OES around Yorkie

We have an OES that we would like to addopt. We brought her home for a couple of days and she is a 10 all the way. Extremely obedient, loveable, everything he said she would be. The only issue we have is when our 8 month Yorkie plays with his squeaky balls (he likes to toss his head and growls when he squeaks) she gets upset and lunged for Tuffy. We were quite surprised and other than this incident (which happened more than twice within 2 days) they all seemed to get along well. We even had her sleep in our room with him and all was well. Although Tuffy was on the bed. But they were walking around during the day i.e. family room, kitchen etc.

I am afraid that if we kept her it would put our Yorkie at risk and I don't know if this is something that can be worked through. We just found out that she likes to race the car as it passes her small picket fence. Would this continue on our proerpty as cars go down the road or is it only because she is tied. My husgand and I do not want to live in a stressful situation yet she is such a great dog. THey are not know for being aggressive towards other dogs.

What can you suggest?

Thanks you Jo
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I directed Jo to our forum for advice. She lost a much loved golden last year. Now she is ready to add another big fluff ball to the family and has deceided on a Sheepie.

So let's help her become one of the family. :D
I have a poodle and 2 sheepies they do very well together. And sometimes wonder if she will get hurt. But nothing so far. When we are out on our run with them in the bushes so they can go wild she is right in there with them. I have tried to get pics but just a big blur they are to fast. They sometimes tease the poodle but she is louder and wins. EVERTIME.
Can you explain a little more about when she lunges at Tuffy? Are you sure it's not play?
I have a 95lb sheepie and a 5lb Maltese. They get along famously. They do however get to rough housing and I am always afraid my sheepie is going to get carried away and hurt the maltese. For that reason I NEVER leave them alone together. If I leave the house I put the maltese in a crate and if I leave the room I take one of them with me.

I suspect the sheepie is going for the squeaky ball not the dog. I would suggest you put the squeaky balls away until they are accustomed to one another. And, I recommend that you always stay close when they are playing.
I am in the same boat as Tasker's Mom, except my little one is a 7 pound Min Pin. My sheepie doesn't play rough with him, it is our coonhound that will. And, the coonhound has a much higher prey drive. The basset and rat terrier are middle of the road - medium sized, not an issue in terms of behavior.

Tazz the Min Pin always goes in his crate when I am gone, or even if I am just outside. Accidents can happen, dogs can get excited (the little ones too!). The size difference isn't safe, so I prefer to prevent any problems while I am not there to supervise.

I agree also about the squeeky toy - that is probably the trigger. Let your Yorkie play with it in the crate, or behind a gate in another room. (If the sheepie isn't a gate jumper)

Good questions, good luck!
Remember that it sometimes takes weeks for a rescue dog to get acclimated in a new home. We recently placed an OES with two Bichons (one has only three legs!) and they're doing fine.

Until the dogs learn to "play nice" together, keep a close watch on them both and don't hesitate to use the crate to keep them apart (like Dawn suggested). There's usually a period of jealousy but more often than not, the dogs learn to get along fine with proper leadership from their people.
My Sheepie X lives with 4 West Highland terriers and as others have said I don't leave them in the same room together uncrated and alone but having said that it started out that way as the Westies bullied Archie when we first brought him home ...........they are regretting that now he's 6 months old and weighs 25kg :D but although he appears to play rough and tumble games he really holds back when playing with the smallest Westie especially and they are the best of friends despite her being only 8kg ! :D

Julie .
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