OES in Arkansas?

Hey kids!
This is a first-time posting for me and I'm so thrilled to find a site so full of OES info and lots of knowledgable parents. I have just moved to a small town in Arkansas with my job, and I'm hoping to adopt an adult OES sometime soon. I think this will be the best choice for me as I will be a first time owner all on my own. I know I can give a great home to a furry friend in need of one, but I don't know if I'm ready for a puppy. Which brings me to my question: Does anyone out there know of an adult OES in need of adoption near Arkansas? Please let me know if you can help.
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Here's a list of OES Rescue contacts:


They don't have anything for Arkansas but maybe you can contact the nearest one to you?

And at the same site they have a document entitled "So You're Thinking About Getting an OES":


Hope this helps a bit! :D


You can also go to Pet Finder:


Just fill out the form and click "Search." My suggestion is to leave your location blank. It will give you all 28 and maybe you can find a rescue organization close to you. I didn't see anything for AR.


You sound like a patient person.... great! There are good reasons to go through a Rescue program. For an example, read this reply to someone looking to PLACE a dog:


Feel free to drop me a line here, and we can "chat".

-Ron. (and Jake (and oh yeah, Joan.))

Suzanne mentioned petfinder.com...I notice the other day there was a female in Tulsa, OK. (through ARF) I'm not sure Tulsa is w/n driving distance for you, but you might check into it. Norita (the contact at ALF) is who told us about Buckley (our sheepie #2). I'm sure she'd be happy to answer any questions you have (as would I!). We have 2 rescue sheepie's, 5yrs & 1yrs- They're the best!

Good luck and Thanks for Thinking Rescue :D
Cindy & the Monsters
Thanks for all the great info, everyone. I'm following Gracie Girl's advice and looking into the Sheepie in Tulsa. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Hi there -

As posted earlier, the NEOESR.org website is a wealth of information on getting and understanding what it takes to care for an OES. I see that there are a few contacts there for Texas, if that is close to you. Just go to the link below and click on National Rescue Contacts from the list on the right of the screen. There are also many informative articles here on what you can expect from being "owned by" a sheepie! Good luck, and please keep us updated. So wonderful that you are thinking of a rescue dog!


Guinevere's Dad, Kevin Z.
Well kids, I applied today for the adoption of a 1 year-old, all-white, rescue sheepie. I'm so nervous! I would be a first time owner all on my own, so I guess I would have to understand if they don't let me take her in.

I'm trying to stay optimistic, however, so on that note I have a few questions:

1)What should I bring with me when (if) I go to pick her up?

2)It's a good 6 hour drive home from the rescue organization and I have a fairly small 2 door. Any suggestions on how I can best transport her? I read some other postings on doggie seatbelts, but I'm wondering if she would be okay with that, since we'll pretty much be strangers at first.

3)What should I expect during our first days together? Are there any other sheepie rescuers out there who can throw out some advice?

Thanks again for all the help and great advice thus far. Even if this cutie and I aren't meant to be, I'll definitely keep at it until I can join all of you as true OES parents! :D
I am so thrilled to hear that you are applying to get a Rescue dog! Which rescue organization are you talking to? I would think that the best people to ask these questions of are the people at Rescue. They have done this many times before, and will help you through it every step of the way. And you are right - there is the possibility that they will ask you to do things to make your home more "sheepie friendly." Just keep in mind that they are acting in the best interests of the dog. You would be amazed at how many people want a sheepie but then find out the realities of the care it takes and turn them back in. That is what Rescue organizations try to avoid if at all possible, and that is why they inspect houses and ask a lot of questions. It is so good that you understand this process!

I wish you much luck with all of this, and as I said before, please feel free to contact NEOESR even if this is not where you are adopting the sheepie frome. They are a wealth of information, and Grannie Annie is the most knowledgable person I have ever met when it comes to sheepies. Check their website, and you will see what I mean.

Keep us posted!

Guinevere's Dad, Kevin Z.
About your questions-
Although we got Nelson when he was a puppy and from a breeder I'm guessing the best thing you can do when you get her is just show her a lot of love and attention. I'd be careful at first about eating habits (she might be very suspicious) and don't start discipling her right away (get used to eachother first). You'll have your entire life to train her to eat from your belly button-or whatever :wink:. Actually....that would be pretty cool...just kidding! Although Nelson might go for that.

In the car we use a seatbelt on Nelson and I just love it...I feel so much better when he's strapped in it. However we started using it on him when he was 18 weeks, and I don't know about a new rescue dog. I would try taking a blanket and maybe putting the seat back some so she can sort of stretch out. If you can see if you can get her pretty tuckered out before you head home, it'd be tough driving with a big dog in your lap licking your face!!!

Oh and bring along a leash/collar so you can take let her out (if it's a pretty long drive). Also I'd take a blanket or something, maybe even a good chew toy, something to keep her busy in the car. Oh and if it's a long drive be sure to take a bowl and bottled water for her.

So I guess all that was pretty obvious stuff but that's what I did and it worked! We got a great pup!
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