Going into heat!

Hey everyone! Looks like Mop is going into heat! She is humping pillows and is a bit swollen down there! She will be 7 months in a few weeks. I feel like its too early, but I don't think I want her to go into first heat. Oy, any ideas will be appreciated! I am thinking of scheduling the surgery for Monday and she will stay over night! :cry:
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Annie was 7 months and 3 weeks when she started her heat cycle, and I thought that was early. It is possible though. Annabelle paid a lot more attention to herself grooming wise around her genitalia. That was a big sign, and she would act like a cat rubbing her body along walls and couch's. She was also more fiesty with Jack, but not with us.
I hope that helps. Good luck with Mopsey. Keep us updated.
Stormi and co.
If she's too far in the estrus the vet may cancel the surgery due to all the extra blood in the region. Don't get discouraged.

Seven months is right on the mark.
I would try to schedule the surgery because she may not actually be in heat. If she is a few weeks shy of seven months, in other words, just over six months, it is possible still, but that is early. My girls went through a humping phase as well, and it did not signal a heat cycle. Sky has been doing that for a month, and she is only 5 months now. With my two it is a dominance issue, Sky is trying to be dominant over Dancer and they are deciding as they mature who is going to be alpha dog between the two of them.
As guest posted though, if she is in heat, there are more risks to surgery at this time, as there is more blood flow and more risk of bleeding. The sooner the better though, as all the risks of cancers and infections are hugely reduced if spaying is done before the first heat.
Let us know how things go! :)
Thanks all. I am feeling very sad for my little girl. I don't know why, but I feel like I am betraying her by spaying. Its silly. The thing is we scheduled the surgery for Monday and she will have to stay overnight. That is also making me nurvous that she will not be home with us for almost 48 hours. She was humping pillows, that's why I didn't think it was a dominance issue, but maybe. She was sitting on the couch next to Steve and she NEVER shows any dominance signs with him. What is involved in this surgery? Are their ovaries taken out or is the whole uterus? Thanks.
Usually their uterus and ovaries are taken out... she should be fine, just make sure she doesn't lick or bite at the stitches too much and that she doesn't get running and jumping around.
Keeping her over night is unsual, but since she may be in heat, I think it's an excellent idea. Good vet.

To keep our rescue girls from licking and biting the stitches we put a t-shirt over them. If they are small enough, an extra long often lets us cut holes near the hem and put their back legs throgh as well. Size, a large is usually enough, but my husband wears and XLT, so that's what I use. You can knot up the extra around the belly. Still must watch them as they can over get around the t-shirt.

Don't let them lick!! In addition to pulling stitches, they can develop a type of skin knot where they lick that never goes away. My 10 year old bitch has one that's the size of a golf ball.......because I wasn't keeping an eye on her.

Also a pair of underwear might help........sounds like Halloween costume. ......just remember to remove before they go out to pee.

She will be tender for a few days....they say "No jumping." I had an Irish Wolfhound leap out of the car and over the gate to get back home....she was fine. Eating may be off for a day depending how "emotional" you dog is........most of mine never miss a meal.

Stitches or staples......varies with vet. They will need to be removed after a week or two. The vet trusts me now to do it myself.

No, your girl won't be mad at you, she's a dog and doesn't think like humans. Dogs take life as it comes and react to the moment. I've learned a lot from them.
When my first sheepie had an infection on his penis we had to keep it covered. I took a skirt from my daughter that was made from sweat shirt material and stitched a lind down the middle for his legs. He had jump in a pile of snow and scratched his penis. This worked out well or even some shorts made from sweat shirt material and you can custom fit it to the dog.
Well, I dropped her off this morning. The doc called and said that everything went well. They also x-rayed her hips while she was under. We really want to take her home tonight, the house just doesn't seem the same without her! The cats are moping around and smelling her toys then look up at us "Hey, where is our sister???" We are gonna call at 6pm to see if we can take her home, and I am sitting here like a looser watching the clock tick! I really miss the little theaving, jumping, biting monster... :(
Awwww.... you'll be ok...lol... I know the feeling though, my first oes and Winston got fixed at the same time, both my babies gone! LOL I couldn't wait to have them home! Glad everything went well! :)
I am so glad that she is doing well. I knew she would, but being an overprotective mommy, I know how you feel.
When will you get the results back on her hips? Was this just routine, or did they feel like there was a reason to do x-rays? That is something that still has to be done on both of my puppers coming up.
I hope she is coming home tonight. Please keep us updated. Give her a gentle hug for me. :wink:

Stormi and co.
Thanks Stacey! Well, spoke to the doc and he said that the operation was done later then expected so he wants her to stay the night. :( My poor baby will be alone all night. Tomorrow at 1:30 Steve will get her! *sigh*
Doggies coming out of anesthesia can howl like a banshee, when they regain their legs they walk like a drunk sailor. Best she remain quiet for awhile. She'll sleep the night through and be ready bright eyed tomorrow afternoon.
Oh no! Really!? I know how she feels, i hate anesthesia! Had to go under twice and was sick to my stomach every time! My poor baby! I can't wait till tomorrow when she is home safe and sound.
Yeah, me too. Fortunately doggies don't remember, we do.
Is she home, is she home?! Let us know how you're holding up!!

Karen :)
Hi everyone. She is home. She seems in pain and can't get comfortable. Has a three inch scar on her belly. She drinks and eats and doc gave us intibiotics and painkillers. She can only take one a day, and I am very worried and sad looking at her. When do they start feeling better? Is there anything I can do? She can't walk up and down stairs, so I think i will sleep downstairs on the couch tonight. The hip x-rays came back perfect. He said she has perfect hips. So at least that is good news.
She will be fine. Each dog will react differently to surgery. My Vet told me that Tyler has me wrapped around his little pinky paw and he knows how to milk it, I suspect your sheepie has the same idea. Look at Drezzie and how well she is doing considering the nature of her surgery. Like I said each dog is different. I too would sleep on the couch with her and much to my husbands chagrin, I would do it for more than one night. I did when Tyler had his bladder surgery and Tyler and I slept on the futon for about two weeks after his surgery.

As for making her more comforable. You can give her an asprin but nothing more unless the vet gave you some pain killers. I suggest that you treat her like a big girl and see how it goes.

Believe me they take their cues from us, our behaviour tells them what we expect of them. They are just like having kids.

Good luck to you both. She will be fine and so will mommy :wink:
I know how you feel, Marley! We can never rest easily ourselves when our pups are in pain. Mopsey will be fine. She has plenty of love and care from you, and that's what she needs most of all!

I remember when we had our first sheepie, Buford, neuteured. He was at his incision constantly, to the point where we had to put a makeshift diaper on him. :evil: Our girl came to us at 2 years old, so she was already spayed. Just rest assured that you did the right thing for her, and this, too, shall pass!

I kknow you are all right!! She is doing much better. However, I feel like I should keep her from jumping and hopping for a while and its not working! She is back to being herself, and thus popped a stich! Steve said its OK, and I am wondering how long it takes for the skin to actually heal and mend together. I come running to my husband yelling "she popped a stich, we have to take her to the vet, its gonna open up...!!!!" and he's like "don't worry its ok". Rrrr. Just want some feedback on what you think. Thanks so much! I love the fact that Drezie is doing so well! I know exactly how you feel now!
It's probably fine, just watch for bleeding or oozing any discharge. After my surgery I was stubborn (who me? :roll: ) and wouldn't rest at all. I got up and left the hospital less than an hour after the operation was done, and when I got home I was cleaning, cooking, playing with the dogs, and the next day was angrily chiseling ice out of my freezer with a hammer and a screw driver because it had made my baby girls sick, and that's when I popped a stitch. I realized it because my shirt was covered in blood, and boy did my hubby ever give me a speech on that one!!! That's when I realized I had better go lay down, but I didn't stay down long. LOL It was fine though and healed ok, just a bit of a wider scar in that one tiny spot that would have been a pencil thin line instead of marker thin line if I had taken it easy.
Oh thanks for answering Stacey! I am gonna give myself an ulcer! LOL She came down a bit now...but she is so rumbunctious, that i am afraid she is gonna hurt herself! And I can't stop her, short of holding her down. *sigh*
Do you have any rescue remedy handy? I've never actually seen it do anything, but I've heard it works for some...
Hi All
Have you ever tried DAP :idea: I haven't used it yet but heard it works...it's available at Petsmart under the Comfort Zone name..I think...cheaper other places on internet though...also available in the warmers that plug into an electric outlet! Anyone else have experience with DAP?
http://www.petsuppliesdelivered.com/sin ... 0223103305

Indicated to help alleviate anxiety associated with travel, new environments, crate confinement or kennels, and other situations where your dog may feel uncomfortable. This spray mimics appeasing pheromones released by all nursing females that calm puppies. Research has shown that the reassuring properties of these pheromones persist even into adult age. Directions: use 15 minutes prior to desired effects. Spray 8-10 pumps in general area where the dog will be residing 15 minutes before the dog is introduced into the environment. Each animal reponds differently, but effects should last 1 1/2-2 hours.

Qty 07682   60 ml   $21.98
Hi Marley, Is Mop getting her pain med in the morning that might keep her calm. Oreo had a 3 inch incision and was on a time released pain killer he was in the land of la la even the next day. He did better then I did his stitches were in for at least 10 days and after a few days of laying around he was back to normal. Sending get well wishes and sheepie hugs, Dolores & Oreo
Thanks Delores! She is running a mock and I am worried she is gonna hurt herself. There isn't anything I can do. We went out to our friend today who is a vet, and he said that she was fine, but should be kept calm for seven days after the surgery...well, that's not happening. She runs like a lunatic in the house, jumps on the bed and couch. That's when she poped a stitch. She seems ok, though, and there is no oozing from the scar, so that's good!

My dog Maggie is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday to get fixed - she is 8 months old this week. We had to wait until the vet had time to fit her in but we are noticing an odd smell coming from her back end - it almost smells like she is bleeding but she is not. have you ever experienced anything like that? I am crossing my fingers that she holds off another few days.
Has she had a heat cycle before? 8 months is a little young to have had a heat cycle, but it does happen.
8 months is just about right...at least on average for my girls. I had one begin a just 6 months........ARGH! While this is major surgery, they bounce back quickly......often too quickly. I use an old t-shirt over them to keep them away from the stitches......you have to tie the excess in a knot over the spine. Helps if someone in the house is tall for the extra length. With smaller girls, you can actually cut holes near the hem for the two back legs creating a little "doggie romper".

I just got DAP..it was only available in the plug in......so I got the refill and will create my own dispenser....I'm thinking a couple of drops on a bandana around the neck. curious to hear others' experiences with it.

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