cancer growth

Hi everyone,

i have 2 dogs pebbles who is a oes and star who is a x german shepard
i had to take star to the vets today as she has a large growth on her leg
it has been bleeding for a few days but not troubling her , i have bandaged it and shes fine ,
the vet said its a cancer growth and needs to be operated on next week
he said there is not alot of skin there and will be hard to heal

im really worried as shes 8 years old ( but acts like a puppy )

they said they will send the growth away and check which form of cancer it is how do they treat a dog with cancer ?
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Good luck to Star and her surgery. It never is easy.
My Macy (chocolate lab) had a tumor removed from her groin when she was 12. Not a good surgery, and with her being older, I was so worried.

Just today we (me, hubby and 2 friends) were commenting on how good she was doing for 14 1/2 yrs old! She was out running around in the snow . :D
May Star have the same good prognosis as Macy!
Thoughts and prayers to you and Star that everything goes well next week.
Sending prayers and and best wishes to Star.
I hope her surgery goes well.
We'll send positives thoughts, vibes, and prayers your way. I'm so sorry this has happened.
I had a boy with synovi sarcoma, a soft tissue cancer. Beau had radiation treatments (21) that helped for quite some time. If you need to do the radiation know that the area being treated will be burned, much like a really horrible sunburn; and the fur may or may not grow back. We used Deramxx for pain, CAS Options to boost his immune system, milk thistle for liver support, amd omega 3/6. Something you may consider is a change in diet. A low carb one is best since carbs feed the cancer cells. A good book will help, I read Dr. Shawn Messionier's book called ( I think) Treating Cancer in Pets. Ask questions and don't stop until you understand the answers and most of all don't give up hope. Beau was diagnosed at age 6, we were told he only had at best 6 months IF we amputated his front leg (we didn't) and he lived for almost two more years. True, he had a terrible limp and couldn't stand up without help but he was happy so the extra needs were nothing. Good luck and stay strong, your boy needs you :ghug:
well star had her operation today
the vet went through all the pros and cons of what can happen and advised how dangerous the op is ,
i said i understood but still wanted to give her a chance

we broght her home at 4pm shes bandaged from hip to toe and poor love cant stand up shes scared .. i cant understand why they have bandaged all her feet as well ...
she has to go back every 2 days for new dressings

shes so sleepy and her eyes look so glazzed over and weepy
they have given her a long lasting ingection of pain killers and antibiotics

i will sleep down here with her tonight

not sure what i do about stopping her slipping or getting her to go for a wee

i just hope she will be ok
pebbles wrote:
i just hope she will be ok

I hope so too. . .
I'm sorry to hear about your girl. I hope she has a speedy recovery.
Best wishes to Star!

I'm sorry you had to go through this with Star and I'm sending my thoughts and prayers to you.

Bestdogs had great advice and I'm an advocate of milk thistle as well.
That and a healthy diet full of beta carotene veggies added to your dogs food. I always sound like a broken record as I find myself repeating the same stuff a few times over the years but after witnessing my Shaggy make a comeback I was sold on a healthy diet.

Shaggy had immune deficiency thrombocytopenia (immune disorder that is similar to Aids in humans and very much like Leukemia). She was on steriods, chemo and when told there was no hope, I switched to natural meds and a diet of chicken broth, chicken, organ meats occasionally and loaded up the broth with beta carotene veggies (sweet potatoes for example, have 7 times the recommended dose of vit C). I was willing to try it at that point as her condition was deteriorating.

Shaggy bounced back! Her blood platlete count jumped from 10 (near death) to a whopping 200 in 2 wks. A dogs normal count should be around 185. I adjusted it a bit and kept her on that diet until she passed at 15 1/2.
Ole Blue who was 6 at the time when Shaggy was ill was also fed the same diet eventually as he always thought her food was better. He just had his 19th birthday on Jan 24th. My last two cats that passed were 19 and 21. I fed them raw liver once every month (just becareful of organ meats as while they contain a lot of nutrition they also carry the possible toxins of the body) so should not be fed daily. I also always gave them fish oil (from tuna, salmon or sardines) or sometimes would flake off fish for them if I purchased a salmon. The dogs would get this too. Sardines are great as the bones contain a lot of calcium and all my pets enjoy having them on top of kibbles. (I went back to kibbles when Merlin came along as he has a sensitive tummy). I'm now rethinking this and slowly going back to a homemade diet which after seeing a documentary on TV 2 wks ago made me ill about what goes into pet food.

I would never be big headed to think this is the answer but I've seen it work for me. There are many great books out there that can help you out as Bestdogs mentioned.

Best wishes to you and lots of love to Star.

Hoping your Star will be okay. :)
Best wishes to you and Star.
Recovery is slower in older dogs , so don't lose hope. :hearts:
We are sending best wishes to both you and Star.
Bella's Dad wrote:
We are sending best wishes to both you and Star.


Hannah had a tumor and her dew claw removed on a front leg and it took about 2 months to completely heal. We had to continually change the bandages and we used a white cotton tube sock over the bandage. It was important to keep the bandage dry.
How is Star doing?
thank you for your replies
Star was very ill on wednesday but then by thursday evening she was up and about
shes seems like her old self now
i take her back every 3rd day for the dressing change she has one bandage pink and one blue shes been very good
i have been putting plastic bags around her legs when she goes in to the garden to keep them dry ,
im finding it hard to keep her still as she wants to play with pebbles
im not sure when the vet will get the results back to say what form of cancer growth it was
it was a very large lump
the vet takes in for the dressing change and asks me to wait out side i expect he does not want me to see it

im just so glad shes feeling alot better it scared me so much that i may have lost her .. i just had to give her the chance .. if she was in pain i wouldnt have put her through this pain
shes on antibiotics but no pain killers

pebbles knows something is wrong and shes licking and sleeping on the blanket with her they look so sweet
thanks for the update .. poor thing hope she gets well soon
Way to go Star!!! Kudos to you as well for providing the excellent care and I'm sure Star knows it.

Marianne and the boys (who send sloppy sheepie kisses)
I'm so sorry that you and Star have to go through this. We had a Siberian who had cancer on his leg and shoulder. The Vet recomended removing the leg....ummm no. He also said that there is not a lot of skin and hard to heal. He did fine with the healing although it was hard on him and us. The growth came back a year later and again the vet said the only sure way to get rid of it was to take the leg...ummm NO! The dog was eleven years old. Removed again with the same warning, it will be hard to heal. Six months later, it was back again and my dh and I decided not to put the dog through anymore suffering, to let nature take its course. We had another six months with him. I'm not sharing this to scare you, just to let you know what MAY be in your future. We had another two yrs with our dog and I wouldn't change a thing.
Thank you for all your kind wishes for Star

yes i was told it will be months before shes healed

just hoping now that the the results from the growths are good

i pray that we can get many more years of happiness with her

you will do anything for your babys

We're keeping our fingers crossed for good news :plead:
Sending Sheepie hugs to you and Star. :ghug:

Stephanie & Winston
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