Pee-Pee prodigy and odd waterbowl behavior

It seems like my pup Peppo is becoming something of a pee-pee prodigy.

Last night, when I came home after leaving him alone for a couple hours, he came to greet me at the top of the porch. He played for a minute or so, then suddenty and unprompted walked down the steps to the yard to relieve himself. And then he promptly walked back up to the porch to resume his greeting!

Is is possible that a 3 1/2 month old pup is already housebroken???? Yes, there is a god! Who is the patron saint of housebreaking???

Anyhow, he's also started another odd behavior recently. He'll take a couple sips out of a fresh bowl of water, then he'll dip his paw into it, and try to drag the bowl around. Of course, the water spils all over. I'm not sure if this is play for him or not. Is this normal? Does anyone know how I'm supposed to deal with this?

It is a large and sturdy bowl, but I guess I'll need to find an even heavier one and see if it helps.

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Congrats on the house training! Ours is 6 months & also does the same thing with his water bowl. It's annoying if we need to go out because he spills the water all over the floor & we worry about him being thirsty :roll:
He also does it if we put him in his room & he wants attention :twisted:
Wow! The peepee gods are smiling on you!

As for the water whacking......yeah, common puppy behavior. Get a weighted bowl or a raised bowl. Next will come the "pearl diving" where they stick their nose in the water and blow bubbles. cute.

Jack at 6 years old still uses his food bowl to get out attention, he flips it after he's eating, "Hey, it's empty I want more or at least a cookie." If we ignore him he starts his funny talk.

Right now your pup is just exploring the world, making up new games, and you get to clean up the mess. Lucky you.
Hehehe....ohhh Tucker did this too! (The water bowl part!). He also did it with his food - the both combined was quite a mess. This sent us promptly to the pet store where we bought a food/water bowl on a stand. This thing is wonderful for two reasons. First of all, the two metal bowls clamp into the stand making it nearly impossible to tip it over (although Tucker did manage this the other day - the whole stand went over! Yikes...). The second benefit to this is that you can adjust the height of the bowls so when they are full grown you can have them as high as about a foot off the ground, which apparently is good for large breed dogs because they aren't so hunched over when they eat so it reduces the chance of bloat.

I highly recommend it!!

As for the housetraining - that's awesome! Tucker too was trained at that age, which I thought was normal, but after reading other people's experiences on here, I've realized that it isn't. But it is a blessing!!
Congrats and it sounds like you're doing all the right things!

It seems a lot of dogs have the paw dipping habit and funny enough several of my cats do this as well. The raised water/food bowl is a good idea.

I've also heard of sticking a tennis ball in the food bowl to slow down those that eat too fast as they learn to eat around it and slow down Ha! Now if you did that in the water bowl would probably encourage more play in the water!!

Belly rubs to Peppo!

There is some contradictory data about the raised bowl theory. It has been shown to increase bloat in some studies.

I also would be afraid that the dog that really loves to play in the bowls will still do it and make a real big mess with both dumping!

Mine use one of those gallon fountains - otherwise I was constantly filling the large dish. They drink it dry in less than a day (5 dogs and 1 cat). They leave it alone until it is empty, then they start pawing it around to get the last drops out of the reservoir. Even the 7 pound min pin does this!
I am grateful they don't tip it when full, or I would have a big flood in the kitchen.
The paw dipping!!!! Oh I remember those days.... :roll: Peppo will most likely stop doing that. My Daisy(10 months) loved to swim in the water bowl too but stopped doing that about 5 months ago. I have no tips, she stopped on her own.
Congrats on the potty training.
Bailey loved to put a paw in his water bowl too. He would also dunk his whole head in there to drink. Fortunately his head outgrew the bowl!

Congratulations on the house training! :D
Yep - Fitz does the water bowl thing too - almost frantically, as if it's SO much fun! I just keep less water in the bowl now, I figure less water = less mopping. :)

Oh, and if you've figured out who the patron saint of housebreaking is, you will let me know asap won't you? 'Cause I definitely need to light a candle at that altar. :lol:
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