should I chance another broken heart

I have now had two old english sheepdogs both boys. We loved them dearly but sadly lost our first big boy Barney at age 7 suddenly out on a walk he just collapsed and died. Such a shock and took me three years to even think about another. The next was Ozzy our big baby. He never stoped being a puppy and we just adored him. Last December he developed a slight cough and when I took him to the vets they thought kennel cough 10 days later they diagnosed lymphoma. We quickly began chem but sadly after only two treatments and the lymphnodes disappearing (we thought great he's getting better) he died through the night on 2nd Jan after a day of feeling very poorly. Phoned the vet and they said I was underestimating how tired the chemo would make him and so she would see him next day- he never made it! We were devastated but three months on we miss the big fluffy bundle so much we are thinkng of another. Dont know if maybe I'm jinksed with OES but love them so much I cant help maybe thinking about a little girl this time what do you think I have maybe done wrong to lose them both so young
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Nita, I'm sorry to hear about your losses. It is devastating to lose your baby. But I doubt that you are jinxed or that is was your fault. These things just happen, often with no reason or explanation.

If you feel are ready to love another sheepie, get one! Get a puppy if you want to, but also consider a rescue. But whatever you chose, we want to see pictures. (I personally prefer girls, but a lot of people like boys.)
Paula, Thanks for your reply. Yeh I am seriously thinking about a girl. I Have two sons who are mental about sheepies (and thats what they call them too) so will be looking round. Have an absolute terror of losing another though cos as you know they make you love them just sooo much. Will have to look round a while to find good breeders. I did think about a rescue but nothing available locally so will just look around for a bit. I have two very old cats and an old springer (who I love also very dearly) to consider so will maybe wait a while if its a rescue. Bye the way we're from Elgin in Scotland (thats pretty spooky) dont you think?
Anyway we are trying to feel positive and not dwell on what happened to Ozzy (though its hard) and get all happy about giving a good home to someone knew. I would really love to feel good about a rescue but are scared that we have problems - if I take a dog its for absolute life I would never give it up and so I have to really think about this. My kids are all grown up but as i said I have otherpets to consider.
Have you been in touch with the Scottish club, they will help you either a rescue dog or put you in touch with a good breeder, I have attached the contact details of the Secretary:

Mrs. Margaret McWilliam

16 Woodneuk Road, Gartcosh,

Glasgow, Scotland G69 8AG

Tel: 01236 874129


Lots of luck

I'm so sad to read about your heart wrenching experiences.

Growing up we had sheepies in the house; as many as 4 at a time. When my parents divorced, the Sheepdog went with my dad. When I was around 15 we went our seperate ways, and I never saw our much loved OES again.

I'm now 37 and have just gotten my own sheepdogs. I have wanted them for the last 22 years, but knew i had to wait for my situation to be right.
Yes, you risk being heart broken again. But the alternative could be walking around for the next 20+ years wishing you had a sheepie of your own, like I did.

I'd say take the plunge!!! Get TWO. :lol:
I would say go for it if the need is calling. You all are the only ones who can say, the time is right. Now the other side of the story. If you want me to put words into your... Yes get a sheepie, you know you want one!!!
nita wrote:
Dont know if maybe I'm jinksed with OES but love them so much I cant help maybe thinking about a little girl this time what do you think I have maybe done wrong to lose them both so young

You did nothing wrong!! Lymphoma is not as big a problem in this breed as it is in for instance, Goldens, but it happens. Anecdotally, I'd say we also quite probably have higher rates of cardiac problems in the breed than we realize. Your boy is not the first to simply collapse, but, again, it can't be characterized as widespread. You just had a run of very bad luck and I've very sorry about that.

A friend of mine who lost two seven year old goldens (siblings) last year to cancer within months of each other insists bad luck comes in streaks. That would mean that you, like she, should be due a break.

OK, not very scientific but it's the best I can do :wink: Seriously, though, for all the health issues the breed has, what you experienced is not the norm.

Wishing you a very healthy, happy dog who lives well into his or her teens.


By all means, if your heart is ready, bring another sheepie into your home to love. You can never be sorry for loving a sheepie. :)
After losing 2 boy sheepdogs, we thought we would like a girl this time too. But, from the litter I wanted, there were only boys left. And the one picked for me was a boy. In the end, it really didn't matter - we love Chewie and would never trade him!!!
Although I still get urges to do girlie stuff with his hair...... :lol: :lol:
got sheep wrote:
After losing 2 boy sheepdogs, we thought we would like a girl this time too. But, from the litter I wanted, there were only boys left. And the one picked for me was a boy. In the end, it really didn't matter - we love Chewie and would never trade him!!!
Although I still get urges to do girlie stuff with his hair...... :lol: :lol:

I didn't realize you wanted a girl! Don't worry - when the urge to do girlie hair things strikes, borrow Martha from LeAnne - she's as girlie as it gets. Hard to believe she's a Mad daughter. Must be a throwback to grandma :lol: :lol:

LOL - don't worry about it!!!!
Like I would EVER give Chewie up 8O .

Yes, Martha is going to be sooooo spoiled. I will have to get in line behind LeAnne and Breanna though! :D :D :D
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your two sheepies. It's devastating to loose a beloved companion. Your not jinxed... the conditions you mentioned were unpreventable and they simply happen sometimes.

It becomes a choice between opening our hearts again to the pain of inevitable loss (but hopefully at a ripe old age) or closing up and never again experiencing the love and joy that only a sheepie can give us. Not really much of a choice. So we love them for as long as we're allowed, deeply grieve their passing and open our hearts yet again because the alternative isn't acceptable.

Best wishes to you in your search for another sheepie.
I'm sorry to hear of your losses. It is so hard when we lose our beloved sheepies. If its any consolation, when I lost Daisy last year I thought my heart would break and I would NEVER get over the loss or stop crying. When we got Poppy she really helped to ease the pain and although I'll never forget Daisy or the love I have for her, Poppy has helped so much. There is a sheepie out there somewhere that needs you as much as you need them.

Good luck with your decision. You will know when the time is right.

A house just isn't a home without a sheepie in it!
Yes - Go for it.

It breaks your heart when they leave us but the years of enjoyment are just too great to miss out on!!
It's time now. Contact the secretary and begin the process. Life is too short no to have a sheepie in your life. Male or female.......they are different. After 4 females and now this male, I can say I love both but for sheer goofiness, this male has the girls beat hands down. Girls are lovely ladies, loyal, etc. But Jack is a constant challenge and constant amusement.
So sorry.. to lose any dog young is heart breaking. We lost our Katy last July she was only 6 and died within a space of 4 days. We were totally devestated and so so sad. I have had yorkies and lost them but always at a good age.
So now we have Summer and we love her to bits. It is a risk you have to take, but it is better to have a dog to love and be loved in return than spend lonely days with no sheepie.
Consider your other pets as well though so you have to take your time but you will know when the time is right. :lol:
Should you "chance another broken heart"? Absolutely! There is no "chance" about it - you will be heartbroken by the loss of another sheepie, but what is the alternative? To never have one of those big fluffy goofballs in your house and heart again? That would be even worse.

Go for it!
I too lost my last boy within a span of 3 days at age 4 1/2. I blame the melamine in the canned dogs foods just before the recall. At any rate...I was torn up. It has been a year and I still cry when I think of him.

My remedy: I got Nigel in July at 8 weeks of age, and Bella fell in my lap at age 3 1/2 in November. Now there will always be a sheepie in my house and heart. I have always had boys, but I am learning girls can be fun too. Bella isn't as silly as Nigel, but she is ALWAYS stuck to my side.

She doesn't alway set the good example I expect of an older female. They are busy teaching each other what not to do. LOL.

I would fill out some adoption forms now...there sure are enough out there needing rescue.
While your heart is aching for the loss of your beloved sheepies, it is also aching for another one (as evidenced by your post). Life is too short not to get another sheepie. Go for it!

I understand exactly what you're going through. We lost our third OES just 5 weeks ago to congestive heart failure. He was 11 1/2. Our first OES we lost to cancer at 9 and the second was too crippled to walk at age 12.
I said a few years ago that I didn't want another OES because I just couldn't stand the pain of losing another one. While I've lost other animals in my lifetime I've never been as effected as I have been by the loss of an OES. They are just remarkable animals and unlike any other dog I've ever had.
When we lost Riley 5 weeks ago I realized that the pain of living without an OES is worse than the pain of losing one. We are scheduled to pick up our next pup in July. The wait is killing me.
By all means, if you love OES get another one.

I echo the last without an OES isn't really living. I hope you faind another furry love soon.
"It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all", with that being said, I agree when you're ready that yes get another sheepdog. The great love and happiness they share compensates for the intense grief and pain of their loss.

My life would have been so bereft if I were to consider never having had the joy of the wonderful sheepdogs I've been fortunate to love.
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