When to spay?

Jules is going through her first heat. She will be one on January 19th. I have heard that it is best to wait until after the second heat or is that rumor? If it is we will probably spay her in the next couple of months. We have been watching her like a hawk when she is in the backyard. Most of the time she is inside. When she comes in "on goes the doggie diaper". Also, does anyone know a round about figure for the procedure?
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I've heard spaying after the 1st heat (or before). I'm not sure about the 2nd heat issue. I'd have her spayed soon.

I think it depends on location as to cost - but I think it's around $200-300.

Good Luck!
This thread http://forum.oes.org/viewtopic.php?t=1668 has some great replies to the same question. I personally would spay at 6 months, or earlier if the pup is healthy and strong and heavy enough to handle the surgery.
Check out the following link
The arguments I've heard to wait until the 1st heat (or close to a year old) is relative to growth and development - and is particularly important if performing agility, etc. For the record - I'm not for or against either one. I think it's a matter of which "study" you agree with.

Presley & Sydney were both spayed at 6 months of age. Presley's growth was not hindered and who knows if Sydney's was! :wink:

Oh good - another HOT topic! :lol:

Thanks for the advice and links. I think I have decided to spay soon, possibly in Feb or March. I feel for the breeders who have to go through this every 6 months. It's been like having a two year old that you can't take your eyes off of when she is outside. I will let you guys know how the surgery goes when we do it. Anyway, all is well here and we are finally going to get some cold weather. Jules says yay! We have had 70-75 degree weather for 2 solid weeks. She likes it cold.
The risk of cancer decreases with the sooner you spay her. Reccomendation is before first heat or as soon as she can handle the surgery if I recall correctly: 70% reduction before first heat, 50% before second, 30% before 3rd.
I called my vet this morning to schedule Sribbles to be spayed. She would not take an appointment until she is 6 months old. Scribbles is about 147 weeks right now so I will just have to wait a couple months. About when do female puppies go into their first heat cycle? In the past I have had all male babies.
Scribbles in 14 weeks, my seven and four are sticking on my keyboard. Better fix that! :lol:
Scribbles wrote:
I called my vet this morning to schedule Sribbles to be spayed. She would not take an appointment until she is 6 months old. Scribbles is about 147 weeks right now so I will just have to wait a couple months. About when do female puppies go into their first heat cycle? In the past I have had all male babies.

6 months is typical for spaying - most Vets won't do it before then. She shouldn't go into heat before then (most likely around 10 months to one year).
saulmr wrote:
The risk of cancer decreases with the sooner you spay her. Reccomendation is before first heat or as soon as she can handle the surgery if I recall correctly: 70% reduction before first heat, 50% before second, 30% before 3rd.

Thanks for the reply. I was interested because of saulmrs' statement. I have had 6 female cats and I thought I spayed them around 6 months, right after their first cycle.
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