team work

My guys are very storm-phobic and we've been having showers off an on all day, 50 mph winds earlier, etc. I was ignorning the banging on the front door to be let in......"oh bother" I thought. The banging got more intense. I finally went to investigate, but stood to where I could watch the reflection of the door in a picture's reflected glass.

Jack hip checks the door...or slams it with is paw..........and Harry tries to get his nose between the door and frame when the storm door bounces....did I mention they broke the latch some time ago and unless I turn the latch to lock, the door is free swinging?

I figured it was just a matter of time before they got their act together. Sure enough a thunder rumble put more emphasis on their need to open the door. Suddenly the boys came running down the hall, wide eyed and one whimpering. The girls were still outside, barking, "Hey, what about us??"

The storm was 5 minute duration with hail, big rain dump and now sunshine. They are ready to go back outside. They can let themselves out.
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:lol: :lol: Nice teamwork!

I had once a OES-bitch (Aurora) who open easely the door by laying her paw on the knob and pushed it down.
Then I turn the knob the other way and you had to push it up to open the door.
Then she didn't manage to open the door until we got a oes-mail (Maurice);
He pushed the knob up with his nose.
They were so clever together........... :lol: :lol:
I agree, nice teamwork!! 8)
We are really going to need video of this. :D
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