dog warts?

About a week ago I noticed that Tucker had this small, strange looking bump on the outside of his mouth on his lip. It has since grown (I think) and multiplied. It is GROSS! It sort of looks like a wart and it looks like it's "flowering" (ewwwww). It is the size of a pea and cannot be expressed, it's just this ugly lump. I AM taking him to the vet on Thursday for it. My sister, a vet tech, suggested it may be dog acne, although she hasn't actually SEEN it, so she isn't sure, plus she said that pea-sized is a little big for that.

I will, of course, find out what the vet says Thursday, but I am extremely curious. Anyone dealt with anything like this before???
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Sounds like warts. They are contagious, but not all dogs will get them.

See this post about Dixie a while back:

My previous OES had warts, lumps and bumps all over her body as she aged which wasn't noticable until she was shaved down.

What is unusual about Tucker however is he's young as many elderly dogs get them.

Good luck at the vets office and let us know how it goes!

I had a cocker spaniel with warts, as he got older he got more of them and when he was really old they smelled bad 8O
EWWW! These all sound so gross and unfortunate!! Maybe the vet will have some better news or some treatment...??

Any ideas why he would get this? We don't go to the dog park (because there isn't one), he hasn't been in the pet store in weeks and weeks, and he only plays with 2 other dogs who I'm pretty sure don't have any warts (yuck), although I will ask the owners.

In the past 3 months, poor Tucker has had kennel cough (despite the fact that he IS update on the bordetella vaccination), an eye infection and now warts. What the heck is going on??????
Maybe he kissed a frog :wink:
Tasker's Mom wrote:
I had a cocker spaniel with warts, as he got older he got more of them and when he was really old they smelled bad 8O

I also had a Cocker who had them all over his poor old body. Some people call them warts...some call them old age moles.....however, he wasn't old when he started to get them. He even had a couple on his tounge. We had many, many removed by surgery over the 18 years of his life. Some even grew back....and boy did they multiply!! They were very annoying for him as they would break open and bleed. :( I don't have any answers for you but I feel for you and your OES. We did all we could do and had them removed as they started to grow. As he got older...we quit having them removed because he couln't handle being put under anymore. Some they could just give him a general anestisia and remove them. It's amazing how fast they grow too. I wish I had a picture I could post of our old man after one of his groomings....but I have them on my old computer. He looked pitiful tho. Maybe your vet has some other suggestions to keep them under control.

Good Luck!
You could ask your vet about giving Tucker some Lysine. It's used commonly for Clamidia in cats and perhaps can be used as a treatment for dogs as well. It's powder form which you had a small amount to their food - builds up the immune system too.

Good luck
My mom always used lysine for cold sores. It comes in a tablet, and is an amino acid. Available in the health food/vitamin section of stores.
I just got back from the vet. She is a new vet and she said that yesterday was actually the first time she had ever heard of this. A golden came in with identical looking warts, so she removed one and is sending it to the lab to be tested. Since it looks exactly the same as Tucker's, she said that she wasn't going to remove and test one of his, but rather wait on this other dog's results to see what he has and then proceed from there. She is quite sure it is the papillomavirus, so she's going to do a bunch of research and call me week after next (she's going to be away next week) with the golden's results. In the mean time she highly recommended to keep Tucker away from all other dogs (poor, lonely puppy), as well as to throw away his bones and sanitize his rubber toys and bowls so he doesn't re-infect himself.

I still don't understand why he keeps getting sick! Is it just because as a puppy he has a lower immune system that hasn't fully matured??? At least so far it hasn't been anything extremely serious or painful...
Mel & Tucker wrote:
She is quite sure it is the papillomavirus.

Is it just because as a puppy he has a lower immune system that hasn't fully matured??? ...

That is what Dixie had...the warts in the mouth..It is a virus...Yes, puppies immune system is lower.

Thinking of you and your pup.

This article may be of some help to you. ... lomas.html

I'd still ask the vet about Lysine and if it's suitable to give in this situation. I would also look for immune boosters - beta carotene veggies, and other vitamins which will help.

I sympathize as one of my foster cats Dusty has been plagued with illness for the past year as I suspect he immune system is weaker than the majority of my other cats.

Good luck to you and hope all goes well at the next vet visit.

my 5 month old rhody caught puppy warts and it was awful. the 1st vet gave me the they'll disappear over time tx and i gave him lysine and vitamin c 3 x a day and they continued to get worse. i read about tx with azithromycin being successful and asked my other vet to try it. after the 2 weeks of tx they shrank and 2 weeks later are almost gone. i dont know why this is not the standard tx. it's expensive $125 for 14days worth but totaly worth it. good luck
Don't know about the warts but I was thinking it may be some sort of herpes type thing like a human canker sore...

As far as Tucker getting sick all the time, yes maybe his immune system is down for some reason. Have you gotten his thryoid tested? My dog was getting sick ALL the time with stupid little things as a puppy. As time went on he was gaining weight and becoming "not himself"...then ear infection after ear infection and finally MRSA. Got his thryoid tested because of his weight gain and lethargic...It was borderline low.

Been on meds for a little over a year now and he hasn't been sick once...Knock on wood :headbang:
Luna had one on her lip last year. I took her to the vet and she removed it. She told us not to be surprised if it came back and if Tonks got them; I guess they are highly contagious. But after it was removed, it stayed goen and we've never seen them since.
Ashley wrote:
Don't know about the warts but I was thinking it may be some sort of herpes type thing like a human canker sore...

As far as Tucker getting sick all the time, yes maybe his immune system is down for some reason. Have you gotten his thryoid tested? My dog was getting sick ALL the time with stupid little things as a puppy. As time went on he was gaining weight and becoming "not himself"...then ear infection after ear infection and finally MRSA. Got his thryoid tested because of his weight gain and lethargic...It was borderline low.

Been on meds for a little over a year now and he hasn't been sick once...Knock on wood :headbang:

FYI - the post about Tucker was from almost 3 years ago.
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