Inappropriate behavior with your dogs

Ok...ok...I confess. My dogs know "give me kiss!" They give me a big lick on the mouth. I LOVE THIS!

Tony thinks I'm nuts!

Do you kiss and get kisses from your dogs?
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yeah, panda gives momma kisses.......

i actually say "come give momma a kiss....." and she does... :oops:
I say.....

"kisses from the Heart" :hearts: :hearts: ...

(and she gives me kisses)
Oh heavens yes! It begins with Mo waking me up with lip kisses. If Harry gets in on the action he trys to get inside my mouth.....blech! (I can brush my own teeth, thank you). I try not to think where that tongue has been before it found me........

If given a chance while I dress, Harry will lick off all lotion and makeup.....he doesn't like me in "that stuff."

Jack is an opportunity kisser, if he gets a chance he'll surprise me, but doesn't make it an everyday event.

Glacier will not lick. None of my Pyrs have been lickers/kissers. That's not the say they won't accent cuddles and kisses from me.......after awhile. At first it's a big turn off, but they learn to accept them. kisses from Andy. In all his 13 years...he has never been a kisser/cuddler. He doesn't like anyone near his face. He likes to be talked to (even tho he can't hear)...but nooooo kisses. :wink: He's a funny old man!
I kiss Cooper all the time. I kiss him on top of his nose while he is looking right at me. I say nice, nice kiss and then he kisses me back.
He especially likes to lick my ears while taking a little nibble at the same time. :o :o :o
I kiss him on top of his head too!
I'm not sure the boys could function without kissing us as a normal part of their daily routine.
Max is a kisser. And we kiss Max.

All we have to say is " Give Mommy / Daddy kisses" and he is right there.
He doens't even beg for cheese after! :D :o
In the mornings both Bosley and Dixie use their noses to bury under the covers that I have over my head, to find some skin on my face and kiss it...Not because they are happy to see me in the mornig, but it is ME who feeds them breakfast...

Other times Bosley will give me slow, kisses with his warm tongue...Dixie is more of a kiss and dart away....but she also is always on the go, so asking her for a kiss means she has to stop doing something.... :lol:
David gets morning kisses LOTS and sloppy. I sat gemme a kiss and we touch noises.
I can't get through the day without sheepie Kisses, except when they mis-aim and you cop one smack in the eye or ear :lol:
OMG; I ADORE my girls' kisses! And they insist it be right on the mouth; they won't plant them anywhere else! I just say "Kisses?" and they are eager to plant them.

My boyfreind has a different approach: he makes "raspberries" with his mouth( sort of s spitting/motor noise with his lips) and they RACE to lick his face all over. He does this several times a day; it never gets dull or old.
The worst (or is it best) is when Keira sticks her tongue in my mouth! EEECCCKKK!!!!

French kissing a border collie is something I never planned for!
Violet is very stingy with her kisses. She kisses my hubby all the time, but very rarely kisses me and only on the cheek. China on the other hand kisses me on the face every day. Every once in a while, China gets so excited to see me, I'll be sitting at the computer and she will jump up with her front paws and push me back with my shoulders and smother me with kisses. No mouth though, I don't do mouth. :D
Rufus is the PHANTOM kisser. His tounge is faster than a speeding bullet!! Before you know it you've been licked on the lips, nibbled on the cheek & had a firm poke in the eye from his big wet nose, especially when you are least expecting it.
Don't even mention bare feet- he goes crazy!!
Kissing is inappropriate? Please don't tell the SPCA about me.

I do draw the line at licking off the freshly applied lotion (Minnesota winters are harsh to skin!) or cleaning my back teeth, which they would gladly do.

Actually, in our house, kissing seems to be less a display of affection than it is a competition.
Do you think (careful, this is deep!) that kisses mean the same to our dogs that they do to us?
I don't think Isabel could live without kisses. We HAVE to let her kiss us, first thing in the morning especially. She simply will not leave us alone until she has kissed us. And, it MUST be on the mouth. :lol: There's nothing like my sheepie's kisses.
Obe wakes me every morning with a kiss. I give him a kiss when I leave for work. I get kisses when I get home. He loves giving kisses.
I won't let Nigel kiss my face...he goes treasure hunting for cat poop that the neighbors cat leaves in my dog run. Why does that cat insist on using my dog run?? I am going to set the cat trap soon to scare him off. Yuck!
kisses, kisses, everywhere, anytime, now two for the price of one!!!
What's inappropriate about sheepie kisses?

I guess that answers your question. :oops:
I always gets kisses from Pepsi. He is my love bug!!! :kiss:
With Rags it depends on her breath. :lol:
She ocassionally eats "tootsie rolls" a.k.a poop.
Lacey is not a kisser, but a snuggler.
All the dogs get kisses on their heads and the tops of the noses before bed.

My cat, Murray that crossed the bridge in 94 used to give me kisses.
(He was an indoor cat) I'd say Mama wants kisses and he'd press his face against mine and put his mouth on mine and would kiss me.
He would actually make a kissing noise as he would open his mouth a little when he kissed. He also barked, it sounded exactly like Dino's bark from the Flintstones... which leads me to believe that he thought he was a dog. :lol:
I had a sign that hung in the house for years. It said; J'embrasse mon chien sur les lèvres. "I kiss my dog on the lips". :lol:
I :hearts: that! Do you know where you found it?
Sheepie kisses are a part of my daily routine. :kiss: My babies wouldn't know what to do without morning kisses & cuddles. :hearts:
debcram wrote:
I :hearts: that! Do you know where you found it?

I bought it about 25 years ago. I gave it to a friend thinking I would be able to replace it. Now I can't find the sign anywhere. :cry:
We've got such good crafts people on here, surely someone ought to be able to design one for us. 8)
"It ain't me, babe!" Remember, I'm an accountant and don't have a creative bone in my body :cry:
Me either, Deb, or I'd volunteer. :wink:

Where's Laurel? She's been awfully quiet lately. :?
That is a very neat sign. I have one that warns visitors about how my dog lives here ands they dont, etc,etc. I will throw the ideas around in my brain and try and draw something up tonight. If anyone would be interested???
Oh! I'd be interested!!!!!!!!!! :plead:
you kiss the ones you love....and I love my dog....SOOOOOOOOOO
and I would be intersted in a sign.....
George gets and gives kisses.

The best ones are first thing in the morning if I'm awake but Bob isn't I can hear George making a slurping noise as he kisses bobs face and head to wake him up!

makes me laugh every time :lol:
Chauncey is very kissie. If I'm busy doing something and he needs a kiss, he will politely tap me on the leg. That's the I haven't had a kiss is at least the last few mins. hint :kiss: No matter what he's doing, if I ask for a kiss, he's more than willing. :hearts:
I'm interested in the sign...
I have an idea for the sign, but would like feedback. I could do a drawing of an OES and have it giving a great big sheepie kiss, kind of cartoon style drawing. Then have the phrase posted out to the side.
This may take some time to perfect as I'm no artist, but feel confident I could draw it as a cartoon. Obe and I are going out of town this weekend so I will not be able to really work on it until afterwards. I may get started on it tonight or Thursday no promises though.
Shon, I'd be interested in it too!

I know it's a different subject but yesterday I was browsing on the internet and I found this cool site.

Old English Sheepdog Stamps
Kata!!! Where the heck have you been?????
Shon, I'd be interested in the sign as well......Kathy
Bingley loves giving kisses! He gets his paws on our shoulders and goes wild kissing our faces . . . it's really funny when he tries to kiss guests that come over . . . :lol:
Oh My Heaven's-- YESSSSSS. Have to have those sheepie kisses. Baloo knows "Kisses Kisses" and he slaps one right on my chin. I kiss his nose too... our other woofie (beagle/bassett mix) who has since gone on to greener pastures was NOT a kisser at all. He did not like anyone in his face! So Baloo giving Kisses is sweet
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