Snarfing down objects?!

Tucker just started heaving and I knew he was going to throw up, which he does from time to time, so I moved him to the floor (instead of carpet) and waited. He threw up some object...long and dark, couldn't figure out what it was at first. It was a SOCK! He ate a sock!! This is the third time he has eaten an actual object, but it hasn't been for a long time so I thought he was over it now.

Does this mean he is lacking something, or is he just overly curious????
Gave me a good scare....I'm glad he throws the stuff up before it attempts to digest, as I'm aware that that could= cause some serious damage.
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Would love to know the answer to THAT question!!!

Heart eats my orange ear-plugs (husband snores terribly) and I find them ALL the time, you know where.... :lol: :lol: I honestly try to keep them up ...I don't know how she gets them!!!!!!!
Sky used to eat socks ALL the time, but usually pooped them out.... yuck.
Ru ate one of my socks & I'm often fishing them out of his mouth (or throat!) I can't begin to tell you what it smelled like when it came out the other end. But thank goodness it did :phew:
I'm glad Tucker puked it up. Another reason to have a perfectly clean house :roll:
Hint of Mischief wrote:
Another reason to have a perfectly clean house :roll:


Oh you were serious - yes, yes indeed.

The funny thing is that we usually ARE quite careful. He likes washclothes and underwear so we are always making sure that they are put away carefully and that the closet door is closed (laundry basked is inside). I have never even seen him look at a sock before much less eat it, but there you go. I guess you're right - he'll make me cleaner yet!
They are very curious and they have to investigate things. Boni used to throw up socks (we didn't even realize it was missing... :oops: ) but it did teach me to put things away. Thanks to the dogs we are very tidy! :lol:
Ben is our object eater. He started out passing most of the items and occassionally chewing on others.

He had emergency surgery surgery for a linear obstruction (washcloth) over the Christmas holidays one year. The thread was within an hour or two of cutting through the last layer of intestine. The vet warned us that once an eater, always an eater. We close doors, cabinets and drawers - most of which he can open anyway. We do not leave anything out (our house is so clean looking) unless it is something safe for him.
Nine months after the first surgery, my daughter brought friends home for the weekend from college. Yes, this time it was a sock.

We have been obnoxiously strict since then and he has been fine.
Good luck.
Maisey once ate a box...that's right a BOX of baby wipes. When we got Maisey, my twins were 2 1\2 yrs old, potty trained, but we still had boxes of baby wipes that I kept around to wipe hands or faces...
I had no idea that she had gotten into them, until I brought her out to go "do her business". She was only about 4 months and I thought that her intestines were coming out of her bum!!!
Freak Out!!!
She was fine, and all the wipes passed.
ALL 264 Kirkland brand wipes.
We now keep all tissue type things out of reach...
sheepieshake wrote:
Would love to know the answer to THAT question!!!

Heart eats my orange ear-plugs (husband snores terribly) and I find them ALL the time, you know where.... :lol: :lol: I honestly try to keep them up ...I don't know how she gets them!!!!!!!

haha...panda used to eat those same ear plugs...brian wears them too! nothing like seeing bright neon orange in chocolate brown poo :twisted:
My last oes, Simon ate all the same things. The scariest was a thick washcloth, didn't even know how he got it. Called the vet who said wait & watch. Thankfully he vomited it up a day later :phew:
He got hold of my underwear while I was showering and ate them, used to poop knee highs, hair scrunchies, anything soft.
We learned how to be much more careful with our stuff, and gave us insight for raising Coop now.
Beau recently gained access to my closet (I forgot to close the door when I left for work) and was thrilled to find that the buffet (otherwise known as the laundry basket) was full. :evil:

When I got home from work, I found half a pair of panties, ripped & properly chewed, behind a cushion on the loveseat. 8O

The other half I found two days later where he'd barfed them up in his crate. We won't discuss the look or smell. :roll: I was just glad to have them out of him without surgical intervention. :phew:
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