Excitement Pee

My Willow is a beautiful 18 month old Sheepie. She is my pride and joy. I really only have two concerns. The first is excitement pee. Willow pees everytime she greets someone. In addition to the peeing, she is a jumper. Any advice on how to quell the jumping and peeing?
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My guess would be that this is "submissive peeing". The jumping and peeing probably go hand in hand. This takes patience and consistent training.

My recommendation would be to make the "greeting" a "no big deal" event. Ignore her when you arrive and don't touch her at all (not even to push her away - she's looking for attention - negative or positive attention - it doesn't matter to them). Turn your back if she is about to jump and don't acknowledge her until she is sitting and once she is - reward her with praise and treats. To avoid the submissive peeing - avoid touching her on top of her head - instead touch her under her chin. You can train her by having people come in the house while you keep her on a leash - don't let them greet her until she has responded to your command to "SIT" - once she does - the person can greet her (wearing rubber shoes! :wink: ) and reward her with a treat. Anytime she jumps on you (or someone else) - tell her "OFF" and "SIT" and reward and praise her when she responds. Give her something to do - rather than tell her NOT to do something (i.e. instead of saying "NO" - give her a command that she CAN do).

I hope this is helpful. It is harder than it sounds - and I haven't put my money where my mouth is (with the jumping) - so hang in there and stick with it and you should see an improvement.

There's some great information in the book "The Dog Listener" - I highly recommend it!

Let me know if you have any luck.

EDIT: You can see this book at Amazon.com:
The Dog Listener: Learn How to Communicate with Your Dog for Willing Cooperation
Thanks for the advice. The jumping is definitely a tough one to break, but the peeing is the messier of the two. The vet had said she might out grow it, but being as though she is 18 months and she's still doing it, I don't think waiting for her to out grow it is an option.

Today is my first day posting a message. I've visited the site a few times as a guest. You guys are great. I love that there are so many people out there who love and adore their OESs as much as I do mine. They are a phenomenal breed.

Thanks again,

I don't think she'll out grow it either. Building Willow's confidence may help with the peeing - in addition to making the greeting less exciting.

Just thought I'd add that my Sydney's name was going to be Willow (I love that name!).

Glad you decided to post! I'm sure there are several people who have some more advice for you!

Willow has a cousin named Sydney (he's a miniature schnauzer). Its funny, I've only had Willow for a year and a half, but I had her name picked out years ago. I was in Ireland on a business trip and stayed in a family run hotel that had a resident sheep dog named Sparky. Sparky made such an impression on me that I swore once I had a house with a yard, I was going to get an OES. And sure enough, seven years later, I did. She is the greatest dog. Everytime we go to the vet, the doctor comments on how happy Willow is. She has the best personality (although she is a bit agressive when it comes to other dogs and food). How old is your Sydney? Is this your first sheepie?
Sydney is 3 years old and she's a rescue that I adopted through NEOESR when she was just 10 weeks old (she's deaf). She's not a "real" OES - more likely a Bearded Collie - but I haven't told her yet! :wink:
She shares me with her 5 year old OES sister, Presley. I've had OES my whole life - if I count Sydney as an OES, she's my 7th.

I love OES - but I've gotta say that in learning more about Beardies - they have really pulled at my heart strings as well!!!

Welcome to the forum and I look forward to hearing more stories about Willow!!!

Welcome to the forum Kris! :)
Willow sounds wonderful, and as Kristen said, with patience and consistency with training it should get better. My parents husky cross was a submissive peer for the first 2 years but he did "grow out of it" As he matured and became a calmer dog he no longer worried so much and now greets people calmly and quietly, no jumping, no peeing. It can be done!
I must admit, I'm partial to your pup's name :wink:
I noticed your user name, Willowsprite, as soon as I logged in to the forum. I had never met another dog named Willow before now. I've always loved the name. It fits her to a tee.

Thanks for the information on the OES who did eventually out grow the excitement pee. Its one problem I'll be more than happy to get rid of. I've tried training family and friends to ignore her when they first come in the house, but as they like to say, "how do you ignore a 78lb dog who jumps up to say hello?".

How long have you been an OES owner? Willow is my first one, but she's already convinced me that there is no better breed on the planet. She is always happy, extremely comical and entertaining, and just awesome.
Hi and welcome to the forum Kris!

I guess everyone else was faster than me with advise, so all I'll add is that we had the same problem with Sofa. With patience, consistency and love those problems were overcome. When we rescued her she was very jumpy and urinated when she was scared, now it only happens once in a blue moon. She's much better adjusted now, so there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Good Luck!
Actually, I don't have a dog named Willow, although I had a cat many years ago named Willow, she was a calico, but mostly white with a couple small orange patches and very little black. She had black eyeliner around her eyes and reminded me of Alice cooper...lol...
My username has been my screen name on the net for many many years...lol.....
Welcome to the forum, Kris! I'm Chris as well, mother to Drezzie, my 11 year old love of my life.

Drez also had the submissive peeing problem when she was younger. We adopted her when she was a little over 2, and she didn't outgrow the peeing until she was about 4 - sorry! At the time, we had never heard of submissive peeing, we just thought she got overly excited when company came. We never really did anything about it, just let nature run its course.

Drez is our 3rd sheepie. We've had sheepies for 25 years and I can't imagine owning any other breed. Oh sure, other dogs are cute and smart and precious, but they're just not sheepies! I have a friend who's a died-in-the-wool scottish terrier lover and no one can convince her there's any other breed on the planet. That pretty much sums up how I feel about sheepies - they are my heart.

The one thing I want to do in life before I die is name a puppy. All our dogs have been rescues who have come with their names. We've had Buford (a name I really loved - don't find too many of them!), Farley, and now Dresdan (Drezzie or Drez, for short). One name we picked out years ago for a puppy is Hoover - as in the vacuum, as in what they do when anything falls on the floor! Can't you just picture this big, fluffy dynamo with the name of Hoover?? Some day, some day.

Again, welcome to the forum. You'll love it here!

Hi Kris and welcome to this great forum! I had a problem with peeing puppy too. But she did it in her sleep. The vet prescribed antibiotics and they did not work. So he gave us a supplement (i think), for 30 days. She has not done it since. If you would like I can post the name of it so that you ask the vet about it and see what he thinks. I recommended it to someone else and would love to know if it helped them.
Hi Kris
Cassie is a 2 yr old OES/English Setter rescue...she has been with us a year. We think she was roughed up by tall men :evil: because that is the only time she had the submissive peeing problem. We have come a loooooog way in a year. Now, she rarely ever has a problem. I made these "wets" a nonissue..I told the fellas...my hubby & college age boys..all 6'-6'4 not to look at her/touch her/just ignore her when they entered the house. Cassie & I went on lots of field trips to pet stores, parks, flea market, festivals to interact with all sorts of people. We also went to pupper school...one that uses lots of positive reinforcement to boost her self concept...just like with children. We really worked at it & bless her heart she has done great! I read everything I could get my hands on...internet, rescue groups & dog trainers. The person that was the least helpful was my vet :roll: Just be patient :D
Hi Kris

just to make y'all laugh... When Woof was a puppy we had new neighbours move in next door. Woof managed to get out of our garden one time as I was leaving, and ran straight into next door's living room (where the neighbours were measuring up) ran around in circles and peed on the floor before running off!

I was very embarrassed, but they found it hilarious.....
You guys are all so great. Thanks for the tips and for sharing your stories. I'll hang in there and continue to be patient. I'm also going to try the ignoring trick many of you have suggested (even though it will be so hard not to give Willow her favorite toosh scratch when I first come in).

I'm so glad I joined the forum. I've read many of the postings and its amazing to me how so many of Willow's traits are standard to the breed. Did I mention she took it upon herself to remodel my kitchen when she was a puppy? She chewed up the baseboards and ripped the wall paper off the wall. The funny part is, I was planning to remodel the kitchen, but not until I had the money to do so. So for now, its a reminder that Willow didn't like the decor either. =)
Mikeyg, long time no see! Woof looks wonderful! You did a wonderful grooming job... when do we get to see more pics of your gorgeous boy?! :)
Willow's Mom, that is a cute story about her remodeling the kitchen for you.... you know you love your dog when...... :lol:
Ahh..dogs that remodel houses...

ours is a wreck. We haven't even begun to redecorate yet - Woof used to chew cupboard doors and the Chinchillas simply love stripping wallpaper.....

and hello to you Willowsprite! - I haven't downloaded any pix for a While as my msn groups thingy is already full! The last one I think is of him hogging our bed - just press my www button to see that....
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