update on summer

vet is performing emergency exploratory operation, she is weak might not get through the anesthetic. she will ring us up in 3 hours to let us know
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we're all sending you and Summer our best wishes and prayers!!!!!
I know how helpless you feel when your baby is sick. We are all praying that Summer is okay.

Laurie and Oscar
My thoughts are with you. Hang in there summer.
It is so difficult waiting.
My thoughts and prayers are with Summer and you.
I am so sorry, sending lots of prayers and good vibes. :ghug:
the waiting is so hard. Every time I get a message that there is a new post in this thread, I race over in the hopes of seeing good news.
Hang in there Summer; we're all pulling for you!!!! :ghug:
I'm so sorry this is happening. Do you have any idea what's going on? Is she sick? Did she swallow something? I hope she makes it through everything okay. Our thoughts are with you.
Please please please let it be good news. :plead:

I'm keeping you and Summer in my thoughts and am anxiously waiting for news. Fight the good fight Summer as we're all sending you positive vibes.

Marianne and the boys
I'm saying prayers for Summer, and for you and your family.
Best wishes to Summer! I'll keep all of you in my prayers.
Anything new?
Summer, be strong, fight it hard. You can do it :plead:
the vet found no obstruction her lymph gland was slightly red taken a biopsy but she doesn't think it will show anything, her stomach now keeps filling with fluid and they are draining it. they are stumped. all I know is I wont let my baby suffer I love her too much. I want her to pull through but I must accept the fact that her chances are slim. we are to ring up later unless they ring us. many thanks for your thoughts and prayers I dont know what I would so without my invisible sheepie friends sitting quietly in the corner of the living room....xx
I just want to snuggle her fur and smell her doggie breath...love you summer xx
I am so sorry you and Summer are going through this. We will be praying for her....please keep us posted ...
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I know how horrible it is just waiting for news. Will the vets allow you to visit? I know when Daisy was admitted with Pyometra for a few days they let me go in and sit with her. I think it helped both of us :(

You said in another post that Summer had just started her first season - are the vets sure that it is a true season and not anything else??
Oh wow - what a terribly trying time. You have lots of people wishing her well.
Keeping you and Summer in my prayers. I wish I could be there to give you a big hug.
Just catching up with this terrible thread. Prayers and white light are being sent your way for Summer's recovery. :plead:
please continue to keep us posted as we are all concerned.
Trying to think positively; she made it through the night and thats a great sign! It means your vet is obviously doing everything they can, and Summer is a fighter as well. Keep your hopes up, and know that we are all pulling for you guys!!!!!
have you heard anything yet? saying lots of prayers for summer!!
I keep coming back to check every 10 mins or so - I can't stop thinking about her. Please let there be some good news soon :plead:
Prayers & best wishes.....keep us posted, we will worry together....Kathy
no news they have tried to get her to eat and she wont...she is just getting weaker..we are to ring later after the vets have done their round. just talked it over with my hubby if she is just going to get weaker I love her too much to watch her suffer....she is my baby...it just isnt fair that she seems to be going the same way as my Katy...thanks for all your thoughts they are much appreciated give all your sheepies a big cuddle for me please...and a kiss on their nose that is what I always do to my Summer and used to do to Katy.
Hubby says I am being silly, but Summer came into our life last August, I had been off work with stress for about a month, I am now much calmer and have finished with the job that was stressing me out, I just hope Summer wasnt my "Rock" sent to get me through that bad patch and she has now finished her work....
Thanks so much for taking the time to update us about Summer. She is so precious to you and I hope that she pulls through. I'm keeping all of you in my prayers.
I just kissed Mulligan on the nose for Summer.
Oh, wow, I'm so sorry! I had no idea--I read last Friday that she wasn't feeling well, but was not expecting this! I hope she improves and that she'll be back with you soon. I'll kiss Barney's nose as soon as I get home from work.
she is still the same, will let you know if there is a change. I hope she gets through the night and then tomorrow she may be stronger. please god, i love my baby so much
KTB wrote:
she is still the same, will let you know if there is a change. I hope she gets through the night and then tomorrow she may be stronger. please god, i love my baby so much

same is Good! Same is better than "worse"! We're all praying for your sweetie!!!!
Sending you warm wishes and prayers for your buddy.
Hoping for good news for you soon.

Hang in there we are all thinking of you
Sending sheepie hugs and kisses from Nigel and Bella...please get well soon Summer!
Fingers and paws crossed here for Summer's recovery.


Thinking of you,

Nita, Nelson & Sassy
I agree - no worse is good news!
We are all sending good wishes to Summer.
Sending sheepie hugs to Summer and positive thoughts your way. :ghug:
Poppy's nose has been kissed. Here's hoping for some good news today. Please keep us posted, we are worried for you.
so sorry to hear summer is not well, my hopes and best wishes sent to her
we had to move her from the emergency vets to our vets this morning. She is a poor thing, she has bandages on both legs, scar on her tummy and she smells of really bad poo. still hasnt eaten or drunk. I got to have a cuddle and I kissed her nose an told her I loved her and to get better soon. we have now left her at our vets they think she might have a really bad intestinal bug but they might do a scan today as well. she tried to go to the toilet on way to vets and it was just pure blood. they are going on about specialist vets now but insurance claim is already almost £2,000 and it is only £3,000 per illness. it would have broken your heart to see her it upset my son and he is 30..
Poor Summer :( I hope they find out what the problem is soon so they can treat her and make her feel better. Its so horrible when your pup is poorly - they always look at you as if to say 'why do I feel so horrible' and it breaks your heart - I know. Fingers crossed that she responds to treatment before having to call in a specialist.
My heart goes out to you, Summer and the whole family. What a devestating experience for all of you.

Poor Summer must be so confused...She doesn't feel well, is probably all drugged up, her whole life schedule is up-side down. I am certain she just wants this all over with so she can go home.. :cry:

I keep popping in throughout the day for updates. Thank you so much for taking the time to inform us. We really appreciate it and of cource, are hoping for the best resutls possible..

Toally big hugs...
Thank you for the update on Summer...whish it where better. Prayers and positive thoughts going her way. Come on sheepie girl get better. :plead:
I'm still praying for Summer. I kissed Bob the Wonder Pony on the nose last night for her. And hugs to your son too.
Thanks for keeping us up to date. We continue to keep the prayers and best wishes flowing. When I kissed Chauncey, He gave me a big kiss back, I'm sure it was meant for Summer.......Kathy & Chauncey
Thanks for the update. Chewie just came and gave me a nudge as I typed this, so I am passing on his good wishes to Summer.
you folks are incredible....if thoughts and prayers are to save her she will be saved. Latest update the vet says she is still refusing to eat or drink so is on a drip still. but she is a very slightly bit brighter. she isnt laying in her cage but is watching the nurses. there is also another dog in there now with her so she has company. the vet says she has no qualms about keeping her there over night they will settle her down and she will come to no harm. I need to stop crying and eat something apart from toast and marmite.
Thanks you all for just being here....
KTB, that she is looking interested in something is promising. Best wishes and hugs speeding your way.
I am so sorry that you have to watch your baby go through this. My thoughts are with you.
Can you go visit her? You'd both feel better if you could cuddle. And yes, you need to eat something more than toast and marmite. Maybe some hot soup.
I can think of worse things to eat than toast and marmite - Yummmm... At least its not chocolate! :wink: Seriously though you must eat something a bit more nutritious - Summer will need you to be 100% when she comes home. I'm so glad she seems a little bit brighter. I agree that if you can visit, I'm sure it would do you both good. Maybe take in a favourite toy or treat if she is allowed?

Hang in there and thanks for keeping us informed - my husband even keeps asking me if there's any news - we are all thinking of you.
So good to hear she is alert...this happened to my Daisey at 8...she didn't eat or drink for several days and then we only gave her a little chicken and rice to ease her back to eating...she loved that :D We then had to feed her a senior chicken rice canned food from then on...keep up the positive thoughts! We have been and will say more prayers!
I've been following this post about Summer....but haven't posted until now. Just wanted you to know that Andy and I are sending tons of well wishes her way!!
KTB wrote:
we have now left her at our vets they think she might have a really bad intestinal bug but they might do a scan today as well. she tried to go to the toilet on way to vets and it was just pure blood.

I think there's some validity to this. Not that I'm a lovely, hairy sheepie, but the last time I pooped pure blood; it was excatly that; REALLY bad food poisoning! Did Summer eat anything whacky? Or maybe her food was past its date?

So glad we haven't heard bad news yet! MORE hugs and sloppy kisses coming your and Summer's way from us!
Have the vets tested for the Parvo bug we lost a dog once through parvo and this boy only passed blood and it stank.

You are in our thoughts
she is up to date with her p. virus the vet had mentioned that. anyway poor lamb has been in vets all night, and I woke up in a blind panic about 5.30. vets open at 8 and do you think they would answer before then. just spoke to nurse she said she is wagging her tail at me and no runs in her kennel. vets are doing their rounds at 8.30 so vet will up date me then. so I have got about 30 minutes to worry, cant help worrying. vet said yesterday might never know what was the matter with her. I just hope if she gets through this it doesnt have any lasting effects on her intestines. I have ulcerative colitis and it is not nice to live with. will update you when I hear more.. sue xx
Thanks for updating us - only 5 more mins to wait until they do their rounds. Do they not realise the whole sheepie world is waiting with bated breath!! Glad to hear she is wagging her tail today - always a good sign. Have you been in to visit her?

Waiting for the next update.......Hope its really good news! :plead:
nurse has rang she has been out for a wee (summer not nurse) and is wagging her tail, but is turning her nose up at cooked chicken, tinned dog food or dry kibble. they are going to give her a bit of bath but keep her on fluids and drip......xxxx ps they all love her even receptionist has said isnt she a sweet girl, it said that on report from last vet, sweet girl but cries when you give her injections.
KTB wrote:
but cries when you give her injections.

Sounds like my sucky boy, Bosley... :lol: :lol:

I am so glad to hear she is up and wagging her tail......Fingers and toes are all crossed here!
Hang in there.

Summer, EAT!!
Up for a wee is a good thing, and I don't blame Summer for crying when she gets a shot! She doesn't feel good, and a shot adds insult to injury.

Fingers still crossed and prayers still said for an uneventful recovery.
Sue I am so pleased that summer is alittle bit better.

Hope it continues and she is back on her paws soon!!

So glad to hear that Summer was able to wee and is wagging her tail. After having such a bad time, its no wonder she is turning up her nose at what's on offer. My Phoebe came as a rescue and it took some time to find the right food combination. It is sooo worrying when they won't eat.
(Now she eats IAMS with cottage cheese. No cottage cheese; no eating.)
I think this is all wonderful! We went from death's doorstep to taking a wee and wagging our tails! AND a night with no soiling in the crate! I think Summer will eat soon enough;she probably knows her tummy is upset and doesn't want to add anything to it to repeat the probelms. Maybe if her loving mommy hand fed her some tid bits? Some one once told me cubes of bread help when dog has an upset stomach....can anyone confirm this?
Excellent news about Summer. I hope she is having a better day today. :D
Great news! I hope you all have a better day today.
bit of a set back dinner time they syringe fed her and she kept it down but then they gave her medication by mouth and she vomited it all back. so back on a drip. but spoke to vet about 6 p m and she had kept some more syringe fed food down, vet said she is making progress from how she was 24 hours ago and she is young which is a plus. vet says she has seen dogs worse than Summer pull through but she is still poorly. so she has a couple of blankets and a hot water bottle and the nurses all love her to bits. I am not going to visit her as the vet says it sometimes upsets them when we leave her.
So please keep the vibes and prayers going, Nurse says she has cut some matts off coat where she has been sick, and some near her bum. I dont care if she comes back completely bald just want her home....thanks for listening and caring xx sue
yay!!! Dinner held down is good!!! I think all the sheepies kisses and hugs we are sending are helping. I'm gonna go and kiss Luna and Tonks some more, for Summer!
Glad to hear that she is keeping some food down. You will spoil her merciously when she gets home! But she so deserves it!
All the updates are just wonderful! Small setback with her vomitting the medicine, but she'll get stronger every day. God bless her soul! :lol:
Thanks...internet folks are so fantastic. Another forum I am on, not a doggy one, some girl told her mother my dog was ill, and she mentioned it at work and all the ladies there are praying for her.... :) xx
Sending more sheepie hugs. :ghug:
Good to hear there is improvement - will keep up the good thoughts coming your way. Just had to remove a squeaky hedgehog toy from Poppy's mouth so I could give her some kisses on the nose on behalf of Summer! I think she understood but seems to prefer the hedgehog - no accounting for taste!
Great to hear Summer is doing better, Dutch and I are sending her some hugs and kisses :D
Keep it up, Summer. Eat! Eat!

Are the vets any closer to making a diagnosis? I think sometimes that's one of the worst things is not even knowing what you're dealing with. It's tough.

Good luck from all of us.
The boys and I are continuing to think of Summer and her uprights.

Keep up the fight Summer! We're all sending you warm thoughts.

dignosis...awaiting test results...think just a very very nasty intestinal virus.
rang just now and she didnt mess in her crate, left her some food down but she hasnt eaten, just been for a wee and did some more "runs" carrying on same treatment as yesterday. she is such a greedy girl I know she would eat if she wanted to, just hope she gets slightly better today....we can ring any time but vet might ring later if she has any more thoughts...like living on egg shells and we are so tired
Thank you for the update....I bet you are exhausted...I hope Summer turns around soon and you finally get some much needed rest. If she is on pain meds and stuff she won't have an appetite...even with the drip...her tummy feels full. I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

Thanks xxx
Glad to hear Summer is improving - even if its only slightly - its the right direction! Sending more positive thoughts your way. She needs to be well again before the sheepie day! :lol:
I have been away from the forum....so sorry to read about Summer...
now you have one more that will pray for your baby........ :ghug:
Glad to hear she has improved, still keeping everything crossed and I keep checking in for updates!
we had to move her to a specialist hospital in Hertfordshire this afternoon as the vets were concerned about her. She wagged her tail when she saw us an hours drive and then we left her again, they are going to do ultra scans, more bloods and tests....baffled..but they did see really good at this vets hospital. so keep the vibe machine going please.....
they have just rung..she seems bright they think her body is reacting to inflammation , can find nothing new, no obstructions, stomach is extended with fluid as body is not working properly. giving her anti vomiting meds, trying to get her to drink. they will see how she is tomorrow and might do an endoscopy to try to get a sample of her intestines. she is seriously ill but holding her own. I really think I am going to lose her...she has ben through so much and she is only a baby
Stay postive!!!!!!! All of our thoughts are with you!

Have thay said whether liver & kidney enzymes are normal?
We are still sending all the best. Good to hear they sent her to a specialist..............Kathy
You are doing everything you can for her and I think that Summer knows that. All the best to you and Summer.
I keep checking the updates. I am sure she is in the best place. I'm sending more poss vibes.
Hang on in there and stay positive. She sounds as if she is in the right place to do everything possible for her. Bless her. :cry: Thinking of her constantly - hope all the good wishes are getting through. I'm sure she was pleased to see you today - here's hoping you can be together again soon.
Sending lots more good vibes!!
Prayers and positive thoughts still going Summer's way. Hang in there sheepie girl and get better.
the vet at the hospital has just rang us. No accidents in her crate overnight, and when he opened her crate door she tried to put her paws on his shoulder (thats her "pick me up, pick me up" to my 30 year old son!) so they are going to do another scan as her stomach keeps filling with liquid, which is why she isnt eating, if her stomach is empty, they are going to get her to eat or tube feed her. they might still do an endoscopy but as she looks a bit brighter he is not going to rush into it. paws and fingers still tightly crossed please
I know it is hard but you have to stay positive. Summer is going through alot and she will be exhausted, but she is in the best place and getting all the help she needs.

Everyone is routing for her - she will pull through

Stay Strong Hugs to you all!!
That is encouraging news. Go Summer, go girl! :cheer:
Hugs and prayers coming your way for a speedy recovery.

Prayers and white light being sent for Summer's recovery. :ghug:
This is in the for-what-it's-worth category, but I had a female Keeshond once who had similar symptoms develop when she was less than a year old. After 3 vets, it was finally determined that she had an auto immune disorder (this was 20+ years ago when HIV was first coming on the scene). She was treated with steroids (Prednisone) and recovered nicely. Of course, any long-term steroid treatment has side effects and she only made it to 7 years, but it was 7 years she wouldn't have had without a savvy vet. And she had a great life with no restrictions.

It may be worth asking about. Meantime, Toby and I and the rest of the critters are hoping and praying for you and Summer.
vet has just rung, I have been on tenterhooks since dinner time.
she is bright, no tummy probs, although she had another ultra scan and she has air or fluid in her intestines so they are expecting some runs. good news is she ate about 3 tiny teaspoons of fish and then when she saw the nurse watching her stopped. the plan is to go gently over the weekend, if there are any set backs the vet will ring. the nurse will ring tomorrow dinner time with an update. the vet thinks she probably has IBD, OK we can live with that I have got ulcerative colitis so we can compare notes.
yupou do still need to keep fingers and paws crossed tjhough please, uncross them whilst you cook and eat dinner but then cross them again for us. Thanks...Tilly is driving me mad she is yapping, and looking for Summer, we went out for a long walk and she yapped most of the way round...
Glad to hear that there is improvement. Our Frank has IBD but had never shown such extreme symptoms as Summer, if that is their diagnosis on her whole illness.

If IBD is the case, there are great prescription dog foods. We have Frank on Purina HD which has completely cured him.
yey...im glad that summer is doing better.....keep up the improvement summer and get home soon!!
Merciful Heavens!! This is so heart wrenching! I pray your baby recovers - and soon. :plead:
Glad to hear there is some more positive news. Its so good to hear that she ate something - even if it was only a little bit - at least it was something.

When Daisy was really sick fish was the only thing that tempted her too. They must know its good for them.

Fingers crossed again.....
fingers, toes, paws and anything else we can are crossed, hoping and praying the best for Summer
nurse has just rung, my god do I jump when the phone rings, I also refuse to answer it! Summer is brighter, and has now had 3 small meals of fish with no "effects" she is still on medication, and the nurse will ring us again tomorrow with an update. Thank goodness sheepies are so laid back going with anyone, she doesnt seem at all worried as long as someone fusses her...
I am going to do some housework today as I am just leaving everything....
That's so great to hear! Yay Summer!!! Best wishes and thoughts coming your way from Woodstock, GA, USA, from Toby and the gang!
Thank you for the update. I have been checking on this thread regularly for updates. I came home after being away for the whole day and logged on right after I put down my purse. I speed read the update so quick I skipped all the details because I was just scanning for positive words in the post. I am so glad Summer is improving and now I can go back and re-read the post for details.

Well done, Summer on keeping the chow down. Keep up the fight. We all love you. :ghug:
Wonderful news! :D
waiting for another call from vets with update my tummy is so churning..
they have just rang..they are pleased, she has eaten, drunk some water and is bouncy! they are taking her off the fluids! my tum has now stopped turning cartwheels and I have eaten some toast..... :lol:
they have just rang..they are pleased, she has eaten, drunk some water and is bouncy! they are taking her off the fluids! my tum has now stopped turning cartwheels and I have eaten some toast..... :lol:
they have just rang..they are pleased, she has eaten, drunk some water and is bouncy! they are taking her off the fluids! my tum has now stopped turning cartwheels and I have eaten some toast..... :lol: computer is playing up
I am three times pleased for you! Your computer is so happy with the news that it posted 3 times! I'm so pleased that Summer is improving! Yay - Go Summer! :lol:
and theres no edit on this forum....sorry :oops:

oh yes there is but you have to be quick
You can post good news as many times as you want! I think you can only edit until someone else posts on the topic??
Thank you for the "good news" update on Summer. Like the others, one of the first post I look for. Now take care of YOURSELF until Summer returns, She needs a healthy Mommy to come home to. :D Still sending positive thoughts and prayers yours/summer's way. :plead:
Thanks for the regular updates and we are please things are turning out so well with summer, we will keep our fingers and paws crossed until she comes home to you.

Sheepie :ghug: from Hamish, Misty & Zorro.
thanks...and oh Violet I have just made myself a nice scrambled egg sandwich on wholemeal bread and I really enjoyed it!
That is wonderful news!!!
I am still sending good wishes from myself and the puppers, and healing basset drool from Simon to your Summer. :D :D
So glad to hear that Summer is on the mend. Oscar has IBD as well, but never anything this bad. Poor girl!

We have spent months and months getting things stable with Oscar, working with a holistic vet in addition to my regular vet. Oscar takes probiotics and colostrum to help his immune and digestive systems. If you have any questions about our experiences, let me know.

Laurie and Oscar

I'm so happy to have recieved good news regarding Summer's progress. That a girl!!! Glad to hear her mom is feeling better too. You both need to keep your spirits up and we're all crossing our fingers, legs and even eyes for you! :D

Marianne and the boys ( The boys continue to send sloppy kisses to Summer) :hearts:
I'm so glad to hear the positive news about Summer. I was out of town this weekend and logged in as soon as I could to check up on both of you. Get some rest and take care of yourself!
Glad to hear she is on the mend!

Great news!
That's wonderful news! So glad to hear she's improving. :clappurple:
KTB wrote:
thanks...and oh Violet I have just made myself a nice scrambled egg sandwich on wholemeal bread and I really enjoyed it!

I'm just checking up with everything what happend with Summer and I have to say: Well done Summer, you pulled through!! :wink: :go:

Keep on going Summer!!!! You can do it!!! :clappurple:

All our thoughts to Summer!! :kiss:
I have been away on hoilday.. Just saw the post... So Happy to hear Summer is feeling better.. Maizie and Hattie send her big sheepie kissies. And hope to see you all on the sheepie day.. :ghug:
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