ANTIFEEZE (AntiFreeze,Anti-Freeze)

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All antifreeze is poison to dogs. No matter what color. It is all acid based whether organic or not.
My friend that I grew up with lost his dog to that. The neighbors were so annoyed by the dogs barking they gave him a bowl of it.
Dogs love it because it smells and I assume tastes sweet.
Oh, how sad for your friend! :cry: I hope they pressed charges against the neighbor. How could someone be so cruel??? :twisted:

BTW, how the heck are you doing? When is the big day? Hayley Rose turned yet?

Hi Chris,
Yes they did report them to the police but I don't think anything came of it.
This was back in the early eighties. They said something like the dog got into their yard and drank it even though the dog never left his yard. Speaking of unspeakable neighbors... My husband's German Shepherd was killed by his neighbors. They threw rat poison pellets over the fence. This was when he was a kid. He had always wanted another German Shepherd, that is why we ended up rescuing Harley.
I am doing ok... I had tons of painful contractions yesterday though nothing progressive, also PMS like cramping and severe back pain. I called the Dr and he said to go to the hospital if the contractions start coming 5 minutes apart. They never got that far. Then last night when I laid down my whole upper body tensed up and I was in severe pain. I don't know if this was pregnancy related or caused by my Fibromyalgia, but it passed in about a 1/2 hour. Probably from the Fibromyalgia caused by the stress my body has been under.
Hayley has not changed positions yet. Stubborn just like both of her She has until tomorrow to move or we will be scheduled for the induction later this week. I'll update when I know more
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
All antifreeze is poison to dogs. No matter what color.
The "red antifreeze" to which I think shermansmomma is referring is not for cars but is designed for winterizing a home's (or a motorhome's) drinking water system. I know about this because I have winterized my RV myself with this stuff. The label clearly claims that it is non-toxic and safe to drink in small amounts, anyway.

It's also a ton cheaper than auto antifreeze which is a complicated substance with rust inhibitors and life extenders and on and on. I piad about $1.50 a gallon at Wal-Mart, but it was on sale from about $2.50. I think auto anti-freeze runs at least $5 a gallon, but I could be mistaken.

I'd hope that someone winterizing a home fresh water system would be using a non-toxic winterizer.
I was told the red is better to use by animal hospital. All I know is that my baby is alive and doing well. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad Sherman is okay! That is very scary. Thank you for posting the warning - we could all use reminders now and again.

Kristen, Presley & Sydney
shermansmomma wrote:
I was told the red is better to use by animal hospital. All I know is that my baby is alive and doing well. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm really gald Sherman is doing well!

I'm not sure from your post if the stuff he drank was red or not??
Thank You very much!!!!
Do you know if the stuff that Sherman got into was the red stuff or was it something else?
It was the green stuff. The nasty toxic stuff.
So glad to hear Sherman's doing well! It's a scary thing when they get into things they aren't supposed to.
How frightening! Not many survive drinking green antifreeze. Even a teaspoon of it can kill. I'm so glad he's ok!
Can I ask a dumb question? Why would anyone have/store antifreeze INSIDE their house? That's like storing paint, paint thinners etc in the house too. Store it in the garage, or shed, and if you don't have either, you probably didn't need it to begin with! Since I am reletively new to homeownership, how do you winterize your house with it?
I'm glad to hear Sherman is now okay... It must have been very scary for you. These guys are like babies, you know that if they are quiet for a while they are getting into some kind of trouble :lol:

It's a good thing you rushed to the vet and now he's OK. Send him a belly rub from us.
jsmarcus, I was actually thinking the same thing, I've never even heard of using antifreeze in a home?
Sorry I didn't answer this question more quickly.

The red antifreeze for winterization is used when the heat in the building or RV will be shut off for the winter. Any water left in the house would freeze, and would most likely burst anything holding that water, including your home's pipes. The antifreeze is used to displace any remaining water in sinks, tubs, showers and toilet bowls, displacing the water in the traps. It also should be drawn into dishwashers and clothes washing machines as these uints also have water trapped inside them.

Since the antifreeze remains in the house, accessible to animals (especially the large porcelain drinking bowls of which so many dogs are fond :roll: ) the antifreeze has to be non-toxic.

In a house, the water systems are quite large with gallons and gallons of volume inside the pipes. In a home therefore, first the water is drained from the system and usually the pipes are "blown out" with compressed air. In an RV, the water systems are tiny, and therefore it is economical to simply draw this antifreeze through the whole system, through the "pipes" (actually specialty plastic hose), except for water filters and the water heater. It is also poured down all traps, fills the toilet bowl and into the water storage tanks (including the fresh water tank, and both the grey and black wastewater tanks).
jsmarcus, I was actually thinking the same thing, I've never even heard of using antifreeze in a home?
Not here, sorry guys, we have the a/c on. Yes, it is only March, but it is too humid. Having said that, we have other things to watch out for, fertilizer, bug killer...tourist traps :lol: !
Thanks for the explaination Ron :)
I'm still confused, tho. Wouldn't you be using the heat in the winter months? We have hot water baseboard heating and radiant floor heating. I suppose we could flush out the water system in the house, but we srtill live there...need to use the facilities and stay warm too. So what am I missing here? Is this a summer house that is being closed up for winter? And if so, wouldn't you not want daogs/people around when you are doing this? Don't want to have to give the pupper water or have a human use the bathroom after the pipes are treated, right?

I think treating the plumbing is for when you are closing up for the winter.
No one will be there to run the water and keep the pipes in running order. When the owners return the antifreeze gets flushed out.

Some people just don't think and the first thing they do upon returning to a closed up house is give the dog a drink.

P.S. jsmarcus, I'd like to move in with you. Radiant floor heating is one of my favorite things in the world!

I don't know how I missed this post earlier...How is Sherman doing? You must have had such a scare and please give your boy a big belly rub from me.

Thanks so much for the info you provided as it may save the life of a dog or cat in years to come.

Just a small thing to add, when we fill up our anti-freeze...make sure that none has dripped on the driveway as even a tiny amount will kill. In the summers I always hose down the driveway just in case...winters I go do it at the gas station.

I hope Sherman is much better and thanks again for posting this.
sorry for your pet.the will not prevent water from replaces the water in rv water lines.turns to slush.antifreeze is used in drains and toilets to keep from freeze brake age
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