Missy Waits at the Rainbow Bridge

Our precious OES, Missy, was a faithful and loving member of our family for almost 14 years. On December 30, 2007, we made the decision to let her go from her pain and suffering to the Bridge to meet her OES sister, Abby, and wait for us. Missy had been in declining health for the past couple of years, and had been taking medication daily for arthritis pain. The last six weeks of her life, she was unable to use her back legs at all, and she was miserable, not only from her condition, but also because she couldn't get up and follow her "daddy's" every step like she had done all her life. She spent the weeks before the holidays watching every move in our house. She supervised as I put the tree up, and was a willing taste tester for the holiday baking I did. She always loved Christmas and looked forward to getting her presents. Even as frail as she was, she still eagerly sniffed the packages and waited for us to open them for her. There will never be another Christmas in our home that we won't be reminded of the joy Missy brought into our lives. The weekend after Christmas was horrible; she was in so much pain I knew her time had come. She gave us such a legacy of love and devotion, yet she asked for so little in return. I hope she somehow knows that releasing her from her pain and her elderly, broken body took every ounce of love and courage I had in me, and that it was because of our love for her that her daddy and I made that most difficult decision.
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I am so sorry for the loss of Missy. We lost our beloved Merlin 2 years ago, almost exactly, under a very similar set of circumstances. He is still very much missed.

We were fortunate, though, to already have Archie as a part of our family--the best cure for the loss of an OES is to have another one around for comfort. Eventually, we added 2 more. We still miss Merlin very much, but more in the sense of remembering the wonderful times we had, rather than the pain of losing him.

I will be thinking of you.
I am so sorry for your loss.
It is hard especially when a special even is so closely tied to a favorite pet. I still get a tear when a certain holiday or event comes around that brings back memories of a dog. You were fortunate to have Missy for all those years....which means your heart is filled with love and your brain overflowing with thoughts of her. Through you she lives on.
I am sure Missy knew how deeply she was loved. She sounds like she was a very special sheepie girl. I am happy you were able to enjoy 14 wonderful years together and I am confident those memories will comfort you in the days ahead. . . I am so sympathetic to your loss.
So sorry for your loss of Missy. You have 14 years of wonderful memories to reflect back upon....hold those memories of her close to your heart. She was no dout a special sheepie gal!!!

to you!
Sorry for your loss of your beloved Missy, 14 years of wonderful memories will flow when the pain subsides.

Your missy has left you a lifetime of wonderful memories that will flow and bring a smile back to your face eventually.

Thinking of you at this sad time, it is never easy as they do impact so much on our lives and love.

:cry: so sorry for your loss. We lost one of my yorkies years ago day after Boxing Day. She was in pain but I kept her over Christmas because of the children. It is a really hard decision to make, but you did all you could. Hugs for you and yours. xx
Sorry for your loss. 14 years is a very long time to share your lives and I know the gap she leaves will be a big one. You did all you could and you know that your final deed was the kindest for Missy and I admire you for your braveness. Remember the good times you shared together and rest easy that she is now free from pain and running with her sister Abby.

Hugs to you; :cry:
so sorry for your loss..............(she knew).............
I am so very sorry. What a difficult and heartbreaking decision to make, what courage it takes to make it. ((((HUGS))))
Like every other sheepie on this forum we know the pain you feel, but be assured you made the right decision although it hurts.

Hugs from Misty & Hamish :ghug:
You are so right, a house is not a home without a sheepdog! Missy was lucky she had you to do the right thing for her. I had my Winston from Christmas Eve 1993 till October 5, 2006, I had the same experience as you had with Missy. It took everything I had to make the decision as well. In November of 2006 I rescued Sunny, another sheepie, or maybe he rescued me...and my house is a home again.
Hugs to all of you! :ghug:
So sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry :( . It takes an awful lot of love to give the final gift and let them go when your heart is breaking. :ghug:

She live on in your heart & great memories.
I so am sorry.
I am so very sorry for your loss....At least know that Missy is resting comfortably now while she waits at the bridge with your abby :ghug: ...
So Sorry sending you :ghug:
Hugs to your family. :ghug:
It sounds like Missy lived a good, long life. Treasure the fun memories from the last 14 years.
I am deeply sorry for your loss, it is so hard to go through. I know I should never read this section when I'm at work - your story is so very touching..
My dogs send hugs and kisses to you and your family :cry:
I'm so sorry!
This forum has been such a blessing to me during the past few days. It was with a heavy heart that I stumbled onto the OES website last weekend, and posted my thoughts on having to have my precious Missy put to sleep. I want to take this opportunity to thank each one of you who has responded to my post. Unless you've been there, you can't possibly know how comforting it is to read the kind words all of you have written here. I feel like I have found a multitude of new friends here, and I appreciate each of you more than you know.
The members were a great help to me when I lost my first guy. It was a very sad time for a long time.

I hope that your heart lightens soon from the burden you are bearing.
It is really funny but I found this forum when our last oes was ill, we lost her, but I found so much comfort on here. It is like having loads of oes lovers in the corner of my living room. My virtual friends. Thanks
Sorry for your loss :(
Ron wrote:
The members were a great help to me when I lost my first guy. It was a very sad time for a long time.

It's true!! I lost my Roxy 7 months ago and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of her. I still cry sometimes.

Missysmom.....you will meet so many great people on this forum. If you ever need advice about "anything"...just come here. :)
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. She is now without pain. A tough decision but I'm sure you feel it was the right one.
I'm so sorry about Missy. She is without pain and suffering now. I have lost dogs in my life and it is the hardest time to go thru.
Our Simon was our 1st OES, was nearly 12 and was in similar condition. We kept watch over him wondering when the right time would come. That time came unexpectedly as he got sick one night and it turned out that he bloated. At the emergency clinic we made the decision to end his suffering and put him to sleep.
Part of my heart was ripped out from his passing. I swore I couldn't do it again, fall in love with a new buddy and here I am with my fantastic Cooper. We love him so much and can't imagine not having an OES.
Be at peace with yourself.
Take care,
I'm sorry to hear of your loss, but thanks for the memories.
So sorry about Missy. I know how hard it is to make that decision. You're in our thoughts.
So sorry of your loss of Missy, I know how hard it is to loose a Sheepie! :(

Sending you loads of hugs!!! She will be happy with her sister on the rainbow bridge!

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