Question about pee-pee

My 10 week puppy is very good about pee-peeing on cue when I take him outside, but he doesn't lift his leg! Is this normal? When do they learn to lift their leg? He takes this stance, almost like that of a show dog, when he pees. Which is kind of cute, but then it makes him step on his puddle of pee, because he doesn't lift his leg. Thoughts, anyone? TIA
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I have never had a pup lift his leg. Actually, it is rare for me to have an intact male that lifts his leg all the time! Chicus does the "pee squat stance", with the exception of when a bitch is in heat...then he likes to mark his territory, especially on my dishwasher for some reason?
Lifting their leg is a learned behavior. Some never do.
They either need to be around another male who does, or go to an area where another male has been, or remain intact (not neutered).
This is very normal for boy puppies. Some boys never lift their leg! Bingley began lifting his leg around 6ish months I think. You can see from my avatar - he was just starting here. Before he regularly began lifting his leg he would switch from one leg to the other - including front legs! :lol:
Mop lover wrote:
This is very normal for boy puppies. Some boys never lift their leg! Bingley began lifting his leg around 6ish months I think. You can see from my avatar - he was just starting here. Before he regularly began lifting his leg he would switch from one leg to the other - including front legs! :lol:

Oh, oh, too funny!!!!!!!! I love your avatar - he looks so darn proud of himself :wink:

Che only lifts his leg if one of his sisters is nearbye and there's a chance they may walk too closely... :twisted: He's been known to lift it so high on occasion that he's peed on Macy's head. (Thanks!!)

Barney will be 4 in Sept and has never lifted his leg. Well, maybe once, but he's a squatter!
Oliver will be 1 next month, and he has yet to lift his leg (knock on wood). He does the squat thing too. I always have to tell people "HE'S NOT A GIRL!" :evil:
Beau learned from a foster dog we had when Beau was about a year old. At first, he switched from one leg to another, too, sometimes in mid-stream. :roll:

Now, he ususally lifts, but will still squat on occassion. Unless he has a chance to pee on his sister. :roll:
Barkley has lifted his leg once or twice, but that's usually because he's standing on something that moves (log, board, pile of gravel). As a general rule, he no longer squats either, he just lets rip. Somewhat surprisingly, he rarely pees on himself and most of the time manages to avoid the puddle with his back feet.

Then again, he has an aversion to peeing on anything hard (asphalt, concrete) and preferentially finds grass, dirt and other "soft" areas to pee on.
Tasker is 12 an d never lifts his leg, Ty on the other hand lifts it high and proud.
My oldest male lifts his leg buy my 4 year old doesn't - he's only been with us a month but I don't think he's going to change his habits now. :)
Craig Duffield wrote:
As a general rule, he no longer squats either, he just lets rip. .

Clyde, too. He can be walking, then he stops and then I realize "Oh, he's peeing." No change in the stance whatsoever. Unlike Barkley, he'll happily pee anywhere, especially pavement and constantly pees on himself. He smells like a dirty toddler. :(
Actually, Barney isn't a squatter. He'll do the same thing--on a walk, whooops! He's peeing! He mostly sort of stands there, no squat involved!
Bailey doesn't squat, he takes the show dog stance as if he expects admiration while he's peeing. He's never lifted his leg.
Amber is wrong because I have one of her pups and he has been lifting a leg on and off since he was 8 weeks old. I knew I was in trouble. He is starting to get too sassy and I think we may be neutering very soon. He is also starting to mark his territory and I want to stop that before it really gets going. :roll:
Nigel also pees all over his front legs!! Yuck!!!
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