Males owners: When did he start to lift his leg?

Pooh bear is still leaning brother-in-law's Wheaton who is 4 weeks older has been lifting for about 6 weeks now. what point should I expect to see this...if ever? He's been fixed so there is nothing getting in the way.......

Any thoughts?
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Hi Josh,

My Jack is 20 months old and not neutered and is not yet lifting his leg, I would assume that with Pooh already neutered that it is a behavior that you should probably not see.
Give us some more adorable Pooh pictures and Christopher Robin too. :wink:

Stormi and co.
Max is 17 months old, and does not lift his leg. He did once but that was it. He is not around male dogs alot so I've been told he may always just stand and lean forward. I don't care either way.
Henry is 3-1/2. Lift leg vs. squat = 45%/45%. The remaining 10% he does a combination which allows for the charming result of peeing on his own front leg. :oops: It also gets him so off-balance he falls halfway through his business. :lol: My little goofball!
Yes, someone please post some more pics. I am so eager. I sit and wait, and wait... I always go back to the very first pic and look at them over and over as if they change the 3rd or 4th time. :lol:

I figured there would be a lot more since a lot of people get puppies for Christmas. I know it's not a good practice, but I still expected a ton of new folks on this board. :)
Pirate, who is almost a year, does not lift his leg. I don't think he is graceful enough. However, his sister, mean ol'Molly, the Jack Russell Terrorist, lifts her leg.

Go figure :roll:

debcram, is it just me or is your pic (Avatar) a red X? Just wanted to tell you just in case you didn't know OR find it if it was just me.
Many male dogs never lift their legs if they were neutered before they learned to do it. Even un neutered males sometimes take years to learn how... .every dog is different.
Joaheyo, not just you, debcram, did you delete your avatar? Or change it's location so that the link doesn't work?
Lennon lifted his leg when he was 8 months old, now he only does it if he has a tree to lean against.
My Pirate is growing up, so Ron graciously is going to help me with a new avator.

Because of his situation, it may be a while, so I think I'll have to live with the red x...which is just fine.

I'm always grateful for Ron's help!

Thanks for asking...and just wait til you see Pirate new pic!

The vet seems to think that Pud is around three years old. He too does the squat and lean and occasionally the leg lift. Like Henry's Mom wrote, we occasionally have the dribble on the leg.
debcram, you can email me your pic and I'll gladly convert it to your new avatar.
Merlin used to lift his leg. He was the KING of the house :x , outside the house :lol: and then he got lost :( and had to be neutered. Now he only does it if he wants to 'mark' outside. Generally on a walk I don't let him pee on other people's property (this is a pet peeve of mine with people letting their dogs pee in my garden...but that is another topic :roll: ) In his dog run, most of the time Merlin does the lean forward technique. And he knows to only go in the dog run and not in the patio area attached to the dog run (smart guy!)
Oreo started lifting his leg before he was a year old. Our road is on a slope and I remember giving him some support when he started to wobble. He has to be lined up a certain way or he ends up with yellow paws! LOL He will life his leg on trees and stuff but he still squats. I think it is just habit not influenced by hormones at all.
Pisco is 20 month old and he doesn`t lift his leg yet....he would do it sometimes but not very one walk he would never lift it but in another he can lift it once and the rest just leans foward.....
I though he had a problem or needed a male reference but my vet told me not to worry...

My OES is 5 and he does not lift his leg yet. He has not been neutered either. I think that this is a main difference wity other breeds. (Joking) In fact, I though that my dog was "gay" but thank you I can see that a lot of dogs don't do it.
Merlin lifted his leg at 3 months for a while. Funny to view his chubby little puppy body attempting this as he would usually not be able to keep his balance and topple over. He did it for aprox 2 months and then resorted back to squating. Then back to lifting his leg at 9- 10 months. It may be his daily visits to the dog park and the fact that he was not neutered until 10 months as now he is a pro at this.

Panda has the strangest tecnique - always leg up but rarely with no tree or anything around. It could be that he previously lived 6 months in a small cage and was only allowed out once a week for 20 mins that he does this.

Blue leg forward usually but will do the leg lifting if Panda has just urninated.

Dogs leave messages in their urine to other dogs. The leg lifting is a sign of dominance - the higher it is the more dogs can read the message. Some of you may have observed dogs doing the scratch thing with their paws and flailing the dirt all around. This gives a wider range for it to spread. Dogs can read things like...hmm this was a neutered young male that passed by here 2 days ago. Or this guy is un-neautered and left his mark in front of my house! Grrr I feel territorial. Or! a female in heat has passed by this way. Ha Ha - you get the idea. Urine and marking of territory is natural.

Dogs that have been neutered/spayed early usually have no need to display territorial marking or signs that they are ready to mate. Dogs will also have a strong urge to urinate where other dogs have done so ..almost like responding to the message. It's why it's a good idea to just take your dog around the block for a short walk if you want them to go and empty their bladder - they'll do it more than if they were in their own backyard.

Drake just started to lift his leg a little over a month ago at about 10 and half months. He still does a mix of both in the open he squats near a fence or tree he lifts his leg. He is starting to learn to mark his territory and his aim is getting better. When he first started to lift his leg you had to watch out because he would miss his mark and hit our legs. He came pretty close to getting my daughter while we were waiting for the bus one day :lol: As Marianne said Drake does not go all at once any more, we have to make a complete trip aronud our yard or block for Drake to empty his bladder and we have a pretty big yard. The timing of this is somewhat of a bummer since the cold weather has moved in and it now takes Drake a little longer longer 8)
I am so glad someone else addressed this.

Neither of my males lift their leg. They dont even lean forward they both squat.

I figured they were just copying our older female who reigns supreme over the canines.

Anyways Merry Christmas
Melissa and family
My HIggins was 10 years old and very very rarely lifted his leg, usually in high grass or on a slope. I imagined it was part of the OES psyche... Why would a dog choose to stand on 3 legs when God gave him 4?
Twissel wrote:
I imagined it was part of the OES psyche... Why would a dog choose to stand on 3 legs when God gave him 4?

:lol: :lol: :lol: , I almost had dr. pepper come through my nose when I read that. That must be Jack's philosophy too. :D He is getting close to 2 years old and has never even tried the 3 legged approach. LOL

Stormi and co.
Woof's done it since he was about 10 months - sometimes i wish he hadn't learnt the trick - he's still a bit wobbly and can end up peeing on his own fur - yuck! :oops:
The only time my boys lifted their leg was when they got into a "pee-on" contest. Emma or Ab would squat and those silly boys would each take a side and be ready to mark where she went...sometimes their over exuberance got Ab or Emma pee'd upon. Emma soon learned to "squat walk" and on several occasions, she'd shuffle out of the way in the nick of time and the boys pee'd on each other. :D
LOL like a scene from a comedy movie, getting caught in each other's cross-fire!
I thought "the ability to live IN a comedy movie" was one of the requirements for being owned by this breed?! After all the years of being owned and operated by OES, I've caught on to the fact that I am merely here as they need an audience. Now I'm off to give a standing ovation to the one who's head is stuck in the cat litter box.....the cat is in there and he does NOT sound happy......

I am sooo glad that my boss is not in the office today. I am sitting at my desk with tears streaming down my face. The mental picture you painted was hilarious, but I would love to see an actual piture of that little incident!
This IS a common occurance in this hasn't been AS common since we lost our youngest male. With him, it was daily. He loved Simon the OE cat and followed him everywhere...including attempting to follow him into his enclosed litter box. The first time it happened, he got his head stuck in there and he was a very big boy and had no trouble lifting box, cat and litter and shaking his head in an attempt to escape. Poor Simon was howling, hissing and spitting mad traumatized. He would only go to his box if his big buddy was outside. I made certain the top of the box was unhinged...just in case! Today's culprit was Ashley and there are TWO things wrong with this picture! The first being that she has been "caught" on sacred cat grounds...the third floor is Simon's very own "private space, NO DOGS ALLOWED, thank you very much" and the second being why don't they understand the simple concept of how BIG they are??!! LOL!! Poor little Simon has free reign of the entire house, but needs to get away from his overbathing buddies on occasion! I have just now completed turning the 3rd floor into a "gated cat community" with ONLY enough room for Simon to get in and out. I know this works because I just removed Ashley's head from the gate..........HEY!! Maybe I should try training her to not go up there?? Nah....why start a new trend! LOL!
Too bad your boss ISN'T there!! He/she may think you just LOVE your job!! : )
:lol: :lol: Ditto Betsy! I'm laughing so hard I nearly fell out of my chair! Please video that one sometime, Cathy! We'd love to see it!
You two want me to ENCOURAGE this type of behavior??!! LOL!! You're MY kind of sheepie people!! LOL! :lol:
Hi. this is my first time posting. Love all the great info I have been learning. Although it took me long enough to figure out how to post a message. Iwas wondering also when they start to lift their leg. I have a sheepie who just turned 14 weeks today,his name is Murphy. If I can ever figure out how to post his picture I will. Thanks for all the great tips.loried
Welcome to the forum Loried! I've only been here a short time myself, but these folks are wonderful! I look forward to hearing more about Murphy and seeing his pictures soon!!
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