What is your average weight loss per week?

I started doing Weight Watchers about 2 weeks ago. I haven't ever been extremely over weight but always had that goal of losing about 30 lbs. During my 1st week, I lost about 6 lbs. I know that much of that is water weight. During hte second week, I actually gained 2 lbs. I have really watched my points and even included some running. I've heard that it is typical to either gain or stay the same during the 2nd week, is that true? What is the average weight loss (per week) for someone who only gets 20-22 pts a day?
It's frustrating to work so hard during the week to plan meals and do some working out then gain weight. What am I doing wrong?
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Angela, 6 pounds in the first week is a lot. I bet your gain in the second week is your body's way of making up for all that loss. Your loss should steady out between half a pound and two pounds a week. That is what WW states.

But anyway, you're down 4 pounds which is excellent.
I really want to stick with this. I haven't ever lost any amount of weight except when I had a bad break up and quit eating (unintentionally). I haven't had kids yet but I'm sure they will come in the next few years. I don't want to struggle with baby weight and regular weight. I'm 27 years old and I have been told that I am on my way to having arthritis in my knees because I have been a runner most of my life. That totally scares me. The hopes are to change my destiny is by losing as few pounds and get myself to a more desirable weight (within reason of course).
Yeah, believe 1/2 to 2 lbs per week......and it won't be the same each week. Hormones get in the way for a week or so, also your body gets used to the new way of eating and tries to level off which is why you also need to up your activity a bit.......don't go overboard or else your body shuts weight loss off.

Best is gradual, working with your body to increase your metabolism.

Don't live for the scale.......it will really frustrate you. Use the tape measure and measure anything that is measurable :lol: A half inch in your thigh may be the only chance you may see one week.........but it's a loss!! Remember people don't see your weight plastered on your forehead, they see your body, so work on toning that up too.
THe sad thing is that I know how to lose weight...duh reduce calories and increase working out. (to make it simple) I talk about it all the time at school because I am a health teacher. I follow what I preach but sometimes it is hard.
I have two sisters who belong to Weight Watchers, they are both nurses. One had a lot of weight to lose and did so and is keeping it off for three years now and looks great. She started off at Weight Watchers and Curves and then stayed with Weight Watchers and went to a regular gym and still goes to the gym three times a week.

My other sister has never had a weight problem, but watches what she eats and when she gains five pounds, goes back to weight watchers. She has been doing this for years and said that is how she keeps her weight down. She also goes to the gym three times a week, and had done that all of her adult life.

I had lost a lot of weight since having the shingles and I had call sister #2 for advise on how to keep the weight falling off since I was now down to losing only 5lbs a month. I do keep my calorie intake down and only eat food that, I feel, will help my body heal. I also walk a minimal of a mile a day 7 days a week. She advised to increase water and increase exercise.

I only weigh myself once a month. I do not have a scale at my house because I know I would become scale obsessed and do what you are doing. Stay away from the scale and just keep to the program. Good luck!
I'm a weight watcher, too. It took me 9 months (36 weeks) to reach my goal of losing 40 pounds. That figures out to a bit over 1 pound a week (average). Please keep in mind, the first week I lost 4, and several weeks I lost about 3, but there were weeks I gained.

You can't get discouraged by periodical weight gains. Our bodies do some pretty weird stuff. I started seriously exercising in month 3. I am not known to exercise. For 2 consecutive weeks I gained weight, which really made me want to throw in the towel. But then, the third week, I dropped 3 or 4 pounds.

In March I went to NY on vacation, and eat my way across Manhattan. That week I gained over 5 pounds (yes, it was important for me to weigh in, knowing I gained). The next weigh in, I was down 6.5 pounds. My leader explained, you can't gain 5 pounds of fat in 4 days...most is water retention.

Bodies have a way of equalilzing themselves. Please be patient. Keep tracking. Keep exercizing, and it will come off. I promise!

:lmt: Could be fun!
debcram wrote:
My leader explained, you can't gain 5 pounds of fat in 4 days
Sounds like a challenge!!!
How much does an onionloaf weigh, how many calories is it and how long does it take to consume one? 8)
SOmetimes I want to throw in the towel because it sucks when you are trying to do something about your weight and the scale just keeps creeping up while you feel like you are starving. I've done things like keeping track of calories, fat, carbs, Weight Watchers and it's all frustrating.
I'm a typical American...I want to lost weight and I want to lose ALL of it right now! Isn't that how our society runs! haha
Angela, yes. We want results NOW!

Hang in there. If you work the program correctly...after about 3 days, you will not be starving.

I would be glad to answer any questions you may have about it.

But, PLEASE don't give up so quickly!
You all have been a HUGE help for me -- thank you! I was ready to throw in the towel as well after not losing even a full pound these last two weeks (however one week I had my period) Thanks again and everyone keep up the GREAT JOB!!! We can do this!!!!
I lost 3.5 week 1, gained 2 week 2, lost 4.5 week 3 and lost 2.5 week 4....

Had a bad week 2, day out with an old friend in glasgow... Eating out and drinking all day. I'm a man on a 48! Daily allowance... I struggle to reach it though!
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