Hi all!

HI all it has been awhile! I was just sitting here watching the inaguration (I know how exciting) and thought I would pop in to say HI! Drake is doing well and is such a clown. We had a couple of issues over the holidays but all is well now. One thing that happened is that my son and Drake were playing and my son ending ended up needing four stitches in his ear. Drake did not bite it for there was no bite marks but we think he grabbed it at the same time my son pulled away ripping it. We ended up at the emergency room and then Drake had to go on quarintine at my house for 10 days. Drake could not be around other animals and could only go outside to go to the bathroom with a responsible adult. From what I understand this is required by state law anytime anyone visits an emergency room because of an animal bite. At the end of the 10 days I had to have Drake visit the Vet to be checked out for signs of rabies and good health.. The doctors said they could tell it as not due to aggresion because of the lack of actual bite makes and the way the ear was torn but they had to report it anyway. So I guess Drake now has a record with the county animal control. My sons ear has healed nicely and all is well in my house again. Drake and my son are back to being best buddies except for wrestling with each other like litter mates 8)
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Sorry to hear about all of your trauma, hopefully you won't ever have to go through that again. You need to get your son one of those boxing helmets so Drake doesn't act like Mike Tyson again!! :lol:
I meant to post earlier and offer my condolences. I'm glad things are back buddy buddy.

(Next time, we'll all know better than to mention teeth to the hospital if at all possible....)
A friend of mine went through something similar, and their dog's teeth happened to catch on the baby's lip when the dog was kissing her. They went up to the hospital because it was bleeding so much, but no stitches were required. They made the mother feel like a criminal! Asking so many questions about the dog, and proof of shots and everything, which is understandable of course, but she said the way they did it made her feel horrible. She also had to quarantine her dog to a crate for ten days, only allowed out when the baby was in bed etc.
Everything turned out fine though....
Hi Intradan,

We've missed you at this site! Hope your son is recovering nicely and Drake is acting "sheepishly" now.

In my area they changed the laws a couple years ago and whereas before they had a "one bite law" meaning a dog was allowed one bite in his lifetime. They no longer have this allowance, regardless of the circumstance...all dogs that bite even one time need to be put down. :cry:

Your story made me think again how foolish this law is, as there is a huge difference between an accident in play and one of full out aggression. Sounds like Drake was just a little rumbunctious. Shaggy once nipped my two year old - the first and only time in her life. He was pulling her tail (yes, a sheepie with a tail)and my repeated attempts to tell him to stop fell on deaf ears. I removed him but when he returned he did the same thing...she nipped him on his foot. He never did it again , nor did she.

I'm glad your son is okay, give both your fellows a pat on the head from me!

Verveup!! Ha Ha! Your post just cracked me up! Yup ..good idea!

Marianne and the boys
Hi Intradan,

I am sorry to hear about your son and Drake. Your posts have been missed. I am glad that Drake and your son are back to being best buds again. :wink:

Stormi and co.
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