting at my computer so all I said was "look at this and tell me what you see". (I had magnified the lense part only)...he looked at it for about 10 seconds and his mouth dropped to the floor. He said "OMG...that's Roxy and Max...and there's my dad"!!! So then I knew it wasn't just my imagination. After we both picked our jaws up off the floor...we thought about our granddaughter and how she seems to draw spirits to her....and figured that it made sense that these dogs and people showed up....when she was with us. THEN...I called my sister over who lived just round the corner and told her the same thing..."look at this and tell me what you see". She said "dogs". For weeks after that...we tried to find someone who could make the reflections clearer...I don't know what the correct term is...but just someone who specializes in photo's and such. I only have an 8x10 that we had printed...and the one on the old computer...i don't have the original off of the camera disk itself.... meaning I have the disk it was taken on...but the picture has been deleted from it. We finally gave up...but if we ever get our old computer up and running...I would post the pic for you all to see and tell me if you see what we see. We also hear on occasion panting...and running through the house at night.....I just think that's their way of letting us know they are near. :D

Sorry, I didn't mean to hyjack the post :oops:
Oh Kathy. You are not going crazy. I'm a firm believer! I could tell you stories...lots of stories, but I won't bore you.

I will tell you, I see Khobi (our siamese who passed in Dec) walking around the house, out of the corner of my eye all the time. Of course, when I look and focus, he isn't there.

Loved ones, be it upright or 4-legged, never leave us. And I for one, am glad.
I can tell you one after losing our OES Benji (rescue, came with the name).

I woke up in the morning to find a blanket laid out where he usually slept, and no one in my house knew how it got there. It only happen that one time shortly after he went to the bridge.
I love to hear the stories...
At least I know I am not alone.
Marty looks at me like I am a nut! :roll:

To add to my "5" story.....
I always have used 5 as one of
my lotto numbers and it was
picked twice on Saturday 8)
It was only fifteen dollars BUT,
it was odd!
I did ask Quin to go for the jackpot next time :lol:
Donner's Mom wrote:
I love to hear the stories...
At least I know I am not alone.
Marty looks at me like I am a nut! :roll:

To add to my "5" story.....
I always have used 5 as one of
my lotto numbers and it was
picked twice on Saturday 8)
It was only fifteen dollars BUT,
it was odd!
I did ask Quin to go for the jackpot next time :lol:

ONLY $15??????????? I think that's great! I'm thrilled when I get a free ticket!!!!
I believe in stuff like this. When my mom has lost a dog ...... 7 over the last 20 years. A picture frame falls to the round in the dining room, when they are there and always the week she gets their ashes back from the vet. This frame never has fallen any other time.
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