FURminator for thinning the coat???

My groomer wants to use this process on Tux. I think it might be fairly new. There are several groomers in the USA that use it. I just don't want his fur to be thinned out too much. Has anyone heard of this (FURminator) or used it?? There is a website discussing the process. Is is okay to post websites on this board?? Anyway, I just wanted to know if anyone has allowed their groomer to do this and if they liked it??? Tux has an appointment next week for his "Christmas coiffure!" I sure don't want to mess him up now--I want him adorable for his first Christmas! I will post pictures as soon as I figure out how to do it! In the meantime--he looks exactly like Stormy!!!! Thanks for all the information!
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Hi, I saw the furminator on QVC and it looked like they took a large amount of fur from the dogs they were Aussie Shepherds. I am going to have some of Oreo thinned out the hair under his ears is so thick and he is in a true puppy cut now.
Maggie Jane wrote:
he looks exactly like Stormy!!!!

I am guessing you mean Jack? LOL, but still Tux is adorable, and I consider it a compliment if I look as good as him. :D Yes, my real name is Stormi.
I am also in Oklahoma, a little further west than you, in Yukon OK. It is a suburb of Oklahoma City. When I was younger, my grandma used to take me to the Shawnee mall to get macadamian nut cookies. :)

Ron wrote a post on how to put up pictures. I don't know if you have read it yet...

I hope that helps. :D

We look forward to hearing more about you and Tux. So from one Okie to another, WELCOME TO THE FORUM! :D

Stormi and co.
Thanks, Shaggy Dog! I think I am going to skip the Furminator treatment...I'm just afraid it will make him look scraggly.... AND, well, "Jack"-- sorry about that! I just thought Stormi would be a cute name for you, too! You are so-o-o cute. I wish I could get Tux's hair to stand up on top like yours does! He always seems to have a part down the middle and a flat top!
Hi, we have purchased the furminator to use on our cats. We have Maine Coon cats & a Siamese. The comb works well on both long hair & short hair. It does not really thin their hair as you described, but rather removes the dead hair from the undercoat. Does not pull or rip it out, it only removes the dead hair.

The fur on the dog or cat may appear to be thinner, but it was only the dead hair removed. It really leaves their coat nice. Less hair in the house, etc.

I highly recommend using it. We have been so impressed with the comb that we are going to try to sell some at cat shows. Don't be afraid to try it though!
You are right about the FURminator, it is becoming very popular in the USA and also in several other countries. We have never had a treatment through a groomer, we just went ahead and bought the tool and treated our two dogs - not Old English Sheepdogs, but terrible shedders nonetheless. You can purchase it online at www.furminatoronline.com and do the treatment yourself. I would recommend a Medium or Large tool. As for the concern about losing 'too much' hair it seems to us the only hair removed is what was about to fall out on our carpet and couch anyways, it actually seems to improve the appearance of the coat.
I use the Furminator all the time it does reduce shedding and makes the coat shine. I haven't used it on Grizman but have used it on my chow x it is great.I have also used it on the samoyds I groom it really does make them look better.I have also used it on many short coat breeds the owners are on a schedual they come in once a month to get it done. Every one seems to like it. It won't however work on a matted coat so brush first. also they (furminator people) make a conditioner that helps remove or losen the dead coat I don't furminate with out it. It works great And smells good too. :)
I use the Furminator on my two malamutes and love it. It gets down deep where a shedding blade won't. I also love my Dyson, I have the yellow one, it matches my furminator. I think Dyson should make a deal to give people a furminator with the vacuum. Best deshedding pair of tools I have seen.
http://www.cyberinkdesign.com/lostdogs/furminator.html for good pics.

I used to have a dog that loved to be vacuumed, not sure it helped all the much though. (course I didnt have a dyson back then)[/url]
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