Pandas pink nose....vitiligo

I thought id post some pics of panda and her fading color on her lips, nose and poor baby.....



she is eating, sleeping, acting all normally.....
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Wow, what a huge difference!
How strange...what does the vet say it is?
here is a close up.....

my sweet lil miss piggy.......
Wow. Any word on the cause? I think it looks like Baloo right now.... but he's never turned full black yet. He still has pink on his nose and around his eyes (with some black of course...) So at first I was thinking ~ "Looks normal to me" but compared to the before picture it IS a big deal.

my vet cant find anything wrong.....bloodwork has come back normal...and her habits are normal....
As long as she's healthy otherwise . . . but what does the vet say caused it? Can it be reversed?
ahhh poor Panda. Did the Vet take a "scaping" of the skin and have it checked out? :ghug: to little Panda girl.
Poor Panda! Barney thinks she's still beautiful though! Maybe she's trying out a new summer look...

Does she eat out of a metal bowl? I think I've heard the rubbing against metal can do it, although I guess that wouldn't explain her eye...
Does she eat out of a metal bowl? I think I've heard the rubbing against metal can do it

Strange, that's what I've heard about plastic bowls :lol: :lol:
We had an American Eskimo that had the same (looking) condition. We found that sunscreen on he rnose and kelp in her diet helped - we did get lazy witht he sunscreen though and got used to the look :)
Darcy, I'm sure you've already read this:

(edited) ... But, what does it mean if your dog’s nose changes color? If your dog’s nose is turning pink, specifically turning from black to pink, there could be many causes for the loss of pigmentation. Sometimes the change indicates a medical condition, and other times, a dog nose turning pink is a completely natural part of aging.

1. The most common cause of a fading nose is called “snow nose” or “winter nose,” because the dog’s nose will fade to pink or white during the winter months, and return to black once summer arrives.

2. Some dogs have noses that change from black to brown or pink as the animal ages. The cause is thought to be a breakdown of a certain enzyme called tyrosinase, which is responsible for producing pigment. Apparently, the enzyme becomes less efficient as the dog ages, causing the nose to fade from black to brown or pink. Tyrosinase is also temperature sensitive; it works more effectively in warmer weather, which explains the fading of the nose during winter months. (Arizona???)

3. Physical ailments and medical conditions may also cause a dog’s nose to fade from black to pink. Once healed it returns to black.

4. Contact dermatitis can also cause loss of pigmentation in the nose. Certain dogs are sensitive to plastics in food dishes, and the continual irritation will cause the nose to turn pink; the lips will also become inflamed. Switching to stainless steel food and water bowls will eliminate the possibility that your dog is suffering from contact dermatitis.

5. Vitiligo is an immune disease in dogs that will cause a pink nose, but dogs with vitiligo will commonly have white patches or hairs throughout the rest of their bodies. In animals with vitiligo, antibodies are formed against pigment-containing cells that are responsible for nose color. The antibodies destroy these cells, resulting in loss of color. A veterinarian can do a biopsy to confirm this diagnosis. Certain breeds are at greater risk for this disease, such as Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, and Dachsunds. While the dog’s health is not adversely affected by this disease, nutritional supplements may help to restore the dog’s pigment.

If you have a dog with a pink nose, make sure that you protect him in the summer by applying sunscreen to avoid painful sunburn.
yes susan, ive read all of that...panda eats out of a metal bowl and drinks out of a ceramic hasnt gotten darker over time, just that snow nose is out too....besides her bottom lip is now pink....

i guess just keep her in spf 30.....
I was thinking to apply sunscreen to lower lip.....blech! How about lipstick?? She's be stunning.
If nothing can be found for the nose fading do try Kelp Powder, people swear by it to help the pigment.

Go to a health food store and buy the Human Grade one, it contains iodine and sups the piturity gland and helps the pigment.

1/2 teaspoon over her dinner 3 times a week. See if that helps her regain her pigment, it wont hurt to try for her. :wink:
Tatoo parlor for Panda the Sailor Girl
Poor Michael Jackson dog. :(

I hope the vets are right and there's nothing wrong with Panda!
ButtersStotch wrote:
Poor Michael Jackson dog. :(

:lol: :lol:

She still looks beautiful.
Pepsi has lots of pink around his eyes. He thinks she looks gorgeous! :hearts:
Darcy - it is like looking at London's nose. She has the same thing with the same diagnosis. All her tests have come back saying she is healthy as a horse and obviously has lots of energy. So give Panda a kiss and tell her - she isn't the only sheepie with it.
Shes still a beautiful girl!!
we used to buy kelp from jb pets I think
Darcy, Wonder if this will affect Panda's little sisters too????? She's still beautiful to us. :D
i dont know....since mony and laci have a different mom, hopefully not...

this hasnt stopped panda from being should see my latest set of bruises from the monster....she still loves to take you down in the park....then of course once she has, its all licks and love....with a ''hey mom, it was all done in good fun....lets do it again" :twisted:
The boys are sending kisses and planting them on Panda girls and London's noses. They say doesn't matter about their noses ..they still are beautiful! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Marianne and the boys
Darcy, COULD it be lack of sun exposure? I bet in AZ you have the opposite of what we have. You most likely spend LESS time outside in the heat of the summer.

I can see an AMAZING difference in both Tasker and Ty after 2 weeks in SC. It is more pronounced in Ty who has gotten black BLACK "points around his eyes, mouth and his nose is blacker than I have EVER seen it. But htere is also more black around Taskers eyes than I have ever seen, also some of the spots on face are turning really black.

I can't post pictures on this lousey dial up but when I get home I will.

maybe Panda needs to go to a tanning salon :wink:
My foster sheltie has a pink spot on his nose and a bit of pink on his snout. He drinks and eats out of stainless steel. He is a healthy boy , 1 year old, but until he came to us at 8 months was fed a very poor diet. He's now a raw food boy and now has the beautiful teeth and coat to show for it. There is a picture of him in my photos and if you enlarge it you can see the spot.
Could trauma do it?, Dutch got bit on the nose about a week and a half ago by a Roti and now she has developed a pink strip down the other side of her nose altho I do think it is fading but then again I might just be hoping :(
jean wrote:
Could trauma do it?, Dutch got bit on the nose about a week and a half ago by a Roti and now she has developed a pink strip down the other side of her nose altho I do think it is fading but then again I might just be hoping :(
Interesting! Doesn't Panda have a nutsy crate thing... or am I confusing dogs yet again?
nope, panda hasnt been crated a day in her life...she has full reign of the house...during the winter while im at work, she stays outside and gets plenty of sun....this time of year, shes indoors pretty much 20 hours a day...this has been our schedule since we got why would it happen all of a sudden???
Darcy try the Kelp powder in her diet, she might be lacking iodine and see if that helps the pigment. If you do go with the Kelp Sup let's know if there is any improvement within a month of trying it.
thanks lisa, ill give it a try......let you know in a few weeks!
i have the kelp powder....put some on pandas food last night....i dont think she liked it too tasted it and to me it just tastes oceany....

she did finish it ...about 10pm ...5 hours after i put her bowl
I had this happen to my Clyde a few years ago. Did stainless and nothing helped. I would have her (Panda)jaw x-rayed. Clyde developed cancer and passed away last month at 10 years. I don't mean to scare you because he was so healthy until 4 months before he passed. I wondered if this was the cause of the pinkness and lack of pigment all along. I know this happens in sheepies but how many later develope cancer. I think we owe our breed to find out. I truly know your concerns.
Darcy mix it well in through the food, I know it is real oceany but if you mix it in well hopefully she won't notice the new addition in her diet and will eat her din dins a bit faster. :wink:
kerry wrote:
We had an American Eskimo that had the same (looking) condition. We found that sunscreen on he rnose and kelp in her diet helped - we did get lazy witht he sunscreen though and got used to the look :)

Both of my American Eskimo's have lost the color in their nose. Soffe is only 2 and hers has started early. Naketa was a few years older when it happened to his nose.
Hi Panda! It's more doggies from the hot state of AZ! I have been looking at little Midgie's lower lip and saying to myself...That looks different? She only has one spot of black left on her lower lip. Like most people who love their pets...I have hundreds of pics. Pulled up a picture from June 2009 (just a few months ago) and Midge's lip was SOLID BLACK! Worried...I googled and found your forum.
I think you guys might be on to something with the sun. My dogs aren't spending nearly the amount of time outside as normal since it's been 110 degrees+. While Midge's lower lip only has a speck of black left on it Max's Lips have faded as well but no nearly as much. He however goes outside much more frequently then Midgie who is sort of Prissy when it comes to hot weather.

I'm going to call the vet and make an appointment in the morning. Please let me know if you find anything out in the meantime and I will update on word from the doc.[/img]
If Midge is an OES, she could be related to Panda!
hi max and midge!

is she a oes? if so, will you pm me and let me know where you got her from..?

panda has been diagnosed with vitiligo...stay out of the sun, use sunscreen WITHOUT zinc and dont make fun of her.. :D
I think kelp would be a good idea too, at least to give it ago. Although I would avoid giving human products to dogs. You can get Kelp Seaweed tablets and powder available for dogs and cats which have specific dosages dpenedent on weight etc. Kelp is rich in iron and iodine whihc help to promote good pigment. Its also great to give daily anyway due its high mineral content.
Hi There,

We have a retriever who was diagnosed with vitiligo. We started her in kelp and Norwegian cold liver oil. Our vet gave us a hydrocortisone cream called Tri-Top, to rub on affected areas. He also told us to take her to a veterinary dermatologist.

I took to dog to UC Davis, a veterinary school in California. They put the dog on vitamin C, and the B-vitamins B-12 and folic acid. Very important: the B-vitamins they have her take are mixed with intrinsic factor, an enzyme-like substance, that aids greatly in the absorption of B-vitamins. It is a product sold by Wonder Laboratories, called Trinfac-B. Many people with vitiligo also have pernicious anemia, which results from a B-vitamin deficiency. Their point was, giving the dog B-12 and folic acid alone will not help if the dog cannot absorb the b-vitamins. (they did not want to give ner weekly or bi-monthly injections of B-12 because they say the shot hurts/stings, a course of 'pain' would be hard for the dog to understand, so give her the Trinfac-B.

The week the Trinfac-B was added to the dog's diet, we could 'see the tide turn'. Her most rapid progress occurred in the first three months. Perhaps 70% of the vitiligo disappeared in the first three months. Then, the progress slowed. Over the next 4 months, she made another 15% progress. Websites we have read tell us that humans take 1-to-2-ears for recovery using the vitamin C, B-12 and folic acid treatment.

We have also begun an experimental treatment, involving a pepper extract. After a month, the dog is showing renewed progress. If the progress continues, I will come back to your website and post about it.

Anyway, the Trinfac-B can be ordered at the link below:

One Trinfac-B 3 to 7 times a week, (once a day). The vitamin c we give the dog are the Costco Chewable
Orange-flavored, 500 mg tablets. 2 per day, one in the morning , one in the evening.

I hope this helps your dog as much as it has helped our dog.
So I know we are talking about dogs BUT I have an Uncle, a cousin and a nephew all from different families that have this. All were fine while teenagers and developed this after puberty. My cousin has it the worst I would say. Most importantly they are all very healthy. None of them have been prescribed anything as a "cure". Just so you know, it doesn't hurt or itch - it isn't bothersome other than needing to be watched in the sun. On people it is unsightly unfortunately my cousin became Spotty Scotty, my nephew is 6'4 and huge so no name calling there but spots on his face too which bothers him (he just turned 21). Again, all healthy! My uncle is hmmm maybe early 70's.
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