new old dog questions

My daughter bought me a dog from a pet store. I know, first mistake. It was more of a rescue than a purchase in my mind. She is 7 months old and that seems to be the first problem. She loves the kennel but also loves to poop inside. She is getting better but seems to be terrified to be outside in the daylight. I doubt that she was ever socialized at all, takes her a long time to deal with strangers and I think she spent her entire life in a cage. She is very sweet and when she does do her business outside, she loves the praise and cookies. She wants to be loved but mostly on her terms. Even when she doesn't have to, she prefers to be in her kennel rather than in the main part of the house. We have another dog and they get along well and play together. Are there any tricks to making this housebreaking easier? I may be too old to deal with this kind of stubborn!
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Aren't kids the best?!? :roll:
I would try decreasing the amount of room in her kennel. It should be big enough for her to lie down, but not turn around to squat. You could put a box, covered with a blanket (most just chew up the cardboard)in the back of the crate. I have had success with a laundry basket (little one from the buck store) and a rubbermaid container. (they both are plastic and easier to wash in an "oops situation")
The unfortunate thing is that this is gonna take some time. 7 months of being trained to do her business in her crate, that is the only life she knows...It is probably scarey for both of you.
As far as bringing her outside, I would think she would be skittish at first... I would just always ALWAYS have her on a lead when she is outside, lots of praises and petting. If she was off lead, she could get spooked and that`s a dangerous situation no one wants to think about.
I am pretty new at this too, other members are total prostars at this stuff, just thought I would letcha know that better help will come...
(The opinions expressed in this post are those of a newbie, and may not reflect the views of other members) :oops: :lol:
Good Luck, you sound like you are doing pretty good, and you have come to the right place for help!!!
Maybe try spending a day with her on her lead all day...take her out often and when in the house spend a day having her follow you around and let her go to her crate for a nap in morning and afternoon? It's as if you have to teach her she will be "okay" out of the crate. My dog was raised without a fence for the first 8 years on 3 acres...she never left the property...when we moved to a house with a fenced yard she was scared to go out alone in the fenced yard...we had to go with her for 4 weeks before she would go alone. Her treat was going into the front yard without a fence!
I think some good suggestions have been made, but just wanted to add a couple of things.

First, you might want to try some formal obedience training with her, in order to build her confidence and create a bond between you.

Second, be careful of praising or comforting her when she is skittish, scared, or in any state that you don't want to perpetuate. If you pet, praise or try to soothe her when she is afraid, she is then rewarded for that inappropriate behavior.

Laurie and Oscar
Yeah...Oscar's Mom is right, I shoulda said that.....
Obedience training is a good one too!!!
Toldja I was a newbie....
Thanks for all the advice. She is getting better and doesn't go in the kennel, she just doesn't like being out of it. I will try some obedience training, have to do it on my own since I work 3-11 and the only classes are 50 miles away. I've done it before and hope it won't be too frustrating this time around. The yard will be fenced soon and I think when she can run around and play with Benny she will begin to feel more like part of the family. I wish she was better on the lead so we could walk every day but she is only comfortable with going to the potty stop and back to the house. All things in time I suppose. Nice to know there is a place to find some help.
liz hang in there it will get better the fenced in yard will really help .. good luck

With her background it's not suprising she has only been used to going to the bathroom in a crate/pen as she's probably had to all her life before she came to live with you. Coming from a petstore she probably was born in a puppymill and at 8 wks sold to a petstore and has only known life from living in a pen. Most of these little ones have never known what's it like for their feet to touch grass.

Just be patient and she'll eventually learn to trust you and her environment. They say a dog and foster child are very similar in many first they are afraid of doing wrong - thus the honeymoon period. Eventually the safer they feel the more they are able to let out frustrations and bad habits..( hang it there it will pass!) As sadly this is when a lot of people give up and return them.

As time passes and they learn routines of the household and feel comfortable they will then be more apt to be more trusting of the environment. Some dogs take months to undo all the previous bad behaviors. It sounds as this little girl needs a lot of praise and she'll probably thrive on it...lots of "good girl!" when she goes outside and perhaps a treat from your pocket. Eventually you can phase out the treat but continue to praise her.

With the warmer weather starting to happen, it'll be easier to just sit on the grass with her and let her explore with you in close proximity. I've had several rescue dogs and it's sort of like desensitizing them to their previous fears once they learn to fully trust you. Not that she hasn't started a bond with you already, but as I've mentioned previously it takes weeks or months before you see their true personality emerge.

Dogs learn from one another and your other dog will be a good role model for her. She'll eventually view outdoor time as fun or play time. Whatever work you put in now ..and sometimes it's hard with busy lifestyles you'll be paid back tenfold as the years go by. Whatever she learns in the next year if you are consistent will only get better. I have no doubt you'll look back on this post sometime and think "wow! she's come a long way!"

PS -If she doesn't like the leash - it may be easier to control her via harness rather than clipping it to a collar.

Best wishes and good luck to you!

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