Guinea Pig has an eye problem


Okay we have two guinea pigs, both adult females. One I got from the paper, came with everything. The other I got from the spca. Their names are Squeakers and Tansie. They are so sweet, and affectionate. Squeakers is smooth and Tansie if long haired. Tansie's age is unknown since she came from the shelter, they estimate 2-3.

Well today I was checking them out, cleaning the cage and giving them their fresh veggies...they go crazy for parsley. Anyways, Squeakers has a clouded eye, with a tiny white spot on it. the whites of the eye is bloodshot. I have been pretty busy, so they haven't been held for a few days, I'm not sure when this showed up first. Anyways, I made a vet appt, and a dr appt for myself on Friday. She should be 4 yrs old this spring/summer.

I'm hoping it's nothing major, or causes her any disscomfort...she's my daughter's favorite and she'd be crushed if she took ill. She looks just like the guinea pig on the blockbuster comercials.
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No vet around here will even see guinea pigs.... :evil: as mentioned in another post of mine .... you are lucky if you have found a vet who will, and knows how to, treat guinea pigs. I have no idea what it could be if there are no other symptoms, sounds like maybe a scratch, or something got in it. I don't think guinea pigs get cataracts, but who knows?
You may want to take it to the vet before friday. It sounds like there is an ulcer on the eye.
That's what they said too, is it painful?

The truck will be in shop, and I can't get in until we have it back. So Thursday would be my earliest, they said if I can come earlier they'd squeeze me in. One vet at the clinic deals with all the small exotic animals, she consulted him before telling me what she thought.

I just hope she'll be okay for an extra few days. I don't want her suffering, as it is she eats and is acting normal. Not hearing anything different in her squeaks.
It could be painful - but also because Guinnea Pigs are very susceptible to infections and they are difficult to treat successfully. Even if it wasn't an ulcer - it could be an eye infection and/or cold - which could quickly become an upper respiratory infection.

I'm not trying to scare you - I just would hate to see something happen to her.

Do you have someone who can go and drop her off for you?

If it is an ulcer, and I'm saying IF..........she could lose her eye (remove).
How old is she anyway? Just wondering. How long do they live?

I was thinking about 2 years. Or that seems how long it was before we got new ones as kids.
I might be able to take care of it tommorrow, depends if hubby takes the truck. I'm waiting for him to get home, and see if I can. One vehicle sucks.

Guinea pigs have a lifespan up to 8yrs...I believe most live until 5. Squeakers should be 4 this summer. As with any animal the better life you give them, the longer they live.
Oopps, I hate using someone else computer. My post above.
Did the guinea pig go to the vet today?
Hi Daisie,

I'm sorry I missed this post earlier. How is the little one? I'm praying everything works out for you and Squeakers. I've had several of them..always had to have a friend for my Bunny. They are wonderful little affectionate and love the little squeals they give when they know you are bringing in food. Give them both a pat from me. Wishing you the best!

Oh also just saw the photos...beautiful!

What ever happened to Squeakers?? Did he ever make it to the vet?
my guinea pig has it too she is called peppers :wink: you gotta get her to the vet asap cos it could be diateties, cataracts or a ulcer. it can be caused by hay, rough handling or fighting. taking mine tomorrow after school,i hope she gets better and i hope mine does too thanks :D

good luck
take a look at the year..2005.

she had a scratch caused bt the hay, cleared up....passed away tho 2006...not related to the eye

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