2 OES puppies - chewing and jumping

Hi, I'm new to having two puppies at once! We have a brother and sister OES who are about to be one yr old. They have 5 acres to run freely on, which they do for hours on end. There are 2 adults and 2 teenagers who adore Lucy and Floyd and they get lots of loving. Right now they are confined to the kitchen and sleep together in a large kennel, because - when I leave them in the kitchen to sleep at night, they have eaten huge holes in the walls - 3 times now. The first time was seperation anxiety for sure. The rest of the family left and I was still in bed. Lucy and Floyd didn't know that and thought they were left behind, so I understood that one. But no explaination for the last 2 wall holes! Everyone was home and in bed for the night, woke up to a hole. The other hole happened 15 minutes after I walked out the door, but everyone else was home. Their kennel is getting a bit cramped as they weigh in at 65 and 82 lbs. and I desperately want to trust them and have the run of the house. Months go by inbetween these episodes. Spray doesn't seem to work. Oh they also love to chew the wood doors at night! Any suggestions? My husband is excellent at being alpha dog. I'm the one with them all day - they are rarely left alone. I'm pretty good at top dog, but not as good as the hubbie.

Peeing - thought they had this down, but once in a great while, either one will just pee or poop right where they are, no warning, no nothing. At one time we thought they were ready for more house roaming and we were playing with them in the living room. Right in the middle of it, Floyd just stopped and pooped! What do we need to do differently? How long before I can trust them? How will I know I can trust them?

Then there's jumper Lucy. When anyone shows up at the house, she jumps all over them, Floyd doesn't, I think he believes his big butt holds him down. The jumping will not stop the whole time someone is there - always trying to get attention and when she does, it's never enough. We have taught her to pick up a toy when greeting people - it stops the nibbling on the toes and fingers.... So now I kennel her when company comes, but not Floyd. SHe hates it and carries on. When I let her out and she jumps, back in she goes. She just doesn't seem to get it.

I love them so much, what to do? :P
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Sounds like you need obedience classes. Are the dogs intact? Spaying and neutering will calm them down some. If the dogs don't roam the whole house then a new room may not mean no pottying to them. You need to teach them how to ask to go out from that room. You also may want to bring a trainer into the house to observe the behaviors.

Good luck...they still sound like fun when bad behavior is done.
Sorry, I forgot. You may want to get another crate so that they both have enough room. :D
Obedience classes and lots and lots of excercise.....
sounds like they also need to be walked on leashes. running outside they pee and poop when they need to -they are just transferring that to inside.

As to the chewing I have two that were puppies together (different litters) and being together doesn't make up for being with their family (you) I left my two downstairs in the kitchen one night because they were too wet to come up to the bedroom due to a snow storm , and I was too tired to wait until they were dry enough to do so. I am sure that is when one of them ate the window sill. they are over two years old.

But classses help. I take two a week (right now with the same dog but that alternates. I have been doing it mostly since they were 9 and 12 weeks old - starting with private lessons and moving on the various groups. Its the only way I can be sure I am consistent with training - other wise I get sloppy.

However, having two dogs keep them fit! my guys can't wait to get outside and beat each other up - they have learned no horseplay in the house (sooner than my kids did :roll: )
Wow, thanks for all the responses! We did do a group obediance training for about 10 weeks when they were about 5 months old. I had been through it with previous dogs, so I had my teenagers each take a dog in hopes they would learn. I was pricing large kennels yesterday and am thinking that $200 would be best spent on some individual behavior training at the house then on a kennel that I really don't want to have in the long run. We waited about 6 months before they were allowed to run free and they do know the command - go to the bathroom, which we do before they come in every time and often they are let out with supervision to just go to the bathroom.

Does anyone know some great personal trainers in the Denver area?

Thanks for all your help!
Oh, yeah - they were spayed and neutered a couple months ago too.
look at the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (www.IAABC.org) or another certified trainer list on the web. I found my newest trainer - an animal behaviorist there. You are right to also ask for referrals, but some trainers are better with some dogs than with others. to some degree it can be trial and error - and if it doesn't feel right for your dog - look for another trainer.
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