Brian and I moved into our 1939 house a little over 5 yrs ago. Since then weird things happen. The weirdest and most scariest happened the other night. You have to understand that some of the time brian is home but usually asleep or in the bathroom ![]() The other night brian went to bed around 10pm, i couldnt sleep so i stayed up to finish the book i was reading...i finished about midnight..i went to the bathroom, did my usual before bed stuff and turned out the light..(the bath is in the hallway)...i walked blindly to the bedroom, tripping over panda(thats how dark it was.) got into bed next to my snoring takes me a while to get comfortable, so im adjusting myself (also in hopes that it will wake brian a tad so he stops snoring)... Finally, im laying on my right side with my eyes closed when the room seems to get brighter....i open my eyes and see this friggin white BRIGHT orb in the upper corner of the room...i look at it, look toward the doorway to see if it could be a reflection off of something...its at that point that i realize that the front bedroom windows are boarded up for the remodel!! No light can come from the street!!!! ![]() brian slept thru it...panda slept thru it...i must be going nuts.....but there have been so many other weird things such as.... that darn conduit wire swinging during the remodel bathroom door opening while brian was in the shower and panda and i were in the kitchen bed vibrating and being nudged pillow being tugged at pillow being pressed down over my face voices super low whisper like noises from the attic and walls sheets being lifted off of me get the doesnt happen every day, in fact it can be months without any activity...but then it starts up again.... brian of course wont say that im nuts, but he has been making fun of me..he said "and you thought darcy world was great...i bet youre wishing you lived in brian world right about now....'' sigh..... i believe in God. i say my prayers every night. i even had my priest bless me and give me holy water.... i dont think its out to ''hurt'' me, but holy crap, it does scare me... i have contacted basically an arizona based ghost hunter. brian said no way, but i think im going to do it when he is in california... katie the ghost hunter seems excited and doesnt think im crazy...on one hand, id like to be vindicated but on the other hand...brians disbelieving world seems okay too..... do i leave well enough alone or do you think i should do it? ps...deb...this is the reason that robert freaks me out so much...with my luck the damn doll would haunt me...... |
Creepy.... |
Willowsprite wrote: Creepy....
ya think??!! ![]() |
What would the ghost hunter do for you? Did she say she could rid your house of something, or would she just come and confirm that you do have a ghost and scare you more? |
Totally do it!!
All of those occurrences add up to the same conclusion!! If it's good enough, maybe THE Ghost Hunters will come and check it out! If you are haunted, ask the chick to see if they know what Bob is up to. ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() How do you know if the ghost hunter is... ![]() |
![]() Elissa, Darcy needs you to go ghost hunting for her. |
Most ghost hunters are nonprofit type people and don't charge for their services. If they are asking for a fee or want to sell you something or guarentee a service then they are a con artist. I have no idea if it's kosher to tip them or cover their gas though!
I've never used a service like that and the science behind it is still sketchy but who's to say this chick and a glass of wine won't make for an interesting night? |
Thank God we're not moving to Arizona. ![]() |
You got yourself a ghost. My niece lives in Albuquerque and a few years on a visit, we did the "haunted Old Town" tour. The tour operator has a ghost hunter business and I'd be happy to get the info for you. Different state, but I'm sure he travels. |
Ok.... at first I thought nothing of what you were saying. Some people just have theses things that happen. but After reading the 'list' of things you described....
pillow over face nudging the bed sheets being lifted off you VOICES..... whisper or not..... ![]() Um... I would be calling anyone and everyone. ![]() We have had things happen that only I seem to see or notice, but NOTHING ~~~ NOTHING like what you mentioned. The worst was I was sitting on the bed talking on the phone. We have a small bathroom in our bedroom -- and while I was sitting there the shower curtain moved. Not wiggled or like slid open, but it flared open like the inner liner that goes in our tub was still in the tub but the curtain that hangs outside the tub moved out like someone was inbetween the 2. Other than that..... Hmmm... I noticed that a picture was moved from one side of the tv center to the other. I guess my ghost just wanted to decorate to suit him/her best. |
I think you have a ghost.....hopefully just a playful one....
I know what you are talking about... We had a 9 room house that was built after the 1901 World's Fair in St. Louis. Much of the wood and bricks were taken from the buildings at the World's Fair when it was disassembled. There were a few deaths while the World's Fair was here --a couple of construction workers. A doctor bought the house after it was built and performed sugeries in the upstairs rooms for over 30 years.....if those walls could talk...... Anyway, a lot of strange things happened in that house for the 7 years we lived there..... My son, would not sleep in his room, stating that it was haunted by a this day he will tell you that and he is 31 years old!!!! I was subject to things being moved to different rooms which made me think I was going crazy!!!! So.............. I hope you have a fun time with your ghost..let us know what happens....... |
I would have moved by now.....that would scare the crap out of me...I am a wuss ![]() |
Oh Darcy! I AM SO JEALOUS!!!! Yes, you have a spirit living with you. No, it does not want to hurt you...I just wants to visit with you. Have you tried talking to it? Spirits gets more active when there is some sort of disruption going on, like a REMODEL! You said it comes and goes. Was it active when you did the kitchen? If you can get a ghosthunter to check it out, go for it! I don't think they exercise spirits, but can try and find out why its acting up. Looking up the history of your house will be informative also. You may be able to put a name with the orb. The week before my daughter's graduation, I dreamed about her dad (my ex). You may remember, he died about a year and a half ago. In the dream, he told me to "Leave Tony and come with me". It was very confusing and disturbing. The Friday night before Stef's graduation, I had the same exact dream! forward to the day of the graduation. For reasons, which are just too darned complicated to explain here, Tony did not come to Stef's graduation. It was just Stef, her grandparents (Alan's parents) and me. Afterward I took a picture of Grandpa, Stefanie and Grandma. Right (clear as f***ing day), between Grandpa and Stefanie was a glowing, bright orb at the height of about 6'1" (Alan's height). I almost wet myself when I saw it! The dream, I have now figured out, was he wanted me to leave Tony at home during the graduation, so he could be the only "Dad" there for Stefanie, and I also believe he fixed the circumstances that led to Tony staying home. So, yes! I AM A BELIEVER!!! ![]() |
I, for one, don't think you are nuts.
The way I see it, it isn't too far a leap from faith based beliefs to "paranormal" experiences. We can believe in God and bible 'miracles' having never seen either and nobody questions our sanity. But have a strange unexplainable experience in our own home, and everyone suddenly thinks we're ready for the nice jacket that with arms that tie in the back. That's just not right. I believe there are many things we cannot understand, and many things that really do happen that aren't of "this world". I also think there are many people who imagine these things or want the experience so badly they make it up. I don't think you are one of those people Darcy. From your list of experiences I would not say it is dangerous. I think if there is something (whatever that may be) it is just trying to get your attention. Let me ask you this; if you did have an investigator come in, and they did confirm your suspisions, what would you do? Would it only serve to scare you more, or would you take action? If there is something in your house, wouldn't we assume it was previously of this life- meaning once a person? I think you should just treat it as if it were still a live person, and not let it scare you. The next time something happens, say whatever is on your mind. Say you want it gone, say it is scaring you or whatever comes to mind. Claim your space, unless you are willing to share it. ![]() (have you considered that it could be someone you knew, just yanking your chain??) Shellie |
debcram wrote: I don't think they exercise spirits, friends with your ghost, they are not all evil. their imput and be
Deborah, you've been at the gym too much. You mean EXORCISE! |
Maybe she booked the wrong person and got a ghost trainer and they DO exercise ghosts? |
Ok, ok, ok. Have a big laugh. I was typing so fast with my Alan story, I wasn't paying attention. Big hardy har har... At least her ghost will be in great shape! ![]() |
Yup, nobody wants a chubby ghost!! ![]() |
oh what was the name of the chubby ghost in the casper cartoons ![]() |
yes, katie's group is non profit and would do it for free. shes not there to get rid of it, just to confirm that there is something.....mandy, id ask about bob but im afraid that hed come to stay too and trust is enough.......
katie and her group are going to start doing research up in phx (shes based in tucson) and wants to include my house in a book..if she finds something....i could do it not to ruin future house the night after the orb incident, i went into my bedroom and talked to it...i told it that i love my house, husband, dog and life...but im not so thrilled with you...its not nice to scare me while im trying to sleep and recoup after a crappy year...i could learn to love you too but the ground rules alive, youre house, my rules.....and then said thank you... so after watching tv till 1130...boy is it hard to try to fall asleep while your heart is racing......i turn off the light....and i SWEAR not five minutes later the bed starts to vibrate( kinda like a magic fingers thingy)..panda who was laying on the bed (yup, i was so scared i wanted her right there) perks up and looks i know i wasnt crazy about the bed vibrating....i sit up and say loudly..."STOP IT" stops...i lay back down and i hear what sounds like brians radio super low...thru static say.."i will not harm you", mind you, this part im not sure if thats what i actually heard or wanted to hear....but the rest of the night was activity was last night...well, besides brian grabbing my foot early this morning and saying BOO! ![]() |
here is her website.. |
Whew...scary stuff!
Have you scheduled the ghost hunters yet? How exciting! |
Darcy wrote: well, besides brian grabbing my foot early this morning and saying BOO!
![]() such a guy thing! do they really think they are funny? |
It's amazing that Brian never experiences any of this. I would think Panda would be more in tune to it too. Very freaky though.
My husband's old house had a ghost. The house was built around 1850 and there was a civil war hospital right across the street. Some of his encounters: - Chris went outside on the roof through shutters and an open window to put up Christmas decorations. When he went to go back inside, the window was shut and the shutters were latched closed. - He had this old ice refrigerator chest that had latches you had to lift up and latch to lock or unlock. Every morning before he went to work, he would open all of the doors on it to air it out from a mildewy smell. Every night when he came home the doors were closed and latched. - He had a girlfriend living with him at one point and she experienced an apparition next to the bed. - When Chris closed his business we had a couple of young guys move all of this stuff into his house. He had 4 entrances to the house. Each entrance he had sleighbells on the door so he could hear someone coming in if need be. Well the house was completely closed up, and the guys had just sat down in the living room to rest after moving a bunch of furniture. At once, all 4 sets of sleighbells jingled. The boys got up and ran out of the house. I can totally see how spooked you can get and I'm glad you are communicating with the darn thing. Personally, I would LOVE to experience a ghost, alien, etc... ![]() |
It really seems like one of those spirits that is just bored and likes to interact with you. I think you did the right thing by laying the ground rules. Just realize what's happening when something starts and if you aren't up for it then say so!
IF you get too scared, ask Bob to come visit and he could protect you!! |
Bob? Bob? Who is Bob? Did I miss something? |
Maxmm wrote: IF you get too scared, ask Bob to come visit and he could protect you!!
Awww, that just made me tear up... |
VerveUp wrote: Maxmm wrote: IF you get too scared, ask Bob to come visit and he could protect you!! Awww, that just made me tear up... Me too. I wish I could experience a being from our past. |
ironically, every night i say a little prayer for Jean (Sim2Zoo)and in the middle of it was when i saw the white light....was it her? i dont know...but im sure the dark figure was a man........ |
call TAPS. I am hooked on that show and maybe they'll investigate. Its cool because they try to figure out if things are really supernatural on just the plumbing etc.. GO FOR IT!
Just like we tell people who have dogs with unusual behaviors, I would tell your doctor that you are experiencing audio visual hallucinations. It could be a ghost, but I'd wanna rule out something physical. |
So what did you do with the holy water? Ideally you'd sprinkle some in each room, perhaps using a blessing cross to spread the water. Also the Greeks bring their candle home from Good Saturday/Easter Sunday still lighted (that's a trick if you are alone driving) and take the candle and make a sign of the cross on the top of the front door threshold asking for protection of the house and the people within.
I hope the research comes up with a possible name. Then you can talk with the ghost directly, explain the remodel and ask for his protection of the house since he has some vested interest in it. I'm not calling you crazy. There is plenty we don't understand. Isn't it strange all the cultures of the world have some belief in ghosts or other spirits. You think that is coincidence? |
As a librarian, I met and hosted Nancy Roberts...she wrote many books about real ghost stories she investigated over the years...wonderful stories. Living in Charleston SC for 7 years taught you to KNOW there are ghosts! You really got a sense of them just walking down the battery area at night. You should keep a diary of each instance or encounter...I for one believe they are real. My husband worked in a 3 story old house on Langley AFB...the ghost there got so bad civilian workers quit their jobs after a rough evening where papers flew through the air, doors open and slammed shut, lights went off and on. Truly no one would work on the 3rd floor after that...they even had a name for the ghost as someone did research it and felt certain who it was haunting the house...this went on for years and was documented in a book. I really believe we become a different energy when we leave the earth and some stay closer to us than others. I went to a John Edwards seminar and what I love about his readings as he always knows the names of former pets and say they are present with loved ones...he even describes the type of dog or cat.
Write down may end up in a book or on TV!!! I guess I would be sleeping with the light on... |
Ron wrote: Just like we tell people who have dogs with unusual behaviors, I would tell your doctor that you are experiencing audio visual hallucinations. It could be a ghost, but I'd wanna rule out something physical. ![]() ![]() ![]() Get in an expert Darcy, have the house blessed or get some ghost buster in ![]() Spooky stuff, I believe in the unexplained things like that. Do you know the prior history of the house before you and Brian Moved in? My hubby would sleep and snore through everything as well. Even a bomb going off would not wake him ![]() ![]() |
I am so creeped out. All the little hairs are standing up on my arms. Nothing scares me more than haunted houses. (ok, nuclear holocaust comes first)
Get a ghost hunter to check it out NEED to know if it is real. ![]() |
Maxmm wrote: If you are haunted, ask the chick to see if they know what Bob is up to.
![]() ![]() Mandy, I just spit my water out all over the St Louis airport. You're the best. I hope I get to meet you some day. Darcy, I've known some people in my life who seem to be more open to paranormal activity than the rest of us are. If you need someone there to hold your hand during the ghost hunt, I'm there. I probably won't see anything myself (I never do), but I'll believe you if you do. Have you thought about inviting a priest to come and bless the house instead of a ghost hunt? |
Quote: Have you thought about inviting a priest to come and bless the house instead of a ghost hunt?
excellent point! ...but I don't really believe in all the ghost stuff [for now]. ...just that houses that are old make lots of noise ...and we tend to be over imaginative at times. ![]() ![]() |
When Marty and i moved into the house we live in
now, the only thing left here was a Rosary ![]() Well, that was a bit scary.... I had some similar things happen, the one I remember the most is the windows used to shake! (no wind just shake) I did the same thing you did Darci..... I said I am not here to bother you, this is my house now! I had instances for a few years but, none for about five years! Of course Marty sneaked in one day and threw a dog ball at me! Funny Guy! I have to admit that Rosary is still hanging in my kitchen! Good Luck....I would trust the study! I think you are handling it well! |
Darcy -
Do you have any way of researching the history of the house, maybe a local papers archive? It would be a good way of maybe tracking down who your guest is? I also would think about having your house blessed, although it might increase some activity as it essentially welcomes friendly spirits into the home. After my Mother had hers done, she began having funny little things occur, which we just attributed it to good house spirits teasing her. |
What's the difference between a ghost and a spirit?
"If our spirit is suppose to go on to Heaven or hell at the time of death, why would a good one, bound for Heaven, stick around here to be a "good ghost" when they could be in Heaven? I'd be inviting the priest in, no I'd be "dragging" him in! Remember "Forest Gump?" "RUN DARCY, RUN!!!" |
I got the heebie jeebies reading your post as I experienced the exact things while living in my mom's house from ages 6-19 . She still lives there. I rarely speak about it as people kinda look at you "funny" - I absolutely believe you and don't think you're nutty. I even tell people I don't believe in ghost but can't explain what those occurances were much as you described in your post. My oldest son slept at my mom's house a few years ago and experienced the same occurances I had. It frightened him so bad he up and left in the wee hours of the morning and walked miles all the way back to his place at 3 am. One part of the trek involved walking through a rough neighborhood but he said nothing would ever compare to what he experienced that night in her house. I had never told him about what I had seen as a kid growing up in that house. He has since refused to step into that house again. Ironically, my other family members never experienced anything out of the ordinary either. Ah well - now probably am making people sleep with the lights on tonight. ![]() Maxx- Loved your comment! Marianne |
I'm on my Dad's stinking dial up so haven't read all responses but I say go for the Ghost Hunter, if for nothing other than curiosity sake.
I don't know how I feel about ghosts.... I am very skeptical. But I do know that many years ago, when my kids were very young, we lived in a "haunted" house. All sorts of "freaky" things happened from objects on shelves flying ACROSS the room to very obvious cold spots in certain rooms and curtains moving on their own. My daughter was 3 at the time and would come into our room at2 or 3 in the morning and tell us thath"the little girl"wouldn't let her sleep. That summer we were tearing the back porch off the house to build a new porch and found a grave marker for a little girl that died when she was 3, the marker included her name, date of birth and death. We found it on the day she died (July 7). We gave the information to our local historical society, they discovered that our house had been the original family home in the 1800's and that there was afamily burial plot somewhere on the property. Apparently a previous owner was unhappy with the head stone being out in the open and put it under the porch. The historical society told us where the rest of the family was buried, right down the road from us. We obtained persmission from the cemetry ssociation to have the stone set in the family plot. After the stone had been set with the family (we had no way of knowing WHERE on our property the little girl was actually buried) ALL the odd things stopped happening INCLUDING my daughter waking inthe night. I still question what exactly happened but it was VERY freaky none the less! |
Darcy you're giving me chills. I have had weird experiences. I havent heard of the person you've all been talking about but I would go for it. I would also tell the "person" that its ok to cross over. I've heard that somewhere before ![]() I also agree with the idea of learning the history of the house and the area. Use one of those mini recorders and ask the "person" questions and see if you get any answers on the tape. Maybe at halloween time you can make some extra money and charge people to come see your ghost. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Quote: Apparently a previous owner was unhappy with the head stone being out in the open and put it under the porch
WHAT??? Were they afraid someone might notice she died??? That seems odd to me. Did you ever find out any more details on that? Just curious. I like to do geneology stuff and I am always wondering what people were doing/thinking when I find out things like this.... ![]() |
I did have the house blessed when we first moved in...
I spoke with a friend last night at legnth and she gave me some great, no, excellent advice.....the quick rundown is this... we are all energy...everything is energy...everything is related to it is all can feed off of energy, so if im freaked out, it may be feeding off of energy can hurt you, talk to it, talk to God and try to figure out what the reason is....oh and she swears that the white light was an angel....boy does that make me feel much better!!!! id sure like a white light low to the ground....maybe it would be a sheepie energy!!!!!! im ghost hunting tonight.....well see if i come up with anything....the only way to get over the fear is to face it dead on (no pun intended...well, yes it was...)..... Sue, if collie and i find something, you are more than welcome to spend the night and see for yourself......brian will probably say that i some how rigged, me the one, who still cant figure out how to get the blue line at the bottom of my new cell phone off....... ![]() |
Darcy -
You should try some of the simpler ghost hunting stuff yourself. Have either a tape recorder or digital recorder running in the room with you when you are talking to it. Maybe even have a video camera running when you go to sleep, as it sounds like that point when you just head to bed seems to be a common activity point. And yes I think I would find a waist high "sheepie" orb much more comforting myself. |
his_armywife wrote: Quote: Apparently a previous owner was unhappy with the head stone being out in the open and put it under the porch WHAT??? Were they afraid someone might notice she died??? That seems odd to me. Did you ever find out any more details on that? Just curious. I like to do geneology stuff and I am always wondering what people were doing/thinking when I find out things like this.... ![]() No, we never found out who took the stones down. Apparently there were several children of the family buried on the property. It was before the local cemetary opened. Once the cemetary opened the family had a plot there. We did try hard to discovere where the burial grounds were but never knew for sure. |
I absolutely HAVE to get my work done today and I KNEW I shouldn't have stopped in here until I was caught up. ![]() ![]() Let me just quickly say that I believe you Darcy, can't wait to hear what you find out, and am totally jealous that you have a ghost in your house. ![]() I'll be back later when I catch up my work. ![]() |
Beaureguard's Mom wrote: I absolutely HAVE to get my work done today and I KNEW I shouldn't have stopped in here until I was caught up.
![]() ![]() Let me just quickly say that I believe you Darcy, can't wait to hear what you find out, and am totally jealous that you have a ghost in your house. ![]() I'll be back later when I catch up my work. ![]() Darcy's darned ghost is going to get us all fired! |
collie and i did some ghost hunting sat night....well, we sat in my bed with a digital voice recorder...talked a bit then fell asleep about 1030...yeah i know....some great white hunters we are....but i did leave the recorder going all night...
about an hour into it, there is a loud knock on the dresser at the foot of my bed...then about 3 minutes later it does it actually woke me up.....then thru the night you hear occassional taps and knocks...a few of which im sure are panda....(the ones coming from far the hallway)...but you also KINDA hear chanting-ish??!! and i swear, 2 hours and 22 min in, you hear the whisper of my first and last about creepy..... i am going to upload it to the computer and see if i can get rid of some static, just to make sure, im not hearing things....the knocks and taps are loud but the whispering thing is too low..... my first thought was ..oh CRAP, it knows my first AND last will never leave me alone..... ghost hunter out.. |
I won't be so concerned about it knowing my name, but more concerned about it knowing where I live, and... WHEN I SLEEP! ![]() |
I not a believer but now I'm thinking of becoming one ![]() take care and good luck Darcy |
Too creepy Darcy!!! How can we hear the tape so we can get more scared?
Where is the ghost emoticon? |
Ok- totally jealous--- and the hairs on my arms are standing up. This is better than the book I picked up for summer reading.
"Who ya gonna call??" GHOST BUSTERS Looking forward to the updates. Of course-- if I was IN the house I would be peeing my pants. ![]() |
Has anyone checked the attic? There are always stories about strange people living in attics, hidey-holes and basements..... |
hole to the attic is in my closet...and our attic space goes from max 36'' high down to 18'' where you have to crawl thru....we dont have a basement, were built on a slab...
most of the noises arent coming from the attic...mostly in the room i managed to download it to my computer but i have no idea what to do from there.......its an olympic voice recorder with the digital wave player any ideas? |
Darcy wrote: any ideas?
I bet ron will - if the ghost hasn't scared him away ![]() |
EEEEKKK! I'm so scared. I hate all this sort of stuff. All the hairs are standing up on my arms. I love that you and Collie fell asleep so early while ghost hunting, though... ![]() |
Go in the attic??? ![]() Now thats a scary thought! |
Darcy wrote: i managed to download it to my computer but i have no idea what to do from there.......its an olympic voice recorder with the digital wave player
any ideas? What do you want to do with it? If you just want pieces and parts cut, jot down the time codes and email them and the recording to me and I'll cut them for you. A sound company should be good for something!! |
how do i email the clips?? |
I'll send you a pm |
If it is too big to email, you can upload the whole thing here and then Mandy can download it from here.
Mandy is asking for the timecodes; in other words at what timestamp on the tape are you hearing things. 3 minutes 45 seconds? 8 hours 6 minutes 12? ![]() ![]() ![]() Boo |
Okay now! I have goose bumps on goose bumps.
You are very open to such things, and that is why you feel them like you do. Very cool! I can't wait to find out what you learn about your "room mate". Leslie |
last night i put the recorder on the coffee table in the living room, on the coffee table....away from doors, windows, fans and electronic devices...besides hearing panda walk by (i never knew she roamed so much), you hear DISTINCT singing....cant make it out...but it is sounds like a male voice...
im NOT just listened to it and he has no explaination!!!! sooo, who is going to sleep over tonight? brian is working ![]() |
Beaureguard's Mom wrote: .......I absolutely HAVE to get my work done today.... debcram wrote: ....darned ghost is going to get us all fired!.... Abuckie wrote: "Who ya gonna call?" GHOST BUSTERS
Maybe we should call GHOST "DUSTER'S" ..... ![]() |
Darn it! If I were closer, I'd be over in a New York minute!! ![]() |
Me too!!! One big scared PJ party!!!! |
Darcy, let's say for a moment your home does have a resident spirit. How does this make you feel and what will it do to your wanting to live where you are? If you don't want to move, then you have to develop a plan on dealing with this.
Apparently you are more sensitive than Brian.......I'm surprised he's not hearing this because firemen I've know are very light sleepers. Then again he's told himself he does not believe and even if faced with noises, etc will deny them. We can't discount your recent medical condition filled you with dangerous drugs and your changed your perception of life. Could this have left you more likely to hear things (but I do remember the conduit was precancer time)? Whether this change is you has left you more vulnerable, frightened or more perceptive to what may turn out to be normal bumps and groans from houses or if there is something unusual about your house, I can't say. But back to what will you do? If you have something strange going on, you have to decide your actions. You cannot live there if you will be continually frightened. Can you accept an ethereal presence? (gee, I hope he sings on key!) Will you be able to laugh if "Wilbur" shuts doors unexpectantly? Will you be able to tell him to quit shaking the bed? Will you be able to be friends? Frankly I'm surprised Panda isn't more responsive. But then sheepies aren't always the brightest bulb in the dog kingdom's string of lights. You said you are remodeling. Have you heard these sounds prior to changing the house? The conduit incident was during the kitchen work. Maybe your housemate is responding to changes and will settle down once the work is complete. Nobody likes home remodeling, apparently not even the resident spirits. |
wendy58 wrote: Me too!!! One big scared PJ party!!!!
Me too...Me too....I wanna come. (as long as I can bring my nightlight tho). ![]() |
yes, ive thought a lot about it...we are not about to move any time soon..sheesh, i dont even have it fully decorated yet.... a lot of the stuff happened b.c. (before cancer)...the conduit wire, the pressure on the pillow, tugs and bumps...always since we moved in... nothing happened while i was on kinda went away...but now its back.... i will have to learn to live with him/her and learn to love ![]() it seems to be pretty happy....i mean, it really is singing that i hear...i really wish i knew how to transfer the file out of the digital wave recorder...i have no idea what im doing... oh wait...hmm, i just thought of something....let me try this.... panda on occassion hears something...but honestly, she just runs to the back door or her im not sure what she is hearing.... ill be right back im going to try something |
I was just wondering if Pandas night wandering around the house has anything to do with your "roomate"? Just a thought, perhaps she does hear him/her and she is looking or sensing something? | ... =ShowMyZoo
lets see if this works..yup it works....i could only figure out how to record to a learned a lot about my new phone though... you hear it more toward the middle of the clip....there is more but the clip can only be 30 sec.... |
Darcy......when I click on the site....where do I go from there? I just get a list of ringtones on the far left. Maybe I'm not looking in the right spot? |
it should just pop says ghost song...does it go to the main menu for you? | ... =ShowMyZoo
does this work? | don't see anything that says "Ghost Song". I'll keep trying tho..... |
Darcy - I don't see it either - and I searched by Ghost. Looks like you see it because it's your account. Is there any way to make it public? |
i just realized that the copyrighted it....because its a ''recording'' and they dont know where it came from.....bummer.....only i can see and play it... now what???? |
Speaking of ghostly appearances, who was on chat with not too long ago when Simzoo2 logged on and said nothing??? I thought that was a strange occurrence too.
I wish I could hear the ghost song too Darcy. |
Wendy, that is eerie.... |
I think Gotsheep or Johayo were on at the same was odd. We kept saying hi and there was no answer. I like to think she was checking in...but still...weird. |
Just to put your mind at ease, I know that Clarke logs in with that ID.
![]() | spoiled it Ron...would have been more fun if Jean were checking in. We did say hello several times...even called for Clark. ![]() answer |
Poor Clarke, he must really miss her ![]() |
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how about her pups? ![]() |
Ginny, I was thinking the same thing. I know that she had adopted a deaf dog not that long ago, and I was thinking of her hubby and her pups, hoping they are doing okay.
Hopefully, they are feeling our good vibes...... Laurie and Oscar |
Wasn't Jean from Half Moonbay, California? I live not far, I wonder if I should try to make contact with Clarke to see how he is doing, what do you all think?
Leslie |
Yes, I think that's a great idea!
Marianne |
You are closer than I is the time when people grieve the most. When all the stuff calms down, it is when you feel really alone.
I think it would be a nice gesture. |
i think it would be a great idea...ive spoken with him once since jeans passing...he just was checking up on me...if someone has his number or address, i think it would be lovely to check on him! |
Phone or address would be great! I can drop him a line to see if he would be up for a sheepie visit and I can encourage him to stay in touch with the OES.Org Forum. I remember reading her postings here and there but never really got to know her on line, but I feel since I'm so close (if they lived in Half Moon Bay) It's like an hour from me and a beautiful drive to boot, I could meet up with him for an outing.
So if anyone knows how to get a hold of him, forward that to me and I will be happy to reach out. Les |
Oh Tyler's we "Jews" would say, that would be a mitzah (a blessing) to get in touch with him. I hope your kindness will bring him into our loving community. Thank you. |
I actually got a word the other night!! it was only one word, definately a male voice (brian was at work) says either paul or a distinct creepy voice....... ![]() ![]() |
Whatever happened to the recordings you were going to post? |
i dont know how to get them from my pc file to the internet....
but if you call me, i can play it over the phone for you...... |
Holy crap! i had chris just listen to it....he doesnt say pull or paul...he is saying "im stuck".....the ''i'm'' is very weak, but once you listen to it a few times, you hear it...
oh, the poor guy...i dont know how to help him...what can i do???? it almost made me cry... |
That's sad, do you know the history of your house and property. I would be interested to find that out. You can tell hinm its ok to head to towards the light, but makes you wonder why, how he is stuck and if he can go to the light. |
This is starting to break my heart. Poor thing! We have to figure out how to get him to move on. |
You're giving me goose bumps!! Oh my!! I'm calling you. I want to hear it, too. ![]() |
I wanna hear it too! What's your phone number???????????? |
ill pm you |
i think we need a conference call ![]() |
Can you load it onto You Tube? |
wendy58 wrote: Speaking of ghostly appearances, who was on chat with not too long ago when Simzoo2 logged on and said nothing??? I thought that was a strange occurrence too.
I wish I could hear the ghost song too Darcy. that was me! ![]() I was hoping it was Clarke.......but is was really eerie. Good idea to give him a call, or better yet visit. ![]() |
I hate this thread. ![]() ![]() |
barney1 wrote: I hate this thread.
![]() ![]() No heard Taylor say, "I SUCK"! |
Here's the ghost song clip. (Hopes this is okay, Darcy!!) I haven't done anything to it. I'm going to try and work on it a bit this weekend and see what I can pull out of it. ... stsong.mp3 |
I don't hear anything but highway-pitch noise. How far are you from the highway? |
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there's a high pitch ghost singing like a high A in the background 1/2 to 3/4 of the way through.
I have awful eyesight but I've got the ears of a dog.....or so my husband says, but then he's deaf on one side ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I have listened to it several times... ok.. so like 20. I don't hear singing but I do hear a "noise" at about the 1/2 way mark. Does sound like a high pitch... something. Doesn't last long at all.
Took a few tries to actually hear it. Had to close my eyes even. anyone else? |
Turned up very loud, I could faintly hear what sounded a little like a man's voice holding a note for a long while, in an operatic style, if you will. |
tgir wrote: I could faintly hear what sounded a little like a man's voice holding a note for a long while, in an operatic style, if you will.
That's exactly what I told Darcy. ![]() |
exactly!!!!! mandy can you do that for the im stuck everyone can hear it....
im not close to a highway, only one neighbor....and this is at 3ish in the telling you, i cannot, (and ive been trying) to LOGICALLY debunk this....i cant.... the im stuck is even more proof.... im getting a tad tired of it to tell you the truth....he sings A LOT! im now trying to figure out how to help him ''cross over''...i think thats what he needs and wants....i wouldnt want to be stuck either..... oh and steph, from what i have have to remember at one time this was a human being with feelings and thoughts...treat him as such as you would anyone not afraid now...freaked out yes, afraid no.....hes not evil, hes energy thats stuck.....i need to ''unstuck'' him....sheesh, its not like i have enough going on in my with Gods good graces and maybe a lot of prayers, i can get him to go where he fact if anyone wants to say a prayer for him, please cant hurt.....ive been calling him sam (after patrick swazye in the movie, ghost)....although for some reason, michael, keeps coming into my head..... |
I am a believer, and really tried to hear something on the recording, but didn't. ![]() Darcy wrote: im now trying to figure out how to help him ''cross over''...i think thats what he needs and wants....i wouldnt want to be stuck either.....
How about some advice from the movie Poltergeist, Tell him to "go into the light!" Hey, it might work. ![]() |
I can hear it. It starts about 1/2-3/4 of the way in...its a high pitch note, like the others have discribed. I swear...I had goosebumps up and down my arms when I heard it!!! Let's get this guy home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Love and believe in ghosts. I really think there is so much we don't know! One of the best books my students and I read is: Revenge of Sweet Miss Honeywell: a ghost story....such a great ghost story book! There are nice ghosts and then there are some that are not so nice! Adults and students loved it! |
I heard it, but it sounded like it was reverberating to me. You know, like when you were little and you played being an Indian, and you would hold your mouth open and clap your fingers in front of your mouth repeatedly (like you put your hand up to your mouth when you yawn), so that the noise cuts in and out. (Did any of that make sense?)
Can't wait to hear the "I'm stuck" tape! |
So when is the ghostbuster coming out? Can't they help figure out what's going on like they do on Ghost Hunter? Maybe he's saying "I'm Stuck" because he's buried in your foundation or something... ![]() |
VerveUp wrote: Maybe he's saying "I'm Stuck" because he's buried in your foundation or something...
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Pepsi's Mommy wrote: VerveUp wrote: Maybe he's saying "I'm Stuck" because he's buried in your foundation or something... ![]() ![]() ![]() That is truly disturbing....................... |
Deb (Verve) That was so NJ!! ![]() ![]() Speaking of Jersey... maybe it's Jimmy Hoffa. ![]() |
I didn't hear a thing. Just the constant noise and never anything more. |
Have you opened a window while he's singing to shoo him out? In the meantime, listen to see if you hear it outside.
I used to live more than 1/2 a mile from a trolly station and at night when there was a light wind blowing in the right direction I could hear the trolley cars being put to bed (as they went around the corner), with a high pitched squeal. It also sounds like highway noise pitch. Now I'm more than 2 miles from a train crossing and when the wind is just right I can hear the whistle... and we're in a very hilly, woodsy area, and there's a major highway (The Mass Turnpike) between us. Sound caries a loooong way in the dead of night. ...and get a better recording! ![]() |
Ron you are no fun... ![]() ![]() ![]() How does your traveling sound explain the pillow incident???? huh? ![]() |
Pillow incident? |
Ron, you are such a card...
Darcy wrote: brian slept thru it...panda slept thru it...i must be going nuts.....but there have been so many other weird things such as.... that darn conduit wire swinging during the remodel bathroom door opening while brian was in the shower and panda and i were in the kitchen bed vibrating and being nudged pillow being tugged at pillow being pressed down over my face voices super low whisper like noises from the attic and walls sheets being lifted off of me get the idea...... |
Pepsi's Mommy wrote: Deb (Verve) That was so NJ!!
![]() ![]() Speaking of Jersey... maybe it's Jimmy Hoffa. ![]() ![]() |
Ok... I am totally freaked out by this yet cannot stop checking this feed, and alternately sucking in my breath at comments when I get freaked out then LAUGHING MY ..... off at others!!!
You guys crack me up! |
Darcy wrote: exactly!!!!! mandy can you do that for the im stuck everyone can hear it....
Just waiting for it to get approved. |
TylersMom wrote: Ron, you are such a card... That was just Brian before the behavioral inhibition circuits kicked in.
Darcy wrote: pillow being pressed down over my face You know the feeling if you're married or have children. ![]() |
Here you go creepy people! Listen with someone you love. ![]() |
Maxmm wrote: Here you go creepy people! Listen with someone you love. ![]() You are an amazing sound person!! How the heck did you do that?? |
I'd like to call into play all the college and years of experience working with sound files but I didn't really do anything to these. Just made them louder. I need to go back in and see if I can isolate anything and maybe clean them up a bit. The second one is pretty straightforward. I didn't hear it the first time around but I did some amplification and then just turned it off since it's just me and the dogs here!!!! |
omg that is really creepy.... then I played it to Stacey, I didnt tell her what the recording was, she didnt hear I'm stuck... |
Well that was so weird as soon as I played the soundtrack the dogs started barking. ![]() Dodododo Twilight Zone for sure ![]() |
What I find odd--for me personally--not the whole experience--is that my hearing isn't as good as it used to be. I especially have trouble hearing things over competing sounds. Which is why I find it puzzling that I heard the voice in each recording. Maybe I just have better speakers?
Darcy, in all honesty, I would speak with the priest who blessed your home. I don't know anything, really, about these things, but you obviously are a person of faith and you are obviously sensitive to things that others might not pick up on. For both reasons, I think it would be a good thing for you to talk with a priest. |
OMG I finally heard it in the "cleaned up" version and it is 4:30 in the morning and most of the lights off in the house and when it played the dogs started to bark.....scary. Asia keeps looking out the windows and "mumble barking". Ok, I'm going to stop posting and move on to the next one to take my mind off of this. I wonder what time the sun will be up....... |
I don't know if there was an original version and then a cleaned up one, but if what I just heard was the original one - OMG!!! ![]() ![]() |
sounds like a frog to me ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I can definately hear it. When I listened to it, I had goosebumps on my arms. It is really something! |
just to clarify, he only said it once.....i just kept looping it back so that i could hear it and make sure A. that i was hearing something other than normal house noises B. figure out what he said...
the first million times or so, i reallly thought it said pull or paul..... i have another one from the kitchen area and brian is getting his bedtime snack...and as he is leaving the kitchen you hear 'HEY'... meeting with someone on Sunday....ill let you know how it goes.... but seeeeee, im not making this up.....i wouldnt even know where to start! ![]() |
Sounds kinda like a bullfrog to me. |
![]() Stupid work has it blocked and I can't hear it yet!! Bekki~ (his_armywife) |
OK.... FINALLY got to listen to it. That is creepy! I heard it plain as day.
(Course my hubby said at first he thought it sounded like ghost said "I'm F***ed") What a man thing to say!! |
his_armywife wrote: OK.... FINALLY got to listen to it. That is creepy! I heard it plain as day.
(Course my hubby said at first he thought it sounded like ghost said "I'm F***ed") What a man thing to say!! a contractor who i work with said it sounds like he said "I suck.." lol....a ghost with issues...... ![]() |
HA HA HA ![]() Wonder if you could find a ghost psycho-therapist in the Yellow Pages?? |
Darcy wrote: "I suck.." lol....a ghost with issues......
![]() LOL! ![]() |
![]() ![]() I listened to the tape at home as my computer has better speakers! It sounds like the "F" word to me!!! But are ghosts able to swear? |
Okay, so inquiring minds want to know. What happened when you had your meeting yesterday? |
i went to the reader yesterday...she had some intriguing things to say....
she said that my house was a mecca ![]() she said that there was a male spirit that was mad that we messed with ''his yard'' particular the front right corner of the yard...about 18 months ago, brian had an old olive tree removed...the reader said that his name has a j or g in it....holy pattootie...the original owner was A.G. Atwater....hmmmm.... another reader said that there was a female spirit named sam..(which is what ive been calling it) and he didnt know that....and said that there is something to do with the fireplace and pearls...hmmm... it was an hour read and there is just too much stuff to write, but lets just say...they were more way on target than off.... i saged my house and cleaned it well, i dedicated flowers that i planted on their behalf and lit a white candle..... i have to say that last night, was calm....NO singing, NO bumping, NO was peaceful and i slept well... is it hocus pocus? is it mind over matter? or is it the truth? You all have to make up your minds, but i believe. and more importantly, I hope that i helped some poor souls move on....there has to be a better place than my old house for the there after..... |
Wow! |
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well, last night wasnt as quiet as the night before...but not nearly as chaotic as previous nights..... I think there is still some work to be done...or maybe, it will always be there and just need to live with them...
BOO! ![]() |
I've heard about people "saging" places. I've always been curious. Does it smell really good? |
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