Ever Have a Roommate who needed to "Get a Clue!!!"

UGhhhhhh. I want to take one of those nerf bats and bop him in the head until something registers.

My roommate has 2 cats. He is gone about 16-18 hours a day, so you can imagine how much time his animals get (basically bed time). Through my constant nagging, a few years ago he finally got his cat a scratch pad. That went well for a year. Sure the clueless guy was a cheapo and would keep this ONE pad until literally the cats literally got to the bottom of the pad (you know....the actual cardboard box that held the thing together).

His 4 yr old cat has about 6 missing teeth and did he notice? Absolutely not. "I" pointed it out to him. Amazing how his teeth have changed when he (out of getting sick of hearing me gripe) got something more expensive than the 40lb $1.99 bag of cat food.

Anywho... bear with me because I'm obviously past the point of exploding.

The past month, his cats have been going at my couch (the second everyone isn't looking or in the room). The cats are VERY smart. It's not like they're destructive cats. They just need a dang scratch post!

He kept telling me that won't help although it's proven to work for the past 3 yrs I've lived with him.

Absolutely NO consideration for other people's property. He would just vacuum up the area and wouldn't even apologize TO ME!!!!! It's MY COUCH!!!!

I HATE people who say they are super broke but go out every night and buy $65 Bibles and go on weekend activity trips all the time. The cats can't take care of themselves, so it needs to be your PRIORITY!!!

I put a scratch post out that I should NOT have had to buy and what do you know..... they stop immediately.

NOW he has the audacity to get on me because there are little pieces of cardboard everywhere from where they are scratching on a cat scratch pad.

YOU'RE KIDDING ME!??!?! It's okay that my couch gets shred to pieces and you have no problem vacuuming that up every morning in hopes "I don't notice", but it's a problem now that they are making an equal mess towards something they are ALLOWED to tear up? I said DEAL WITH IT!!!

#@$@#$ @%@$%@$#@$%@$%#@$^^$%^$&$&$^#%@$@#$@

I move out at the end of the month.
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Hang in there girlie! I feel your pain though. The worst I had to deal with was my college roommate, who would stay up until 4:00am, shining her light in my face and talking to her psychotic boyfriend (one of those "I'm going to harm myself if I don't talk to her types) Not good if your a fan of sleep- like I am. After that, I got a single in the dorm, I'd had enough. When I left college, I moved in with Mike, and we managed to work through the small foibles.

Just keep concentrating on how wonderful things will be when your soldier comes home- and trust me, they will be. It's like a small piece of heaven! Don't let neglect-boy get the best of you until then!

Karen :)
male roommates are oblivious. i have one. i feel your pain. i also feel like his mommy, either i can pick up after him or i can have my house a total dump. AND i feed his dog, bathe his dog... you get the idea. i think it's one of those things you either have to change or have to accept, because otherwise you're going to go bonkers!!
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