how DID you find this site

I was just wondering from another post... how did ya all find this site. Me.... surfing I think I had Sami for 4 weeks can not remember what info I was looking for and came across this site.... and never stopped.
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I was in the process of cancelling the purchase of a puppy from a breeder in florida who I should have never contacted in the first place, and found you guys through a web search while I was looking for information.

Thank you I have learned a lot since then!!!!
Sadly I was searching for information on chemotherapy treatment for my Daisy last year but I'm so glad I found you! Don't know how I got to owning sheepies for over 25 years and not found you before! :wink:
Luckily for me...another forum member suggested I check it out. Its hard to keep quiet about a good thing!!! :D
I was ready to kill someone, dealing with a 10 week old puppy purchased by my husband, then dumped on me when he left town for a business trip. I was searching the internet desperately looking for advice. You all probably saved my husband's life!
Bailey's Mom wrote:
I was ready to kill someone, dealing with a 10 week old puppy purchased by my husband, then dumped on me when he left town for a business trip. I was searching the internet desperately looking for advice. You all probably saved my husband's life!

hahahaha....that had me laughing hard!

same thing...desperately trying to find advice on a breed that my husband knew and i didnt........
I was trying to remember the name of the book I had bought 11+ years ago when we got our first OES, to recommend to a friend. So I went to search for it on the internet and came across this site. I couldn't believe that I, who spends nearly 100% of her life on the dang computer, didn't know this site was here - all the while having had OES for so long and rescued several along the way.

I did the whole "Wow, I culda had a v-8" forehead smack.
We had lost our Ollie right before Christmas 2005. We were ready to get another, and wanted to search for rescues available - searching online. I had done the same thing looking for Simon, the basset. I found Nancy H. and the MN rescue, and also found as well. :D
I couldn't believe I had had an OES for 10 yrs and never knew.......
I found it surfing the web looking for info on OES.
July 7th 2003 my first post as a member. I had started viewing the site a few months earlier.

It's sometimes bittersweet when I'm searching something and come across a post when Shaggy was still alive and I'm chatting about her.

At times I can relive various moments of my life, via the post here...The Shaggy days, the Pre-Merlin days or of the amazing rescue and flight of Panda from Hong Kong to Vancouver of Panda with the help of the members here.

OMG! Has so much happened these past five years! The support I recieved when Shaggy passed.When I arrived home one night after picking up my new puppy Merlin! When Panda, the rescue came into my life!..ect..

I remember grieving one night as I knew my time with Shaggy was limited and after a bad spell with her. I was searching the net for any info that would help. I found this amazing site and never looked back.

I always can't thank Ron and Joan enough for having the forsight to have started this forum and all the amazing people who have passed and contributed to making this site what it is today.


these are really nice posts, and again thank you Ron.
I had just found Pepsi in the shelter and had to wait a certain time period (standard procedure at the now closed shelter, even though he was an owner turn in) before I could bring him home with me.
I had grown up with a Sheepie Girl, but she passed away 20 yrs earlier when I was 11 yrs old. So I thought it would be good to learn more about Sheepies before Pepsi came home. I searched for Old English Sheepdogs and this was the first site that came up and the most informative. I spent hours and hours reading through posts. I joined as a member about 5 days after I brought him home. That was 3 yrs ago.
surfing the net 8)
I was desperately looking for something that would give me some hope that the monster I had just let into my home would not ruin my life forever!

Thankfully it did and he hasn't!!
We had just gotten Mojo and I was surfing for anything sheepie.
Been here ever since.
Can't for the life of me remember!!!!

I do know I lurked for many months before finally joining. This was the first forum I had ever posted on and I was quite shy (IN THE BEGINING HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
It was in October 2004 that we were facing an FHO (femoral head ostectomy) surgery for Drez and I was Google-ing for any sheepie and/or surgery info. I found this phenomenal site and never looked back!! :lol:
I had just moved across the country and I was missing Maggie horribly so I was surfing for sheepie related things, and possibly sheepie rescues...And then I really started visiting the site after Barn Dog came to town...
I was looking for ANY information on sheepies - this site came up again and again! And the information was applicable. I actually lurked for over a year before I joined! :roll: :D
Wow ~ I cant believe I can remember this: :lmt:

I had never been on a forum of any kind and I was looking for some help with my sheppie who would not allowing me to sit on the couch and watch TV . :roll:
I would get barked at for the whole time I would try to sit there.

Anyway I registered but had no idea what to do ,I don't know how but I managed to send a PM to Elissa ... 8O
(Elissa do you remember that?)

She sent me back a PM and told me what I should have done to post to the forum .....
By the way I never did thank you Elissa .......Thanks :D

:lol: Yes, I do remember and You are very welcome. :D
BANDAA wrote:
I registered but had no idea what to do
Now you're a PRO! :D
I had Bosley, from an SPCA litter that has been dumped there, for 2 or 3 months, and was having a heck of a time house-training him! I am a rescue person/dog-trainer myself, and have had many, many dogs over the years....I was hoping there was some magic thing with OES's that I hadn't been exposed to :roll: So I stumbled on this site seaching for info.

Here I was exposed to so many OES's in rescue, and found out about Dixie's SPCA seizure from "that place" in New Brunswick. She was the last one left, and had a question mark above her head, regarding temperament. I offered to take her in for assessment/training and had her flown half-way across Canada, to me.

Her temperament was the least of her problems. This forum helped me through her various health problems, with support and information.

Now she is still a wild brat, but we haven't given up on her, yet! Kidding...she's a doll.... :lol:
I was just looking for anything OES related, got lucky and found this site hurried right in and here I am :D
I found the the site from a google search, I was looking for grooming tips for Sammy
:D I was very sad because Bentley was coming close to the end of his life after a year of restricted mobility. I knew that I couldn't live happily without a sheepie. I initially wanted to adopt an adult dog and found this site. My physical state was such at the time that I couldn't have managed an active young adult dog and I couldn't face losing another older dog again. I opted for a puppy reasoning that as his strength grew, so would mine and it did!!I found Willoughby, my third OES in the Kootenays. All the info and advice from this forum is wonderful. It's my first forum and it 's so great to read all those sheepie stories.:clappurple:
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