Ointment for minor cuts,bites etc,suggestions please.

I have had to keep Kismet and Summer apart lately.(Kismet is an 11 week old OES,Summer is a 16 month mini labradoodle)they are much the same size(this week,anyway) but they cannot play together without biting the living daylights out of each other.First I noticed some tiny sores on Kismets belly,just one side,under the begginning of her fur.So I bathed her and found all these tiny tooth marks.Then I started collar training,just putting a soft cat collar on her for a while each day to get her used to a collar.I took it off yesterday and she was filthy all aound the collar.And that area was greasy and stinky.So I washed just her neck in dog shampoo and she has a sort of soft scabbed area about 6 inches long and an inch wide.My son said Summer was being very vicious to Kissy and was growling and snarling and biting her in a very non playful manner when we left them home with him while we went shopping and Summer was biting Kismet on the collar and the grease was from Summers dirty mouth after eating,which is what it appeared to be to me,stinky meat grease.So I have split them up.Again.Permanently this time or at least untuil Kismet can slap Summer into line.Its not a problem as our yard area are divided into 4 different fenced areas so they can be easily kept apart with their own yards.And Kissy is mainly inside in the air con anyway.(Its pretty hot here presently).
Is this calling for a vets visit?No blood,just like what you get from wearing your shoes too long and they wear that sore spot into a pink almost scab?She goes to the vet next week for her first heartworm needle anyway.Should I wait and see how it goes?She is well,happy,(annoyed she cant play rough /or at all with Summer,)eating,cold nose,but is scratching the area.
Can anyone tell me an ointment to keep on hand ?Or can we use teatree oil or aloe vera on dogs?I have forgotten so much since we had a sheepie puppy before.
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Tea tree oil can be toxic if not known the correct mix so avoid putting that on your pupper. Aloe vera is OK especially if it is in places she can lick but will probably keep the area too moist and prevent the wounds from drying and scabbing up and healing, aloe is better for rashes, stings etc, it will sooth but if you have betadine solution that will be better as it has idodine in it to stop infection and help dry and heal. :wink:

Kismet is probably teething and nipping summer hard at the moment hence summer going in hard with Kissy in defence. So better to keep the play seperate and let them be together in the house supervised rather then running rough outside together till they adjust to each other.

Feed seperately too well away from each other till they sort out who is who in the Zoo. That way no jealousies or food aggression is formed while they are getting use to each other. Boundaries need to be learnt from them both with each other. :wink:
I'd go with Lisa's advice. My vet recommends Betadine (messy though) as it is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. He has also recommended savlon if you dont want orange betadine everywhere. Hope it heals up fast. :)
I took Kissy to the vet and it turns out she was allergic to the fabric her collar was made of and it wasnt Summers fault(Sorry Summer).She has antibiotics as it was superficially infected and cream.She actually laid there and let the vet clip around her neck to expose the sore area without a whimper.She is very laid back and docile.
Today theres no sign except for the clipped area,yesterday it was open,ered,crusty,sore,quite hideous.She has to wear sox to prevent scratching.
I do feed them apart and supervise them inside for a short while but they go to instant roughhousing these days so we are keeping them apart until I am sure Kissy is better and Summer learns some manners(might be a while).
Glad you got it sorted out and the simple solution was take the collar off.
What kind of collar was it? I havent heard of a collar allergy before. :?
Just your average cat collar or small dog collar from a pet store,cost $15 so just basic vinyl.
I wasnt leaving it on her as my post may have implied,I put it on for an hour or two then take it off but I think I accidenatlly left in on her overnight once and she no doubt got water under it as she cannot even try to just drink water,she has to dig to China first and water goes all over her then she lays in the puddle.The vet had no doubt it was the cheap collar and the water under that was the problem.She said as she is pretty allergic to get her a plain leather non dyed non painted collar just for walks(which we can start this Thursday at last).I am thinking a harness type may be better,she is obviously touchy round the neck area and more so now its shaved.
Wow, that's some allergy. Maybe a harness will be better, at least till the hair grows back. :D
i read this, and just wanted to say that for the first 6 months of their lives, Tonks and Luna were covered in small scabs from attacking each other (playfully). They still do the attacking, but I think their fur is long enough now that they cannot break each others skin!!! I'd hate to have to separate them when they have so much fun with each other; I'm glad you learned it was something else, and not the rough puppy play causing your problems.
I'm glad you've figured it out! For the future, I've used a cream called Buddy Boo-Boo that has worked really well on minor irritations and hot spots. I'm not sure if it's just a Canadian brand or not, but you could probably get something similar. It's a mix of tea tree oil (just a small amount), aloe and a few other things. It's soothing to the wound and the small isn't very pleasant so it deters them from licking.
Mel & Tucker wrote:
I'm glad you've figured it out! For the future, I've used a cream called Buddy Boo-Boo that has worked really well on minor irritations and hot spots. I'm not sure if it's just a Canadian brand or not, but you could probably get something similar. It's a mix of tea tree oil (just a small amount), aloe and a few other things. It's soothing to the wound and the small isn't very pleasant so it deters them from licking.

I haven't bought it, but I know we have it here too. I have bought other Buddy products.
We are darn near Canada though!
Another good ointment to have in your house great on dogs and non toxic is "Lucas Paw Paw ointment"

Woolsworths sells it, great for minor abrasions, rashes, stings dermatitis etc. If they lick it not harmfull :wink:
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