Aggression is spoiling our walks!


Our one and a half year old male, Dave, has started being agressive over the last few months. Having spoken to my vet, we decided to have him castrated, although he showed no other 'male behaviours' (ie humping etc! and i was a bit reluctant) the vet thought it would be better for him anyway.

My husband took him today to have his stiches out and he had a go at another dog in the vets. He growls and moves towards them, and would have a go if we let him. He seems to give something out, because even before we hear anything some dogs will whimper.

He is so loveable and playful and obedient in terms of recall, sit, down etc - that is is hard to beleive he is an aggressive dog! I don't know what to do with him as it's really put a damper on our walks, i keep him on the lead and our other dog runs around looking a bit lost without him. They did go to the local park weekly, and then around the fields where we may or may not see other dogs daily. I do wonder if he needs more socialising, but i'm a bit scared now!

The second thing is that over the last 6 months our second dog, Molly (3 year old OES) has started barking at everything, other dogs, bicycles and men....even tree stumps (she was never the brightest!). I think it is probably cause and effect, but i'm so down about it. I makes me so edgy when i take them out.

I have contacted a trainer, but it is so expensive i have put it off so far.
Advice please
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I never take my dogs off lead and would never do so unless I knew they had rocket recall. They are too easily distracted. I know it is different over there, but we also have leash laws. I haven't even been to a dog park yet, and my female is too dog aggressive to trust off lead anywhere.

Keep looking for a trainer or some videos you can work your dogs with...ultimately you will be doing the training.
lets reword your concern - your dog is reactive to other dogs. why do you think that is?

have you read Leslie Mcdevitts book control unleashed? if not you should and in the meantime get on her yahoo list. she really works wonders with reactive dogs.

you need to figure out what is causing this behavior - is your dog really a bully (aggressive), is he nervous and putting on a big scary front, or is it something else?

the edgy part actually feeds into his reactivity and makes him act worse. the best thing you can do for the two of you until you get a handle on this is avoid the other dogs and situations that make him and your girl reactive. she sounds like she might have an eyesight issue - but I have to say when my girl was over stressed by me taking her to a sheepie get together where she was put so overthreshold, she began barking at firehydrants in gas station rest areas! so it may be something else.

take a deeep breath and relax!!! its the best thing the expensive trainers ever told me - over and over again.
I know you'll get lots of great advice from some very experienced people here on the forum.
But dont be too downhearted about the desexing yet. I read somewhere that it takes a while after the op for the dog's testosterone levels to go down.
Sorry I cant remember how long "a while" is.
I think desexing helps but is not the whole answer, as per the previous post you need some behaviour modification now.
My Dalmo is a bit reactive. He hurt his back a few years ago and now when big dogs come up to him he is scared they'll hurt him so sometimes he gets in first so to speak.
I was taught first not to be stressed myself. I know exactly how you feel. It got to the point where I was the reactive one and freaked out on walks :oops:
I also carry his favorite treats so that he comes back immediately (usually) and this has worked well for me.
Do you have an obedience club that runs group sessions nearby. They're cheaper and your boy gets to practise around other dogs. That worked for us.
Good luck and dont panic it took time and patience but my Dalmo is lots better now.
Jade wrote:

i keep him on the lead and our other dog runs around looking a bit lost without him. They did go to the local park weekly, and then around the fields where we may or may not see other dogs daily. I do wonder if he needs more socialising, but i'm a bit scared now!

Personally, I think the dog park is a good socialization tool - we have dogs at the park who were either afraid or a bit aggressive (probably out of fear of other dogs) or just needed some time around other dogs to build their confidence. Patch loves the park - I just paid her membership dues last month; she especially likes to chase (herd) and gets some really good exercise. You might just try the park more often where there are other dogs and maybe your dog will relax a bit and get along better with his fellow dogs.
also if you take him to the park, keeping him on leash can lead to leash aggression issues (goggle it there is alot out there about the issue)
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