counter surfing funnies

Henry counter-surfed for the very first time. In his defense, there were 2 greenies on the counter, and greenies are TDF. On the other hand, I was about two feet away from him.

I tell Henry "no" with a sharp intake of breath, just as you would do if you were startled. So I look at him, gasp with horror and tell him "down." I wish I had a video to show you the calculation he made before he reluctantly got down--he looked at me, he looked at the greenies, he looked at me, and thought she's 2 feet away, the greenies are 2 feet away, I wonder if I can get a greenie before she gets me and if so, how much trouble will I be in, i.e., will she just take that greenie away from me?

Every now and then, Henry, affectionately known as The Moron, surprises me with such a clear thoughts that I have to tell him what a smart boy he is. After a few moments of being in trouble--which means I ignore him completely--he got big hugs and smoochies for being so clever and of course he got a greenie.
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Too funny- I can just see that Sheepie face: Mom... Greenies....MOM....GREEEEENIES....UH OH-MOM! Completely brightened my day! Thanks for sharing!

Karen :)
LOL... I can see it too, noooo problem.... :lol:
AWWWW Loved that story and the way you told it. I could actually visualize his face and what was going on in his head!!
Our Jules loves to countersurf. We are trying to stop her from doing it by saying "down" in a firm voice, but she just backs down slow and looks at us like us like she is saying "O.k. but just for now". We have lost all kinds of food and now we can not leave anything out. She is a housedog though and full reign of the house. She is spoiled. But oh we love her so!
My Kirby is an avid countersurfer too. Unfortunately he has enlisted the aid of one the cats to be his countersurfing buddy. Saturday morning I caught Augie( 7 months old feline terror) on the counter a couple of times trying to pull Greenies out of the bag (the bag is out of Kirby's reach). I sprayed him with a squirt bottle both times and he seemed to get the idea that the counter wasn't his space. Sigh, I should have known I was being duped. I left for school and left the bag on the counter as usual. When I got home Saturday night I noticed a large, well chewed, plastic bag on the floor and a trail of shredded paper. I was able to put together enough pieces of the paper to figure out it was a Greenie bag. Augie must have pushed the bag out and onto the kitchen floor or just far enough out onto the counter for Kirby to grab. :roll: It was a brand new bag and I had only given them a few out of it. So between Kirby and Molly (my border collie/huskie angle- who has only countersurfed one sandwich in her life), they must have split up about 18-20 Greenies. No dinner Saturday for those two little pigs!
OK this was Mickey's 1st counter surfing exp.
Well it wasnt actually a counter..heres the story

I fed my boys in the laundry room.i feed jagger and Eddie together they get a bowl of lamb and rice kibble and 1/2 a can of lamd and rice,and Mickey sits outside the laundry room waiting for his meal.Well today I made up jagger and eddies food but fed Mickey 1st.mickey gets a big bowl of lamd and rice and a doggie gravey.So I put mickey's food in his tray(the kind thats like a foot of the ground)and I leave Jaggers and eddies food up on my washer.Close the door and IM out playing w/ my daughter and waiting for mickey to eat.So I go back in and goto pick up Jaggers bowl to feed him and its empty!!! 8O For a split second I though did i really make up the food for jag?I take a quick glance and see eddies bowl thats pushed back farther on the washer and its still there.So my eyes roam down to mickey as soon as my eyes hit him he slowly sits down,and hangs his head low and i say low what did you do??did you eat jags food buddy???he looks up at me w/ canned food ALL over his white face and rolls his eyes up at me.he looked SOOOOOO guity!!! :oops:
So my baby boy is growing into a sneaky sheepie..Needless to say jag ended up eating Micks food,but Mick thought he got away w/ the big prize :lol:
Please, no more greenies! They are evil.
every time i pass those greenies in the store I think of your cute pooh!!! :lol:
I was at the store the other day and there was a woman stocking up of greenies, she should have been buying stock in the company at the rate she was buying. I mentioned your story to her and she put all of them back, rapidly!
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