Grrr...Yes, I KNOW my dog is itchy...

So we took Barney to PetSmart for a bath and to get shaved today, partially in the hopes that maybe less hair will help with the itchies. So we explain all this to the groomer and we order the medicated shampoo, etc. So we get a call from them saying that after Barney was finished being groomed he was in his cage and literally chewing on his foot like a bone and that he had made himself bleed.

None of this is surprising to us, since we've been dealing with this issue and trying to solve it for a while. So she was getting more and more agitated as we talked saying that he was SO itchy and SO miserable and poor dog, etc. and that we should take him to the vet, etc. I was trying to explain that we're in the process of trying to pinpoint the source of his itches so we can fix it. She was so accusatory, though. Like we were bad owners or something. Maybe I'm hormonal, but I was MAD :evil:
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I hated it when people don't listen. It didn't matter what you said, nothing was going to change her made-up-mind or stop her tirade. Perhaps she was using this as a diversion so yo wouldn't yell at them for Barney making his foot bleed?

I wonder if it would have helped to give Barney some benadryl before the grooming session..... sometimes it works for Ben.
Awee... I know that look and it would drive me nuts to get considering I don't consider myself or many on here the typical/average owner b/c we go above and beyond to take care and talk about dog(s). I had to hand scissor down Yuki yesterday for the same reason. YOU JINXED US!! DANGGIT!! I was so happy to see an itch thread (your very first one) and I didn't have to listen closely b/c Yuki was fine for once. She just started up again!! We're positive it's not food even though. She seems to do it when things don't go exactly how she feels they should (schedule)... more anxiety and I'd rather have a foot to deal with than her eating the inside of her butt out (and it's not anal glands).
i was wondering recently if the dog (oes) would be itchy if the undercoat had been removed. do these itchy guys have their undercoats?
I wonder if you can get an allergy test done, we had a neighbor who had a Collie that was allergic to grass, the poor thing was forever clawing and biting at the itches. Until they found out the cause.

Good luck in getting to the bottom of it.
Get your vet to analyse a piece of skin to see if he has mites or something similar, if not a change of food and I would recommend Eukanuba Special Skin Care, this worked wonders for our oldest sheepie.
Best of luck and we hope he gets better soon. :D :D :D
Yeah, the vet took a sample and no mites. We haven't done an allergy test yet, but I'm sure that's coming up soon. We just switched him last week to a new food, so we're waiting on the results of that.

Oh, and we had him step on a scale at PetSmart and my little boy weighs 93 pounds! 8O
My Aussie sheepie was allergic to a specific grass and she rolled alot! Benadryl worked great just before long playtimes in the yard or park.
I can remember if you said this before, but has the vet tried steroids? I realize this isn't a permanent fix but it can buy weeks of relief and, sometimes, just calming the histamines in (on?) the skin can keep the itching from becoming so severe again. Itching breeds more itching-- you should see my hands right now. It's eczema season again and I scratch until I bleed, too.
Steroids work great! It's too bad that it's not good to use them on a regular basis. He had a cortison shot in mid-late January and it was amazing how fast it stopped him from itching. That's when we bought the cone, put him on antibiotics and started the benedryl. It worked great for a few weeks and then slowly the itching increased more and more.

Since it's just becoming spring, I'm sure if he's allergic to environmental factors, this is probably why he's starting to get so itchy now.

We're in a new house since last spring. I wonder if it's maybe a combination of different grass type as well as houses still under construction in our neighborhood--causing lots of dust and that sort of thing, that's making this so bad. I also wonder if maybe it's the new house itself--leftover drywall residue and that sort of thing that might be in the air ducts.
I would have been pissed. :evil:

Harley suffered his entire life from environmental allergies.
I think he may have been allergic to himself. :lol:

When we moved to the Desert his allergies did lessen a bit.

He seemed to be affected by everything. Freshly cut grass, the wind, dust, dirt, pollen....etc

I hope you can find something that works for Barney. I know how frustrating it is.
this is a bad fix, but it might work....

dip him in calamine lotion.....perfect for easter..... :sidestep:

panda says that there is no excuse for her mothers comments and profusely apologizes to Barney
Darcy wrote:
this is a bad fix, but it might work....

dip him in calamine lotion.....perfect for easter..... :sidestep:

ROTFLMAO!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I would have been pissed too, and I'm not even hormonal!! How dare she insinuate you're not doing all you can for Barney. :twisted: Hope the vet can come up with an explanation and course of permanent action soon!
Poor Barns. :( It's awful to be itchy and not be able to get it to stop. Can you tell yet if the food switch is helping? :?
It's been I think a week since the food switch and I can't really tell yet. He was HORRIBLE with the itching last week and right after being shaved, but he seems maybe a little better in the last 2 days. Not as manic with the licking. But it's still going on, so I'm not sure. It's definitely not making things worse, so that's good. But his poor back legs, like his inner 'knees' are so raw and red from him somehow being able to maneuver the cone out of the way enough to bite there. :cry:
If you have no luck with a single protein food, I was told to use the simple protein vet food and then after about a month introduce one protein at a time (and wheat has protein).

We also bought a rinse to use after shampooing. It helps for a day or so.

Our itching isn't all that bad, but I don't want it to get worse.

I did have an OES with staff infections from any scratches (he had to be kept shaved because even the brush would scratch him and start hot spots.
Big :ghug: to itchy Barney.
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