Tonks Ate Something Stupid...

... a piece of my Linoleum kitchen flooring.

I've been so proud of the fact that at 6 months old, Tonks has yet to do anything destructive. And last night at 3am the little monster tore up a piece of the kitchen floor and ate it. A big piece. 8O

I can't imaging her passing it. Its gonna hurt her little butt alot. But I guess I have to watch for it and hope she does, right? She's had awful diarrhea lately, and I think this is only going to mess with her digestion ever worse. So now I'm watching her like a hawk. Hopefully it passes, but I can't see how it would. :( :( :(
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Please call your vet. It might be something that Tonks can pass with no problem but maybe not. I know emergency vet bills are expensive, but I bet a phone call is free. And at least you'll know.
Yes, please call the vet.
She probably chewed it up... if not, I wonder
if it could cut her intestines on the way out.
Or an obstruction if it was a real big piece.
You might also consider crating at night to keep her safe.
i did call the emergency vet and was told to watch her for vomitting, diarrhea (which he had before she ate the kitchen floor) lethargy; anything that would indicate that there's a problem.

I did find some small pieces of Linoleum; so my hope is that she tore it up and played with it before devouring it.
Oh gosh...I hope your little one is Ok..keeps the vets number handy just in case.... :cry:
Our problem used to be scatter rugs.
For the longest time we couldn't use them.
Dogs :roll:

Fingers crossed that this too shall pass without any problems.
6Girls wrote:
Fingers crossed that this too shall pass without any problems.

Pun intended?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I hope she's okay!! Did they tell you to give her more fiber to hurry it along?
That is what my vet recommended after my Boxer ate a chicken carcass. :roll: I gave her baked beans!! :cow:
At the time, all that came to my mind was that baked beans are very high in fiber. The gas that night could have killed someone!! :twitch:

But everything came out okay.

Best wishes to Tonks!!
I wonder if the cotton ball treatment would be indicated here as it is for glass ingestion?
I don't think it would hurt! Good idea, Ron!

Allison please read the following post for directions:
I wonder if these hounds have a stronger constitution than we give them credit for.

Archies favorites are house brick and terracotta pots along with gravel, I try to fish them out of his mouth when best I can, but the clicking of stone on stone (when he ....!) is always a tell tale sign that he has been supplementing his mineral intake.
Less than a week later, and Tonks has done it AGAIN.

I never give them toys when they sleep. I know the risks. But Tonks and Luna had me up ALL NIGHT. They had napped the afternoon away; our new training really wears them out. So they were wide awake at 2am, then again at 3am, and 4 am, and 6:30 am... Barking to let me know they wanted out, they wanted to play!

I was so exhausted that at 6:30 I grabbed an armload of what I viewed to be "safe" toys and dumped them in their room.

At 7:15 there was barking, but I could tell it was different. Exasperated, I stormed into thier room only to find Luna standing over Tonks, who looked unhappy. Then I saw the remains of the tennis ball she had devoured. She ate about 2/3 of it, leaving chunks and crumbs scattered about.

So I induced vomitting, and didn't get anything that looked remotely like pieces of the ball up. At 8 am I had the vet on the phone and at 9 am Tonks was getting X-rays. $200 later, and the vet congratulates me for doing the "right thing" when I did; the X-ray is clear. I guess the ball crumbled away to really small bits, and was mixed in with all the yuck she vomitted up.

tonks had better get me something really good for Mothers Day. :x
why do they eat everything? Summer will pick up things off the floor in the house, in the garden she is a nightmare!

glad your little one is OK, but costly!
Maybe Luna ate the ball 8O
Oh poor you! Nothing like worrying over our furkids.

Glad Tonks is going to be okay!!! Belly rubs to the kids and hugs to you.

Toby likes:

golf balls
tennis balls
any kind of balls
napkins, paper towels, tissues
shoe insoles

All of it has come out in due course and in due time. I think these dogs are part goat!

Hope to see you later today (could we have a better day?!)
Ron wrote:
Maybe Luna ate the ball 8O

Not a chance. Luna is my "gifted child"; that is to say she's WAY too smart to eat something like a tennis ball. She prefers the lava stones from our fireplace. :lol:
I have a "Ben account" and put money in it each month to pay for his care.
He has had two linear obstructions - almost died from the first one. A linear obstruction is part of the item (in his case a washcloth) advances throiugh the intestines while connected by strings to the larger part remaining in the stomach. The strings cut into the intestine, eventualy rupturing. Ben was down to a cell layer or two when they finally did the surgery. Nine months later, they rushed him into surgery much quicker.

It has been a constant battle to keep items put away (he can open doors and cabinets), no soft toys that can be ripped and clothing/household items that might be of interest to him. The last surgery was due to guest that wasn't quite into our pickup program. :evil:

We have to keep Ben in a special room when we leave the house. We laughingly call it the crate - and he goes in there with the girls - and the cats. 8O

Good luck.
Mom of 3 wrote:
We have to keep Ben in a special room when we leave the house. We laughingly call it the crate - and he goes in there with the girls - and the cats. 8O

Good luck.

We do that! When people ask if i crate my dogs, I reply " If by 'crate' you mean 'lock inthe kitchen' then yes, we crate our dogs!"
Actually, it sounds like a crate may be a really good idea for her - at least until the puppy chewing stage passes. :?

I still crate the wigglebums at night. They go in with no problems when I say "it's bed time, babies". I give them a kong stuffed with cream cheese (low fat!) and they lie down & go right to sleep. It's their safe place and their own "space" which they seem to enjoy.
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Actually, it sounds like a crate may be a really good idea for her - at least until the puppy chewing stage passes. :?

when my guys outgrew the crate they shared, our crating days were over. We just don't have the space for two of them.

I don't usually give them toys; the kitchen (except for that linoleum) is usually free of things they can chew.....
I'm glad that all has been well so far with Tonks and her eating habits.

Barney went through a phase of eating the kitchen floor. He HATED his crate, but was fine left in the kitchen. Well, somehow he developed a taste for grout. He loosened several tiles because of it! Don't know why he did it :roll:

Barns doesn't usually eat anything funky--the only thing I can think of are sticks and pine cones if we're outside.
SHE'S DONE IT AGAIN!!!!!! :evil:
MORE of the Linoleum floor! AND we were only gone an hour and a half and she pooped ALL OVER the kitchen floor. I took her out before we left and she only had to pee!!!!!

I'm so angry right now!!!!

What do you guys think; I have a crate big enough for one of them. Is it cruel if I crate Tonks in the kitchen and leave Luna loose in there with her? I feel like I can't leave her alone without her being bad in my abscence....
Oh Allison... I'm sorry.
Crating is not cruel if done properly and it may just save her life and a lot of money in vet bills.

Make her crate a fun place to be... never a place of punishment. We always covered crates with a piece of cardboard on top and a blanket over 3/4 of the crate so it was more cozy/den-like. Maybe give her a piece of chicken or beef when she goes in... something special. We always removed collars before the dog kenneled-up too as a safety.

Also note- If you use a stuffed kong, make sure it's a black one. I've got a couple of strong chewers in the pack and one put a hole in the red ones the first time used- .

You'll have to monitor behavior of Luna when Tonks is released. Personally, I would ignore Luna whenever Tonks has been crated so you don't inadvertently create any jealousy.
we crated in the begining, when they were smaller. I know it isn't cruel; they just out grew the crate, so the closed off kitchen had become a sort of crate for them. But if Tonks is going to be destructive, then she can be crated before she does something harmful to herself.

Ignoring Luna won't be an issue; we only "crate" when we go out or go to bed anyway. So no one would be availalbe to pay her any attention.
Silly silly Tonks. :(
I would crate her.
It is too scary what she might get into. :(

I have some crated, some behind a gate in a safe room, and some allowed loose. We have been doing this for years and have had no problems.

Ours are crated for the same reasons - behaviors, etc, and a couple are more comfortable left in a crate than loose. As long as you show no preference to the one out, you won't have any trouble. :D
I had one that liked to chew the edges of scatter rugs, then
unravel the yarn. I caught her once with about 8" of yarn
down her throat... eeks! That can be dangerous too if eaten.
So all the rugs were picked up and it wasn't until about a
year later that we were able to put them down again. :roll:
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