I just wanted to share my heartache tonight. And I knew everyone here would understand. I left this morning on a trip to Mississipi with a friend to get away for the long weekend. My parents were watching Albert. Well I get a call after a while and they tell me that Albert is missing and they have searched the neighborhood several times, and called for him over and over and he hasn't shown up. Well I get a call a few hours after this, and they tell me that he came home, but he was breathing very irregularly and that they were going to call the vet. Well they end up taking him to the vet, and the Doc believes that there is some internal trauma. So he takes a lot of x-rays and blood work. And suggesting we travel to the vet that is an hour away for possible surgery. They call me with this news, and I turn right around and drive the six hours home (how I made it I have no idea...most of the time I was in tears, I think I am starting to understand how it feels to be a parent.) Anyway by the time I get home the doc has decided that surgery is not what he needs. And I am not clear on the rest of this, but I think he did something to take the fluid off of his lungs. They think that more than likely he was hit by a car. As of right now he is still in critcal condition, but he's doing better than earlier today. I just pray he pulls out of this. I am worried sick right now, and in complete distraught over it. Please Please pray. I know alot of people don't understand how much Albert means, and they think he is "only a dog" but he is such a big part of my life and I could not stand to lose him. Thanks for yalls support. |
Our heart goes out for you and Albert.
Take care. Albert is in our prayers |
Frank & I will be sending good thoughts your way. I'm sorry that you are going through this. He's a young boy so please have faith that age is on his side. Please keep us posted on his progress. Poor Albert. |
Hi Alberts Mommy,
I just happened to see your post (it's 2:47 am here) and really wanted to let you know my thoughts are with you. I'm devestated to hear what's happened to Albert and all of us that visit here will understand what you are going through. Nope Albert just isn't a dog , he's your boy and you love him so much that's obvious to all. If you need to chat to cry or vent ..anything I'm willing to be your sounding board. Feel free to call me anytime. I wish I knew all the right things to say and I pray that Albert will be okay and I'm so sorry you are going through this. Hugs Marianne |
Albert is not just a dog, he is a big part of you! Sending you hugs, prayers and support.... |
Prayers for Albert are going his way. |
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and Albert...
We were heartbroken to hear of your news, and pray for Alberts recovery... Please update us when you can Zahra |
Dear Alberts Mommy, I am truly sorry to read about Albert. I do believe in the power of pray and will say many for your sweet sheepie boy and you as well. |
I'm so sorry to hear about what's happened to Albert.... everyone here understands how much we worry for our fur babies, they are no different than any other member of our family. You and Albert are in our thoughts and prayers.... and he is young, it is amazing how resilient they can be and how quickly they bounce back.... *hugs* |
Thank you all SO much for your words. It means so much to have people here that really understand what you are going through.
The Vet called this morning to say that Albert was up and taking a few steps, but that he wanted to keep him for a little longer. I am going to visit him this afternoon. Hopefully he will pull through this very quickly and safely. Thanks again yall. |
Sending prayers for Albert to make a speedy recovery.It is hard when our babies are in distress,just know he loves you.Bless you. |
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I hope he pulls through too. I am sure he will be so happy and it will lift his spirits to see you today. I literally am almost in tears thinking about coming back from vacation with an accident like that. My prayers are with your baby. ((hugs))
Stay strong (not sure these are really words of comfort). ![]() |
all our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, be strong albert |
So sorry to hear about this.
Our thoughts and prayers will be with you and albert tonight. |
Well the visit went really well. He actually did a little "booty shake" when he saw me come in. Very good improvement according to the vet and mom. I took him his favrite bear to sleep with, too. He is still on fluids and antibiotics and will stay there one more night, and should be able to come home tomorrow. He sounds horrible when he breathes, it's very raspy, but the vet says that this should go away in 3 to 4 days. So if tonight goes well, I will have my baby back to celebrate a late bday tomorrow! woohoo! thank you all for your support! |
Oh I'm so happy to hear this news!!! It's wonderful!! Me and the boys are going to do a little happy dance now! Thanks for getting back to us and take care of yourself! Marianne and the boys |
I am so very happy for you and Albert. I know you will rest easier with him home.Oh,and Happy Belated B'day to your fuzzy guy! Keep us posted. |
I am so happy that Albert is doing better, I can't imagine what the past several hours have been like for you....and him. You are all in my thought and prayers, and give Albert a big birthday hug from me, Jack and Annie. ![]() Stormi and co. |
Alberts Mommy, so glad to hear Albert's doing so well, and apologies for not posting sooner - just read the post tonight (Sunday).
It's good to hear that at least nothing is broken (bones), and his age is definitely a plus in his recovery. I just can't imagine someone being so hard-hearted as to hit a dog that big and just drive away. ![]() Will keep you and Albert in my thoughts and prayers. Give him an extra belly rub from me and Drez. Chris |
Henry and I are praying for Albert today. |
That has got to be the worst feeling, I'm so sorry for you and the family. I really hope he makes a speedy recovery and stays away from all vehicles now. How does the long term prognosses look? Will he always have problems with his breathing? I sure hope not, I really wish a full and speady recovery for Albert...by the way that's my dad's name. ![]() |
My heart goes out to you! I'm sending much White Light to Albert! He will be in my thoughts and prayers! Hang in there and keep the faith!
Hugs! Kristen |
Please give Albert a big hug from JuJu's mom. Thank goodness he is getting better!! From Jules's family: Jules, Jenny, Mom, Dad and three uprights ![]() |
Norman and Carl are sending thoughts and prayers your way tonight. They also say not to worry, sheepdogs are big and strong!! |
So sorry to hear about Albert. Glad to hear that he seems to be feeling better. It is just amazing at what they can take and keep on ticking. Keep us posted as to his progress! |
How is Albert doing this morning? Is he coming home today? |
hows albert ive been thinking about him all day hope everything is ok bobsmum |
Albert's Mommy...just read your message...the news just took the breath out of me...soooo sorry for your fella & hope he's back to feeling better real soon! Sending hugs to you ((both)) |
We´re so sorry to hear about all this... but happy he´s recovering well. I know what you mean when you said you were in tears. I don´t have kids but my 2 oes are just like it. When Lennon broke his shoulder I couldn´t stop crying .... but they´re very strong... sometime more than we think!
Thank God he´s recovering.... =) |
Farley and his moms are sending lots of good wishes to Albert. Hope he recovers quickly and is back to good wingling form asap. ![]() |
Well it's almost 12 and still no call from Dr. Baxley ![]() |
Oh,please keep us informed as soon as you know something.Sending extra good thoughts for you and Albert on his big day. |
You have more patience than me. The poor Doc would be begging me to come get Pud, I would have called at least five times already today ![]() |
YEA!!!! Albert is finally home! The doc says that we should keep his activity level very low until he gets his strength back. (A very big task) He is on antibiotics and his breathing is still pretty raspy, but he should make a full recovery in the next week! I am sooo glad to have him home! He is not completely back to his old goofy self, but I'm sure that'll change as he gets better. Thank you all so much for your care and concern. It means so much to me. And I think he knows yall sent all those hugs and belly rubs his way. That's all he's wanted since he's been home, but I don't mind one bit ![]() |
Oh, Betsy. I take him to Dr. Baxleys Animal Hospital right here in Sylacauga. It's not a very big clinic at all, but I love Dr. Baxley, he is so wonderful with Albert, he is so selfless in his care. |
Whew! Thanks for the good news and I'm sure Albert will be back to himself in no time at all! |
I have found that the smaller clinics have the Drs that are willing to go the extra mile! Our vet is in Centreville/Brent and I have had to call her in an emergency and she traveled over an hour to get back to the Vet Hospital and didn't charge me emergency rates ![]() |
Yay! Welcome home to Albert!!! ![]() |
<Big Sigh> Thank God Albert is going to be okay! What a horrible scare you've all had! He is one lucky boy!
Hugs to you - it will take some time for you to get over this as well (Albert will probably heal faster!). I hope your parents are doing okay - they must have been devastated. Glad Albert is home!!! What a great birthday present for him! Kristen |
Thank goodness he is alright.He will heal much faster now that he is home and with his mommy. You also will rest much better knowing he is right by your side.Did the doc say,what his injury was? |
i am so glad i got to read this after albert was home and safe...
walter and i wish him a speedy recovery! |
i am so glad i got to read this after albert was home and safe...
walter and i wish him a speedy recovery! |
How is Albert doing? |
He's done really well today. The only time I had a little trouble keeping him from getting riled up was when Adam (my brother) got home. He loves Adam, and unfortunatley Adam will be leaving this Sunday for Marine Boot Camp ![]() ![]() |
AlbertsMommy wrote: He's done really well today. The only time I had a little trouble keeping him from getting riled up was when Adam (my brother) got home. He loves Adam, and unfortunatley Adam will be leaving this Sunday for Marine Boot Camp
![]() ![]() Glad Albert is doing better! My thoughts and prayers for Albert's continued recovery! White light for Adam - may he have a safe and successful journey! -Kristen |
I'm so glad that Albert is home and recovering. It is not easy dealing with an injured or sick dog. Hang in there! |
I saw this post and my heart sank. I am so glad Albert is getting better.
Good Luck to you and Albert! |
I just saw this post (I'm sorry I didnt reply sooner) and I am relieved to hear that Albert is doing fine. I know how scared you must have felt, having gone thru this last year losing Merlin.
Hugs to you and Albert |
Go Albert, GO!
I'm really glad to hear that he is recovering now. Like Danita said, these guys are very strong. Lennon and Sofa send hugs and wish him a very speedy recovery. |
Bravo! And good wishes for your brother too.By the way,I am in La.,not too far fro Al. We go thru Al.,every year in route to Orlando and a very dear friend of mine lives in Destin.Take care of Albert,he looks like a love bunny. |
Thank you all so much for your concern.
He woke up very "mopey" this morning. He didn't want to walk downstairs, when I finally coaxed him to we went outside for him to tee-tee. After he was through he just stood there, he didn't want to walk around the yard or anything. Very strange for Albert. This morning he has done nothing put move from place to place in the house sleeping. And he has been doing that horrible cough all morning. Is it possible that the antibiotics make him sleepy? Or am I just being a worry-wart. I got Adam to help me check his gums last night, because I was worried he might not be getting enough oxygen. They were fine, and Adam told me "Brooke how would you feel if you had a punctured lung?" So I guess he has a point. I just have to give Albert time to heal. |
Hi Brooke:
No, you are not being a "worry wart". You are understandably very concerned about your dog. As for him being "mopey". Just monitor him. If he was hit by a car, his muscles are probably very sore. It will take a while for him to get back to his usual bouncy self. Give him time to sleep and heal. Or course an extra belly rub or ear rub probably wouldn't hurt.... Looking forward to hearing that Albert is back on his feet and running around soon. Jennifer |
When Lennon broke his shoulder, he rested for the first 3 days and was knocked out by the pain relievers and muscle relaxators. He really did not move much and rested in his cage. It took him about 1 week to start walking around the house with 3 legs while he could support his weight in 4 legs again. Ask your vet how much excercise he should get and if he should be caged to reduce the movement and allow a faster recovery. Albert's probalby sore on the side that got hit, so give him time to heal and feel better. You are doing a great job worring about him and trying to see that he's got everything he needs to heal... If Danita could have had her way when Lennon had his accident, she would have slept on the floor by the cage the whole month ![]() |
Ahhh Albert. Hopefully by the next time you post, he's a little more lively. It's very possible that the sleepiness is coming from the antibiotics. He's been through a lot.
Poor Adam too. It's cold!!! Bootcamp is hell and a half, esp. his. ![]() ![]() |
Oh poor Albert... I hope he feels better soon! |
Poor Albert he (like others suggested) probably is really sore where he got hit by the car. As for the lungs , I know personally that if you've had anything happen to your lungs you (or in this case, Albert) fatiques easily. Going down a flight of stairs can tire you out. The good thing is, the lungs are one organ that heal themselves over time. It's it wonderful the response you've received!!! It just goes to show you that although some of us may not agree with the same things on this board..we all band together when it comes to helping one of our "own". I'm sure I speak for everyone here, that when news of Albert was first heard it was so sad for everyone as we feel we know him. I think everyone would react the same if it was one of our sheepies. Albert is awesome!! He brought everyone together! That's some boy you have!! Marianne |
Thank you so much for your responses. Albert seems to be better this afternoon. I guess the cold morning air and the sore bones was what the matter was. Thank you all so so so much for caring! Yall have all helped me have a little more peace about the whole ordeal. I wish I could hug every one of you, as corny as that sounds.
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Albert is probably more "achy" in the morning (or after long periods of being still). Soon - this will all be in the past and Albert will be back to himself. If you have any concerns - don't hesitate to contact the Vet - that's what they are there for!
Virtual HUGS! Kristen |
I am so glad to hear he is recovering, I hope he gets better by the minute. Keep us posted, we are all thinking of you. |
Hi! I'm sorry- I just now got to this post! What an emotional rollercoatser! I am so glad that Albert is recovering and has made it through! Big hugs and furry rubs from the kitty girls and me!
Karen ![]() |
I have an overabundance of guilt for finally have time to check the posts. So relieved that he's back with you. Give him time to re-coup. He's been through an awful lot and is probably just happy to be home with you! |
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