Fitzwilliam is very sick

Fitzwilliam is in the hospital today - the vet thinks he has severe gastro-enteritis, he had a lot of very bloody diarrhea, my poor wee boy. I'm just sitting here waiting for a phone call .... praying he'll be okay .... and I'm smoking up a storm though I quit 6 months ago.

This following my Uncle's passing on Friday, and my darling cousin's funeral on Saturday, this is more than I can take.

He'll be okay --- don't you think?
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He's in a good place where he'd getting the care he needs. I don't have any personal experience with the condition but, from that I'm reading, with prompt and aggressive treatment, he should be just fine. Please let us know how he is and give us updates. He'll be home in no time, I'll bet!
Prayers and healing thoughts going out to Fitzwilliam. Prompt treatment makes a huge difference and it sounds like you are on top of it. Now stop smoking! :wink: (I quit over a year ago and if my baby was sick, I'd start again in a hearbeat).
At the vets they can keep him hydrated with is critical right now. We will send you and him healing white light.......and hope you can put the cigarettes down soon.
I know what you are going through, vibes for Fitzwilliam. Keep all our fingers and paws crossed. Please keep us updated.
Sheepie white light coming your way from Bella and Nigel. He is in the best place he can be where they can keep him hydrated. Keep us updated on his progress.
I was shocked to read the heading of your posts...this is the boy who is pictured 'falling'into the spring lake??? after his bath??? I know it is....Like everyone else, please believe he is in the best place he can be and I will pray for all of you to get through this heartwrenching week----

Please keep us updated!!! All sheepie white light and love going to Fitzwilliam...and to youi!!!
Sending sheepie hugs and good thoughts to you and little Fitzwilliam.
Oh, poor little Fitz. Sending good vibes your way. Keep your thoughts positive-the vets will know what is best.
I keep thinking maybe he got a bug from the lake water. I am sure you caught it early enough and he will be OK. :ghug:
wendy58 wrote:
I keep thinking maybe he got a bug from the lake water. I am sure you caught it early enough and he will be OK. :ghug:
EXACTLY (or some of that toxic algae?)

Tell the vet!
keep all our paws crossed here as well. We have a total of 30 paws in our house...all crossed for the speedy recovery of Fitzwilliam.

He will pull through it!! Yes, he will!

Thank you all so much for your kind words. It is very much appreciated.

Fitzwilliam is doing so-so, still at the vets - very quiet and dehydrated, but he's on IV fluid and antibiotics, no further episodes of bloody diarrhea at the vets. The xray shows no bowel obstruction, just a lot of air in his bowels. The vet is calling it Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis, cause unknown. She'll be calling me again at the end of the day with another update.

I'd really like to know what's causing this. I had a houseful of people over yesterday - it is possible that Fitzwilliam got into something, or my 92 year old Aunt fed him something (she loves to share), I just don't know. He has a history of a sensitive stomach, it doesn't take much to upset his system. Also, last week when I took him for a walk at the park, I was very careful to avoid the river so he wouldn't fall in (again). Instead, he found the most vile pool of black stagnant water to fall into ... so maybe he did pick up something there.

Sue - reading your past posts, this sounds very, very much like what you went through with Summer - I'm so very glad that Summer made it through, that gives me hope.
Sending lots of good vibes!! :ghug:
We are all thinking of you and your puppy.
hope he is ok white light coming your way
hope and good thoughts coming your way for your little fellow
Poor baby. All paws and fingers crossed here. Keep us updated!
Best wishes to you and Fitzwilliam. My daughter's little Spike Lee is battling with a gi bleed - quite similar thing going on. He is old and getting better, so I am sure a young Fitz will bounce back. Getting the hydration is the most important!!

Hugs to the boy :ghug:
Hope he is bit better, keep us posted. xx
Bless your heart! I know how frightening it is when your baby is sick and you feel helpless. :( He's young, though, and strong, and I'm sure he'll be able to fight this stuff. My thoughts are with you both, today. Please keep us posted on how he's doing.
Poor Fitzwilliam! I hope that he is responding well to the treatment.
Best wishes and prayers coming your way!
Any update on Fitzwilliam? I keep coming to have a little look. Hope no news is good news....
KTB wrote:
Any update on Fitzwilliam? I keep coming to have a little look. Hope no news is good news....

Ditto. I hope he is going okay...
Well - the vet still doesn't know what's causing this, which is very frustrating and scary. Fitzwilliam had a barium swallow today, the vet thought maybe he swallowed a sock or something that wouldn't show up on a regular xray - the barium would help them identify any areas of blockage. So far, nothing is showing up. He still has diarrhea, but no blood; no vomiting, but still not eating ... overall, though, he is perking up, and the vet says he's doing better. She's going to keep him overnight again and phone me in the morning - she said there's a chance I might be able to bring him home tomorrow, if he starts eating and his bms are more normal.

Anyway - it seems like he's on the mend, and things are looking up .... fingers and toes crossed!

Thank you all for your support!
Fitz is a mighty cute puppy! I love all of your pictures of him and I hope he gets well soon.
Sending him Sheepie Hugs... keep us posted
That sounds more hopeful. On the Sunday night when Summer was really ill they opened her up to see if she had a blockage! Barium meal sounds kinder. They got Summer to eat a tiny bit of white fish to start with and then some smelly tinned food. They obviously hand fed her as she was very "snatchy" when we got her back but has now stopped.
Thanks for the update, do keep us posted though. I keep looking for any more news! :)

ps Summer sends Fitzwilliam a nice sloppy kiss!
Glad to hear he's making a little progress. :) Keep us posted. :)
Oh, I don't know how I missed this. I'm so sorry Fitzwilliam is sick! I'll be thinking of you guys.
Glad to hear that Fitzwilliam has perked up. Please let us know how he is doing. Sheepie kisses to you both.
Poor Fitzwilliam. I hope he's home soon!
Fitzwilliam is home! He's skinny, sleepy, whiney & clingy (my baby) and quite ... very ... pungent - but he's home! (Bath tomorrow!)

The vet still doesn't really know what caused all this - but given his history of digestive upsets, she suspects he has a very sensitive system (eg irritable bowel disease) that reacted violently to eating random stuff. (Fitzwilliam is a little goat, no doubt about that.) It's only a guess at this point though. From the barium xrays of his digestive system, it appears that there may still be something mysterious in there - but whatever it may be, it's small and appears to be heading in the right direction - if you know what I mean. TMI? :)

Anyway - for now I have to keep Fitz on a leash at all times to prevent any potential pica. Blarg.

Fitzwilliam says "Thank you all. Anybody got any kleenex I can eat? Anybody?"
Great!!!! So glad he is home.

Nigel is still having some runs from whatever set him off this weekend too. Also a mystery positive tests. These guys can have sensitive tummies. Most of mine have.

your momma really, really missed keep getting stronger and stop eating things you shouldn't!!!!! (Heart is just like that...always has her nose on the ground...always trying to eat things she shouldn't....) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sheepie thoughts from around the world must have been felt by this little tyke and glad he's safe and sound and back home with you.

I feel terrible I missed this earlier. Sending lots of sheepie kisses from my boys. I know how worried you must have been and I hope whatever may be causing a blockage quickly "Passes".

Now hope you have quit smoking!

Give that sweet boy a big kiss on the nose from me!!

I am so glad little Fitzwilliam is better. :go: Give him a big sheepie hug from us.
Yeah! I'm glad he's feeling better!
Glad to hear Fitz is home!
That is great news that Fitzwilliam got to come home. :D :D

Hugs to both of you, and get better little guy!
I was so happy to hear he's home.
Big hugs and kisses to him.

So glad he is home, what have they told you to feed him on? When Summer came home she just wanted to be with us all the time, and she was a bit pongy though they had given her half a bath! Guess which half!! :lol: :lol:
Great news that Fitz is home!! :yay: :cheer: :yay: :cheer: Hope he feels better every day, and doesn't ever scare Mommy like that again!
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