house training

Hi - if anyone can give me some tips on house training our 3.5 month old Sheep dog - Sherlock, it would be greatly appreciated. During the day it goes o.k. - but at night he pees about 4-5 times between 10 and 6 in the morning. We let him out twice at night - but still has 3-4 accidents in the house. We dont' crate him at night, b/c he is crated during the day while we are at work. I feel bad taking his water away - as he gets so thirsty - but we may have to start doing that. Any ideas??
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I would still crate him at night - make sure he has plenty of exercise when you get home - I found even playing fetch or chase in the house for 20 minutes before bed tired mine out when they were little.

I can't remember but I may have still been doing mid night walks (around 1 or 2 in the morning) with them at that age. I know we did with the Newf.
I would crate him at night too, and definitely take his water away by about 7 or 8 pm depending on how late you take him out for his last pee.....
Crate him. Make sure he is free of worms too as they can't be fully pottied trained if they have worms. I definitely was still making midnight & 3AM potty runs at that age!
I'd use the crate at night. If he's running lose at night, he's got very little bladder control and little training so he's definitely gonna pee on stuff at that age! It's safer for him in the crate and will also help in house training. Do you have someone letting him out during the day? How long is he in the crate for?

Don't feel bad about crating him. Just give him interesting things to do. Maybe a Kong filled with kibble and frozen peanut butter, toys that he can't chew hunks off of, again, like Kong or Nylabones.
I'm new to the forum and want to ask about how often an OES puppy pees normally. We had a gorgoeus Old English sheepdog for 13 years (she died many years ago but we have many fond memories of her) and I forget the potty training stage. We've just added a beautiful 11 week old Old English puppy to our family this week and she seems to pee a lot more than our boxer and dalmation did when they were puppies.
Also, our puppy loves to drink a lot. I've always felt a dog should have unlimited access to water at all times but after reading some posts am wondering if I should take away our puppies water at night?
We've only had her a week and she isn't making much effort to head to the door, preferring to pee in the hallway. I'm at home all day with her and seem to spend the day taking her in and out the door. Can anyone offer me advice on how I get her into some sort of routine and if and OES is more difficult to train than any other breed.
Peeing aside she's the most adorable puppy and has brought us so much happiness in the week she's been with us.
Actually I would say they are an easy breed to housebreak. The key is consistency. I have never had one in 24 years that ever barked or whined to be let out, unless it was on the middle of the night & they were sick. They have a decent sized bladder for a pup & can usually hold it longer than you would think. The first thing to do is make sure they are free of any kind of worms. As long as they might have worms, it is almost impossible to get them housebroken. Once that issue taken care of I would take them out about every hour or so when awake durning the day as well as: as soon as they wake up anytime, after eating, after playing, after grooming.....actually after anything that might have stimulated them. You want to make sure you go outside with them, have them on a lead even if your yard is fenced & as soon as they go PRAISE THEM BIG TIME and bring them inside. This way they get the idea that you are happy when they potty outside. As young dogs (I'd say at 6 months) mine would go out 1st thing in the morning & again an hour after their breakfast. Then they were kenneled during the day while we were at work (about 8-9 hours) with about 3 cups or so of water. They went out as soon as we got home, again about an hour after they ate their dinner & right before bedtime. They learned not to drink much of their water during the day while we were gone & did most of their water consumption while we were home as they figured out they would get more chances to go out. Of course when the weather is nicer, they are outside with us more but this pattern was used as a bare minimum.
Thank you so much for your reply and helpful tips, some of the things I'm doing already, but I'll make sure and worm our little lady tomorrow....and keep plodding on with potty training :D
Niki McIntyre wrote:
Hi - if anyone can give me some tips on house training our 3.5 month old Sheep dog - Sherlock, it would be greatly appreciated. During the day it goes o.k. - but at night he pees about 4-5 times between 10 and 6 in the morning. We let him out twice at night - but still has 3-4 accidents in the house. We dont' crate him at night, b/c he is crated during the day while we are at work. I feel bad taking his water away - as he gets so thirsty - but we may have to start doing that. Any ideas??

:?: do you have a fence?
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