Congratulations Bear and Clyde!

I'm proud to announce that Bear and Clyde successfully completed their Canine Good Citizen and TDI Therapy Dog test today and both passed with flying colors!

There were a lot of dogs at the testing facility and the evaluator asked if I minded handling both boys at the same time-- in other words, do every task simultaneously with both dogs without them being influenced by the other. 8O They did great, though! I wish someone would have taken a picture of my face during the sit/stay and then you turn and walk away and stop across the room to call them. When I turned and saw those two doofuses calmly waiting for me to turn around, my jaw dropped. I was sure they'd be right on my heels!

So, now, pending all the appropriate paperwork from TDI, we should be therapy dogging it up soon. The university I work for has a huge medical campus with about 6 different hospitals so we have lots of contacts really close by. I think we'll have fun!
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What an accomplishment!!!!!!!!! Congrats. I think it's great to have some potential places to take them already. Sounds like fun :D
Congratulations to you, Bear and Clyde, all three of you were involved and had a tremendous success with the test. All the patience and practice pays off in the end even though there may have been doubts in your mind. Have fun with your forthcoming therapy work.

:banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana: :cheer: :banana:
Bravo! I didn't even know you were working towards that. I'm so proud of Bear and Clyde. What angels they are!
Congratulations!!!!! I 've done both with 2 dogs (1 at a time) I don't know how you managed BOTH!!!

WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!
What an accomplishment!! Especially handling both at once.
Congrats to Bear, Clyde and you!!! :clappurple:
Las Vegas Sheepie Lover wrote:
Bravo! I didn't even know you were working towards that. I'm so proud of Bear and Clyde. What angels they are!

Well, I must admit, it was something I wanted to do but we weren't exactly actively working towards it. It came up that our doggy day care was bringing the TDI evaluator in and she let us know on Thursday when we dropped the boys off. The boys have had no formal obedience or training since puppy school and, I have to be honest, we don't reinforce that training much at home to keep them on their best game. I don't want to brag, but they're just pretty good dogs on their own. We just reinforce good manners at home and on the leash and I think that helped a lot. They really seem to turn it out when they know I need them to!
Well done Jill and the fur kids, they are going to bring so much joy to people who need cheering up.

Can't wait to hear how the boys do when they start their rounds, you need to change your chrissy card next year to two wonderful angels. :D You can dress as the devil :twisted:

BRAVO to the boys and YAY to you, well done. :wink:
That is very cool, Jill! :D :D

Yay Bear and Clyde!! :go: :go: :cheer:

Welcome to the wonderful world of pet assisted therapy. :D
:banana: :go: :cheer: Congratulations to you THREE :cheer: :go: :banana:
:yay: :excited: :banana: :yay: :excited: :banana: :yay: :excited: :banana: :high5: :yay: :excited: :banana: :yay: :excited: :banana: :yay: :excited: :high5: :yay: :excited: :banana: :yay: :excited: :banana: :yay: :excited: :banana: :yay: :excited: :high5:
Congrats! :)
That's great Jill, congrats!
Congrats! That is so cool! Good boys!
Congratulations to Bear and Clyde!!
Congratulations :banana: :banana:
Whoulda thunk???????

nice job jill.....bear AND!! boys come over and teach panda that ........
WOW!! :D What a great accomplishment!! :clappurple: I'm proud of all three of you!! :P
Congratulations, Jill, Clyde and Bear!

Can't wait to see the boys sporting little therapy dog vests. 8)


Nelson Jr. (I could do it if I wanted to!)
:yay: C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S :yay:
Maggie McGee IV wrote:
Congratulations, Jill, Clyde and Bear!

Can't wait to see the boys sporting little therapy dog vests. 8)


Nelson Jr. (I could do it if I wanted to!)

Little therapy dog vests? :twisted: Hopefully they make them XXXL :D

When you take them you definitely need to take the camera so we can all see the expressions on people's faces when you walk in with your guys. 8O
Yes, it will be quite a sight, two big hairy beasts coming to call.

Congratulations! Job well done.

I'm sure you smiled during the recall to see these two big goofs coming towards you. Grand guys indeed.
And of course congrats to Jill!!!!! Beautiful work guys!
Good job Bear and Clyde!
Congrats!!!! What an accomplishment!
Wow, Jill! Congratulations! :yay:

Kristine & Belle (TDI - retired) and Sybil (never gonna happen :lol: )
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