Blue getting fixed this week

So Blue getting fixed FINALLY. Now he is a licker... do you leave those neck funnel things :roll: forgot name of them. ON at night also. I never had to use one BUT I know I will have to with BLUE. :cry: AND I always had girls is there anything I need to know for a boy. Silly question.
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If he is a licker, then keep it on all the time except if it bothers him to eat. I think they have new "victorian collars" out that just limit the rotation of the neck to prevent licking and are not cones. My wife's parents had a neurotic Lab that loved to lick to the point of opening sores. Lickers are a problem. Hope he does well.

I would keep it on him for a few weeks and then give him some observed freedom. As soon as he licks.. on goes the cone. After a few times the wound will heal or he will forget about it.
Some people use T-shirts on their Sheepies after surgery. Look through the "history" postings and I am sure you will come across what I am referrng to.

Good luck Blue!
We leave the cone on Barney all night. Otherwise he'd use the excuse of oh, they're sleeping, to lick himself all night long. They can get comfy with them on, so don't worry about that part. OF course, when we had Barney snipped, he learned how to use the cone to scratch his incision :roll:
Tshirts are great as long as the hair is short. Bella wore a tshirt for a cyst removal and I had to shave her after...she matted up real bad. She has a cone on all the time except for eating and potty breaks. She had a tumor removed from her toe (benign) and you know she won't leave that alone.

I hate the thing too, but it is generally safe as long as they have some supervision.
We actually put a pair of shorts on Oliver. I believe it was Ron who originally came up with this method though. It worked really well.
I put shorts on Nigel too...much to his dismay.

wendy58 wrote:
I put shorts on Nigel too...much to his dismay.


Nigel is too cute in that pic!
Sending well wishes to Blue!

Most vets will send you home with a "cone" as a precautionary measure. They usually wear them a day or two until you are sure they are leaving that area alone. The first night they still feel the affects of surgery so are pretty sleepy. It's the next day or when they become more alert is when they're apt to lick themselves. The cones while bothersome is usually temporary.

I love the shorts however!! Too cute!

Lots of love and belly rubs to Blue.

Marianne and the boys
How's Blue??
I haven't told him yet 8) He is not until wednesday, I had to phone vets to make sure they bring in a cone for him because he is big. Lots of small dogs here. They come in from out of town. They had to cancel twice due to weather, so I thought APril good month and guess what SNOW :twisted: bad roads yesterday hopefully better in the next few days. IF they cancel again............ :twisted: So I am moving appointments around to baby him tht nite and the next morning. How do you do the shirt thing for them not to lick. The vet just phoned had him on speaker should have seen Blue when he heard his name, he stood up and took off outside. He now knows. I wonder if neudered (spelling) is in his top 50 words.
I didn't use a shirt when Beau was neutered, just the cone. But I think a pair of boxer briefs would work better for that area to keep him from licking the incision.
Shirts are better for girls.......and then even the tall shirts work better for us...give me more to tie. Fortunately husband wears the talls :wink:

I've used shorts and cones.......each has their pros and cons.
If he gets his tongue back there he can delay healing or tear out any suture. Depending on the vet, they may or many not leave the scrotum. I had one boy swell up after surgery so his scrotum appeared to have never lost the internal contents. Poor guy. Had to apply cold compresses several times a day........that was fun.

The empty sac is no big deal until you groom around back there, "What's this??? Oh yeah."
Or you may not need anything. Just watch him. I have never needed a cone or shirt, shorts, etc. for mine. This is all different breeds and surgeries too.
The only time I was tempted was with my foster basset Bubba (who had the lumps removed). And the trouble was Chewie licking him! I just had to keep Chewie away from him......
I'm not sure what line of thinking I was following but you said basset and the title was about neutering and people are talking about licking and some weird part of my mind started wondering if bassets could bend that far. I worry about myself sometimes....
You could always do the shirt AND shorts :lol:

But you'd also have to add leg warmers to complete the ensemble 8)
Love the pics... One more day to go. shorts ready.
What a cute picture of Barns!! :D
He wanted to dress up as Richard Simmons that year for Halloween. Who was I to say no? :lol:
Blue is off to the vets in 1/2 hr. My finger nails are chewed off. Blue looking for food. :roll: Know I have to get him out the door and leave Sami home 8O Blue is going to think he got away with something. Let ya all know how it goes after 5:00 pm
Hang in will be a few days before he is himself again...try to get pain meds if you need them...Nigel was kinda sore for a couple of days.
well he is home and sleeping, made a run to the back yard well more of a waddle. Then I found him in the snow licking away. :twisted: So back in the house tried the cone but it needs a collar with it and the ones I have to not fix... so underwear it is. So far so good. cost $270.00 never charged for the cone, meds,or nails to be trimmed. Out of town $190.00 but then I would have to pay for gas and food. So all in all now bad. I am now a proud owner of all FIXED pets. :D
so glad he is doing well so far!!
Yay, glad he's doing well!
he did great through the nite, not like the girls when they gey up and do a turn and lay down ALL NITE. And trying to put underwear on a 70lbs dog is not fun. Reminders me of the shaggy D.A movie. My son now wants to dress him up for halloween :roll: I got him a big bones to chew on and that seems to work.
Good job, Blue :D :D
Is Blue a Boxers or Briefs kind of guy? :lol:

I'm glad he's doing well...
Ya have to take pics.... he is boxers and fun with a tail turn it up side down and a tail hole not a ......... 8)
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