walter hates my sister

my sister lived with us for a few months when we first got him but she moved out last year... walter always picked on her, one time she came down the stairs and said hi walter and went to pet him and he bit her arm and broke skin, another time she was doing laundry and he attacked her for no reason. it got so bad in the morning that we had to put a gate up so he couldnt protect the door when she left. anyway, she comes home every couple of weeks to do laundry or visit my parents and pretty much everytime walter either bites or growls at her. on thanksgiving she was petting him and he was giving her paw and being sweet and thenwe were all sitting and talking and walter just snapped at her and bit her (didnt break skin but got her good), then she came home last night and she was petting him and he growled for no reason. but sometimes hes also very loving to her and will let her pet him or sit next to and play with her.
shes not around enough to train him or to work with him so he will respect her so unless i get some good ideas im just going to put him in another room when she is around.
does anyone have any ideas why he is doing this? or what i can do to stop it?
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I don't have any ideas... but Dancer hates my brother. She never acts threatening, but she cowers when he is around and you can tell she absolutely hates him. I don't like him much myself *hehehe* so I think because Dancer and I are so close she senses my anxiety and reacts to it. Thank goodness he doesn't stop by often!
Willowsprite wrote:
I don't like him much myself *hehehe* so I think because Dancer and I are so close she senses my anxiety and reacts to it. Thank goodness he doesn't stop by often!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I would suggest that your sister not pet Walter the way she has been. She should not engage in eye contact with him - he will see this as a challenge/threat. My guess would be that she is a little intimidated since she's been biten and he may very well sense this and think of her as an easy target. He's considering her part of the pack - but a lower member than him and this is his way of telling her that! I would have your sister ignore Walter. Ask your Behaviorist about it - they may have some suggestions of what your sister can do to show her alpha position (even when she's not around often - and he probably considers her as an intruder in the pack).

Dogs have a really good sense! They can pick up on things that we could never. My sister's dog, Mosi, absolutely HATES a young girl that lives next door to them at their summer house. Mosi is a big lump basset hound who by looking at him you wouldn't think he would have a mean bone in his body - but it never fails - when this little girl comes near him - he snaps at her! My sister has had to ask her not to touch Mosi - to avoid a bite! You may have to do the same with your sister and Walter! Avoidance may be your best bet!

Do you get anxious when your sister is around Walter? Lennon gets growly with my niece and nephiew when my wife or I got anxious when they were playing with him, seems that he tought of them as a threat because we were worried.

It ended when we were calmer when the kids were around him, he bit our former maid because she was afraid of him too, once we taught her to position herself as alpha by giving treats and making him do tricks, things got better. Hope this advise helps some.


How is little Walter doing? Pirate and I were just talking about him the other day, and wondering.

Give him Pirate's best.

In case Heather can't get to answer this - I PM'd her shortly after Christmas to see how things went - and things were better! Hopefully, she'll have time to update everyone - I just wanted to put your mind at ease in the mean time. I was worried about them as well! :)

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