
I thought I was just getting forgetful— nearing 60, destined to have to live with an increasing number of senior lapses. For the past week whenever I wanted to make a sandwich or have a cookie, I seemed always to find that the loaf of bread or bag of cookies were not where I thought they were. Maybe my wife ate the last one, or maybe it was stale and she tossed them out. Or maybe I just forgot again...

But no. Today, while picking up after the dogs, Toby following at my heels as usual, I came across what looked like a fresh gopher mound, a big one, out behind one of the largest roses. What's this? Fishing around, pushing the pile of dirt aside, I discovered an intact, full bag of French bread, buried and covered with fresh dirt, the wrapper not even broken.

There's another gopher mound not far away! I paw thorough it, getting my hands dirty. Cookies!

Toby, our newest member of the family, who was here just a second ago, has suddenly disappeared. I suddenly realized why. He's busted, having taught himself to steal things off the counters when we're not looking and sneak out and stash them so that even our other sheepdog Charlie, doesn't know.

Busted. That's him— the closest one in my avatar with the feigned look of innocence. The sheepdog thief.
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hahaha.....nothing like a midnight snack when no one is looking

that is really too funny!!
how funny!! That's a new one on me- if mine get anything they eat it (I think one of them might try to hide the evidence but not the spoils!!)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
hahahahahaha that is soooooo cute!!!
LOL Ohhh that's gonna be a hard one to stop! LOL


We had a guy who was a bread thief. Finally after YEARS of training...

... we learned to put the bread out of reach. 8)
that was way to funny. I had a dog that buried muffins in my house plants :roll:
Brilliant!!! We :bow:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

None of mine hide for later consumption, perhaps knowing that The Nose will take advantage.

However, Sybil had a small streak of genius of her own the other night. I was chopping up some cooked chicken gizzards to bring with me to obed class, entourage drooling at my feet. I set aside eight bigger pieces, one for each dog. Then I walk into the dog room to crate the fosters, confident that the others will be sitting in a row, mouths open, when I'm finished crating for a treat each. I start doling out. Wait! Eight treats, seven dogs. :lmt: No dog has ever been missing in action before. This can't be good.

Walked back into the kitchen where Sybil had the bag of treats 1/2 way to the edge of the counter already. Oops! Busted! :oops:

Then I thought about it and it really was pretty ingenius. Why settle for a measly piece when you can have the whole stash to yourself?

Smart cookie! :high5:

Kristine & Sybil - marching to the beat of some drummer only she hears :rimshot:
Thank God! :phew:
Our first sheepie, Maudie, used to take food and hide it. Biscuits in the dirty clothes hamper, probably to hide the delicious aroma of the bread.

I had a couple of chicken breasts on the counter to thaw..... yeap, gone. We tore the house apart looking for them and then started worrying about her eating the bones. She did fine, until we noticed this strange odor. It was difficult to find, but she hid them behind the twin bed we were using as a sofa (poor newlywed college students). <sigh> Good thing it was an old bed that we could toss out, it never did clean up.
Our first Sheepie would pilfer hand tools from the shop and leave them in the grass. We found them with the mower. :? Wish it had been bread....
Mine have never stolen things that I remember...but I have had 3 males over my lifetime who brought the male head of the household (my father then later my husband) money they found some where. It was alway bills and I don't know where they found it. I guess they were helping pay rent.
How hilarious! Higher shelves for all the goodies.
What a great story!! That should definitely be on tv or at least YouTube. :clappurple:
Very funny story!

My dog INHALES stolen goodies off the chance of burrying them for later....she'd eat herself sick if she could!

Isn't it funny how they know when they're busted? I've heard dog trainers say you should never hold a dog accountable for a crime commited more than 3 seconds ago because they can't remember what they did....bologne! If I come home and my dog has commited a crime (i.e, littering the house with the contents of the garbage can) I know instantly before even seeing the mess that she has done something wrong because she will lay on her side in the corner with those guilty puppy dog eyes begging for my forgivenss. I only have to say, "what did you do?" in that low acusatory voice and she comes and rolls over at my feet. They know when they've done something wrong....but how can you stay mad at that guilty sheepdog face? :)
Dutch is a accomplished thief but she eats it as fast as she steals it :lol:
jean wrote:
Dutch is a accomplished thief but she eats it as fast as she steals it :lol:

Yup - that's the MO here too. Eat or be eaten - eh, I mean the purloined goodies will be eaten. There being no honor among thieves and all.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sybil was actually falsely accused tonight. I took the three youngest plus one of the fosters to the dogpark and stopped at the store on the way home where I picked up my dinner - a small steak - and an added bonus - 12 pounds of turkey backs for the dogs. I know better than to put the groceries in the back - their grandmother taught me that. Used to be I'd have one dog crate in the car - that's where I put the groceries - the dogs were loose :roll: So I put them on the passenger seat and drive home. Get there, leash up three of the four, wait! I'm missing someone. Look around in the back of the wagon. No Sybil!! (How do you lose an OES in a station wagon???) I almost had a heart attack. Glanced in front and there she was examining the bags.

So we go in and I unload the car and feed the dogs and I get to the bottom of the bags and no steak!!! Sybil!!! &^%&^%&!!!
I went back out and found it in the car. I didn't apologize as she never bothers to. Guilt is not in her vocabulary. If the human is dumb enough to leave herself wide open to petty theft, that's her problem.

Kristine :wink:
:lol: :lol: :lol: You keep that thief there! Both Glacier and Jack will steal if given half a chance though it is consumed immediately. I still remember slaving all day making sweet bread, brought home a loaf and the time it took to make a pit stop, the bread was stolen from the counter and consumed. I discovered the thief licking the last smidgen off the wrapper. Busted.

No food is left unguarded and all is set high or in the frig (please don't let them learn how to open that!) They can open the pantry, but it's all canned goods down low........another lesson learned.
tulo buries his treasures... the other day he took his bone on our walk thru the fields...he disappeared for a while and came trotting up with no bone and a dirty nose. i searched all the fresh dirt with no luck while he just watched me..

the next morning he dug it up while i watched him...i swear he was smirking at me

he also buries stuff in my closet with the sliding doors...he goes in one end and all the way to the other to bury it in the junk on the floor... little does he realize that the other sliding door is somewhat open and i can watch the whole episode... then he backs out thru the original door like nothing happened.
I never thought I would think a thief is so cute!
When I was growing up we had a Saint Bernard that loved to go around the neighborhood pilfering anything he could pick up.
The funniest incident happened one Saturday afternoon when he came home with a bucket full of water complete with a large sponge. He was holding the bail in his mouth just as we would our hand. Seems a neighbor on the next street was washing his car and had gone inside to get a cup of coffee just before Brandy happened by. We watched in glee as the neighbor came back outside and walked around his car trying to figure out what had become of his wash bucket.
Sigh...last night we lost a loaf of fresh-out-of-the-oven, warm, scrumptious, perfect-crust-with-squishy-inside home made bread. Remember that scene from "A Christmas Story" with the Bumpkiss' dogs and the Christmas Turkey? That was me and my loaf of bread last night...
Pepsi doesn't even care about being seen now. I was cleaning up after dinner the other night and felt that someone was standing behind me. I said, "I already told everyone to get out of the kitchen so Mommy cold clean!" then I turn to see Pepsi standing there trying to steal some chicken. I said, "Excuse me, what the heck do you think you are doing?"
He tilted his head, licked my face and got down from the counter. :roll:
Summer is a terrible thief,the other day she pinched parsley I was washing. Out of the corner of my eye I saw it sliding towards the edge of the work surface. I let her have some as I decided it was probably good for her! But Tilly has got even worse. Hubbys fault he picks her up for a cuddle and perches her on his paper on the table and she snuggles down. She now thinks it is fine to get on the table to steal anything, corner of sandwiches, egg etc. So one of us has to sit at the table when I am dishing up dinner to guard the food.
I love these sheepdog thievery stories. It makes me feel like I'm not alone in harboring a delinquent, or a pair of them.

Charlie will rest his chin on the dinner tables sometimes, looking baleful— until my wife reaches for the salt or something and then he will snatch a morsel off her plate. I think it's because she gives him tidbits at dinner sometimes. One time he took a slice of lemon in a quick pass and then instantly got a squirt of the sour juice so shook his head and tossed it in the air in disgust. Served him right...

But only Toby is a sneak thief and a hoarder. I think he is capable of long range strategic planning, too.
The only one of my three that DOESN'T pilfer is the sheepdog - But he's new. I expect it will come. Jack the jack russell/rott mix hoards all the toys so Chrissie the Lhasa Poo won't steal them (she's been a thief since birth). All the dogs have constant access to outdoors, and there are days when I look around and the toys are all missing.........All I have to do is go out to the patio and there they are - 10 of them lined up like little tin soldiers, all standing upright. At least he doesn't bury them! :hearts:
We were invited to a friend's home for a major gathering of his (mostly) upscale friends. We were seated around the dining room table awaiting the main course and our sheepdog, Grizzly, was doing his best to convince us that his end was imminent if we didn't give him a sample. My wife told him to "go lie down." On of the other guests retorted "Leave the poor dog alone, he's just trying to make a living."
Asia, my newest pup is quite the tinker....sometimes when I am giving out treats, which I always give to the three dogs in different order, she gets anxious and I will give to her first, Violet and then China. When I go to give it to China, my other Aussie, she will try to grab it between my hand and China's mouth, lol She has never been successfulm but she does try periodically. (I have noticed she never trys to get Violet's treat, lol).

One day I had a McDonald hamburger on a plate. I always cut my sandwiches into fours. Anyway, my Tinker Asia decided she would try to get a bite before offered. Well it was a good plan except she had to be quick because I was sitting right there. She did the grab and missed the meat...hahahah she only got the top bun quarter. I laughted and told her "ha ha Zazzee (my nickname for her) you missed the meat". 8O

One day I was standing with my sandwich in my hand and Violet must have gotten impatient. I didn't realise she was behind me until I felt a tug on my sandwich and guess who's mouth was around the sandwich? Yes, Violet. lol

These dogs keep me laughing every day. :lol:
WOW - your story made me laugh and laugh. I would never have expected you to say he was keeping them for later! I love it! Don't worry, he's just making sure you'll never starve if the world hits a big food shortage! :wink:
ya sure blame it on the dog :lol: :lol: :lol:
George is my resident criminal - he was a rescue from the RSPCA and the third day he was with us - it was a Wednesday - I remember it well - I woke up and went down the hall - squelch phew 8O - It was still warm! - and it went all in between my toes ( grr :evil: they told me he was house trained).
I hopped to the bathroom and washed my foot off underneath the bathtap and returned to clean up the now squished messypoo :( ! Oh how badly it smelled!

Then I just finished that, and went into the kitchen to find the pantry door open :? and the whole bottom shelf cleared of all foodstuffs, nuts, a kilo of sugar, cornflakes weetbix, a packet of oats, brown sugar, gravy powder, the recycling bin, a bottle of cordial (thankfully not full) a bag of rice, a loaf of bread and some small stuff in packets like pasta - all gone!!!!!! Well when I say all gone there was a lot of torn packaging and a bit of sugar left on the floor and a few grains of rice and some cornflakes but essentially he had woolfed the lot!

The next day he ate a whole tub of margarine the kids had left out on the benchtop plus a loaf of bread - this was a regular occurance until he trained us to put away everything as soon as we had used it

The funniest one, was that one day he stole a packet of chocolate cake mix, that I had left out to remind me to make a birthday cake for my daughter - :bdcake: We have cream carpets in the bedrooms and I suddenly heard a yell - George had retired to Kimberley's room to enjoy his spoils but having no hands must have found opening the box a little difficult as well as opening the two sachets of cake mix and icing mix.

In order to get to the contents he had to hold down the bag with one paw and then lick the contents out and onto the carpet grinding the mix into a huge brown stain (which smelt delightful this time!) No sign of box or sachets - where did they go? We have no idea to this day - he still steals butter or margarine that is left unattended by humans , and can silently mount the cooktop and lick out any pan left to cool undetected. :cow:
Chauncey thankfully is not a counter-surfer and only a bit of a thief ( mostly when we're eating in the living room, he'll steal a lick or a bite if your not looking ). His thing is to take his bone, or chew into the bedroom and hide it under Bobby's pillow or to bury them somewhere in the house.
He is known to steal a dish cloth or towel....but he's easy to catch. If you see him hauling butt for his bed, he's up to no good :roll:
Before I had the dog door installed I had Laika ring a bell to go out. I was about to sit down to dinner and she rang. So put my plate down on the coffee table and went towards the door she then ran back and proceeded to gobble my supper! :twisted: :cry:
Gotta love them :D
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