Post your plans for Christmas

Talk y'all!!! :D

Are you guys ready for Christmas? Finished with your Christmas shopping?


Have lots of time off? Family coming in from far away or traveling to see them?

Getting too cold?

It's 70 here today, but it's supposed to drop in the 20's tonight and into the Christmas weekend. Can't wait!!!
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The holidays will be some time for us to catch up on some much needed rest in between visiting family & friends.

How about you? How is your fiance doing in Iraq? Will he be coming home soon? I feel bad for all the people stationed overseas not able to be with their loved ones, especially this time of year.
Our plans are pretty simple. I'm off for the week and maybe next week to be home with the kids while they are off school, and my husband is working pretty much non stop till Xmas day, his first day off in a very long time. He will be home with us xmas day only, then back to work boxing day. We'll be going to my parent's for dinner on boxing day (oh yeah, just remembered Americans don't have boxing day! :lol: ) It is the day after Xmas...
I almost never drink, but at this point I'm thinking I should invest in a bottle of Bailey's for my coffee.... :lol: 4 kids, 2 dogs, 3 cats and me. 8O
Seriously, I'm enjoying the time off to be with the dirt trolls, however I am glad that cold snap is over and we're up to a balmy -1 degrees, so I can kick them outside! :)
Verve, thanks for asking. He has his good days and bad. Yesterday, the chow hall (dining facility) was bombed and ~20 of soldiers and/or civilian workers were killed. The new scheduled date for him to come home is March 5th. He better come home before his wedding in May!!! lol It's starting to get cold there, and since they are doing a lot of traveling (in and out of Fallujah), they're sleeping outside.

He told me he's contemplated not drinking water until he gets a kidney stone JUST to come home. lol I told him I don't think the pain of a kidney stone would be worth it. ;)
Willowsprite, you'll have to pull out the apron and your husband's favorite foods the ONE day he has off. Poor guy. ;) At least you get to enjoy the time off with your kids! :)
He wants to order chinese food on Xmas day, who am I to argue that? LOL :lol:
Really?!?! lol

You got out easy! I love Chinese and what better day to splurge than on "Eat what you want" day (Christmas). I think you'll be the first family I know who has Chinese though. lol

We will be eating Korean food, but I'm Korean and that's our tradition. ;)
We do a traditional Christmas Eve dinner, that is the big night here. Italian traditional xmas foods, which is basically anything and everything, a huge spread of food, but all are pre prepared and frozen so I only have to heat everything in crocks pots, stick finger foods in the oven, cut fresh veggies and fruit, and cheeses and meats. The food is prepared over 7 courses thoughout the evening, we invite friends over who stop by at different times for food, or a drink, or a quick hello. At least that is normally what we do. This year however, we are downsizing it, my husband has to work all day, and we basically just want to spend the evening with the kids, maybe watch a movie, play some games. We think a few people may stop by briefly, but we haven't actually invited anyone this year. LOL
Other family traditions include hunting something for supper that night, but that's not happening this year either. My son Tyler is disappointed at that one, he wanted fresh duck or goose. (yuck)
This Christmas will be a little slower this year. We will be at my dad's on Christmas eve, he has a get together of close family and friends and dresses up as Santa for pics and to hand everyone their presents. He does this every year and it is a blast. Then we usually have a huge gathering at our home for Christmas day, but this past year has left us a few family members short, and we will be enjoying Christmas day with my mom, stepdad, and my grandma. It will be nice and small, but there will be many missed. I doubt we have a big traditional meal, like we did for Thanksgiving, it will be downsized. Hopefully a little less cleaning, I know that sounded like a Bah-humbug didn't it....LOL
We hope everyone has a very happy holiday!

Stormi and co.
Our plans are pretty simple, too. Church on Christmas Eve, then a small buffet dinner afterwards. Christmas Day will be the big dinner with all the trimmings, but just us, my in-laws, and an elderly gentleman from our church who is alone and poor. I can't bear the thought of him sitting in his house alone on Christmas, and after all, isn't that what Christmas is about - sharing with those less fortunate than ourselves?

The weather in eastern PA has been so mixed. Last week-end we had bitter cold and strong winds, and today is was over 40 deg! No snow yet, don't think there will be any for Christmas. In a perfect world, we'd get some on Christmas Eve, and again on Christmas Day, then it would be gone by Dec 26!

We now refer to Christmas as The Running of the Gauntlet. On the 24th we visit with my dad because he and I are both in emergency services; I work Christmas eve and he works Christmas day. Then on the big day, as soon as I get home from work in the morning, we have to run from my granparent's house to my mom's house to a friend's house for drinks (thank heaven!) and finish the day at my husband's parents. It gets crazy.
The good part, I don't have to cook or clean and we get leftovers at every stop!
Christmas is pretty new to me. I'm Jewish, my husband of 1 1/2 years is Christian. Last year we had our first Christmas tree!

We didn't get one this year, because we're sure Pirate, still being a baby, will be walking into it and knocking it over.

Saturday the kids (19 and 20) will be home from school and we will have a big celebration. We are combining, Christmas, Chanukah, Pirate's first birthday (Dec 25th) and Molly's eighth birthday (Jan. 8.).

We'll have (are you ready for this???) a honey baked ham, potato latkes, green bean casserole, and a "ground turkey" birthday cake for the dogs!

Oh...and I hope to work in lots o' booze!

Very happy holiday wishes to all of you! Hope you all get shiny red Schwinns! :lol:

Christmas Eve my bestest friend and I traditionally go to the barn and ride our horses, then have dinner and exchange gifts. But tomorrow it's supposed to be a HIGH of 7 degrees with wind chills of below zero. So I might be home tomorrow! But that's o.k. since I'm having my mom, my brother, my sister, bro-in-law and nephew for Christmas dinner. I'm making a dinner that was on the cooking show "30 Minute Meals" except this was her 60 minute turkey dinner. Fingers crossed it turns out!

Deborah, tell Baby P. happy birfday from his auntie.

I hope you all have a safe and healthy holiday. Give all sheepies a kiss from me.
Well, this is our 1st christmas together as a married couple, and I'm a little ummed as Mike works both days 5am-5pm. But it is also 1,000 times better then last year, as Mike was still in stationed in Bosnia last Christmas.

So, I will probably spend chrstmas eve and christmas day baking cookies and candies and rolls (for dinner christmas day). Then when Mike gets home Christmas eve, we'll head over to his parents to celebrate, then come home and open our family presents.

Christams day dinner will be spent at my parents.

Pretty straightforward ;)

Karen :)
Lee and I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and every year we try to do a couple of things to enliven the spirit of the season.

A childhood memory of mine was that my mum would take us kids to SF to a store called the City of Paris, they had the biggest REAL Christmas tree in the store, and it was actually decorated with real bikes and full size drums and dolls and the like, it was very exciting for kids to see, like a fantasy. Since Lee and I have been together we have continued this tradition, we take BART or the train to the City and go to Union Square and see the lights and shop (window) at all the stores and now Neiman Marcus is in the old City of Paris store they too have a huge tree, not exactly like the old one (it's artifical and they use ornaments), but still exciting all the same. It really helps to get us into the spirit of the season. I try to purchase a couple of ornaments for my tree and we have lunch and walk and walk and walk.

On Christmas Day my husband is fond of the quiche that I make and asks each year that I make it for Christmas breakfast, so I do, he buys some fresh crab and I make a crab, mushroom and cheese quiche for him. Each year I plan a different special meal for my small family, this year I bought a leg of lamb and I will have that with mashers and veggies and fresh rolls. I put more focus on the family being together than the gift thing. I never had kids so it is more about adults and when you get this old (getting older on Monday) things just don't seem as important, but the time spent with the family is more important.

Also, each year I try to make my freinds gifts, last year it was to knit scarfs for everyone, this year I cut out of copper and brass the shapes of leaves that I found during the year and hammered them to look like real leaves, and made refrigerator magnets. I am a jewelry artist and while I usually make it for people, I think you should also have jewelry for your home.... and who said that refrigerator magnets had to be ugly or dumb?

So here is wishing each and every sheepie and his two legged mom and dad and sibs all the best in the New Year and a very Merry Holiday Season! This year will be the first with Daisy, so it will be three adults and three sheepies, a full and happy house indeed!
My FI and his friends passed out toys, clothes, shoes, and bookbags for school to the kids. All donated from his mom's friends. Anywho, so this is a pic of them giving the kids an early Christmas.

another one. we're not allowed to post any addresses, so they have been blacked out.

That is so awesome! Does my heart good to see the boys out and about interacting with the community! Ask those kids who the good guys are!!! Thanks for the pics! So glad your FI had a safe and joy filled holiday! Warm thoughts from MN!

Karen :)
Thanks! I miss him a ton. I have trouble walking into his house w/o crying as soon as see his bedroom. I get all weird and start thinking about dumb things like "awee.. this is where he slept, this is the clothes he left behind, etc, etc." :lol: :lol:

...and I love the new Christmas avatar you have. Get to see your pretty cat in a clear picture. hehe
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