11 Month old afraid of food

Theo has been eating Nutro Natural Choice, and about a month or two ago we switched him over to the adult mix. For a few months now (before we switched him even) he's shown a marked decrease in appetite. Lately he's not eaten the food we give him in the morning for a few hours, and sometimes (like this morning) he sniffs it, whines, and runs away from the dish.
What could be done?
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I had my pup on the same food, and the adult Nutro Natural was also unappealing to him.

Switch to the Nutro Ultra...more expensive but much much higher quality food, and voila! Every crumb will disappear... :lol:
I'm feeding Nutro Ultra and even very picky MO will eat it........not always twice a day, but she will eat it w/o any extra "dressing."

I'm assuming puppy isn't having teeth problems that limit "crunchability."

They sometimes go thru periods where they won't eat. Try a new food...start with a few kibbles in his dish and see what he "says."
I use the Ultra as well and go through a large bag each week. If you have a Petsmart near you see if they have any sample sizes so you can try it before you buy a big bag. BTW, what's the price across the country? The 35lb bag just went to $42 from $38 a couple weeks ago :evil:
bestdogsx4 wrote:
I use the Ultra as well and go through a large bag each week. If you have a Petsmart near you see if they have any sample sizes so you can try it before you buy a big bag. BTW, what's the price across the country? The 35lb bag just went to $42 from $38 a couple weeks ago :evil:

You go through a 30 lb bag a week? How many dogs afre you feeding???
Just one, but he's always hungry :D . Just kidding, there are 4. I probably throw out 10 lbs each week since one of them is forever knocking a bowl over and it gets swept up and tossed.
bestdogsx4 wrote:
I probably throw out 10 lbs each week since one of them is forever knocking a bowl over and it gets swept up and tossed.

Oh, my..Don't tell Dixie that or she will be going through your garbge bins during the nite! Any spilled kibble gets gobbled up like no tomorrow... :wink:

All kidding aside. Nutro Ultra is very pallitable. I try any kibble before I feed my dogs...well, to be honest, sometimes I just smell it really well..Nutro smells great and obviously tastes good!
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