Simon met some cows...

My two nephews spent Christmas night at my house and the next day I took them to where their nomad father was staying. Simon wanted to go along for the ride and as my nephews loved him it wasn't a problem. My brother was at a friends that owns a farm and the farm has cows. We walked over by them and Simon stayed back about ten feet, they didn't do anything so he tiptoed a little closer and closer...has anyone seen a dog that weighs all of 60lbs stretch out to ohhh about twelve feet. He wanted to smell them but not get too close. HAH you could smell them about a mile away. PHEW!!!! Anyway, whenever one would take a step and move Simon flew backwards. He did manage to get within about a foot of them but would not go any closer. It was really rather comical as the cows seemed to be interested in him too and a couple came ambling over to see what that little thing was.
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:lol: :lol: :lol:
How funny! :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I can so picture his reaction. Something fun and different! Whenever we see cows, Yuki goes bonkers and we make every effort to stop or slow down the car so she can have a field day. 8)
Reminds me of Three Stooges or vaudville skits, " Slowly I turned...step by step...inch by inch...,"
Your post made me chuckle as I could visualize what happened with Simon. What a cute story and of course what a big sweetheart aka scared sheepie, Simon was. The cows might have thought..hey, it's one of our little ones...with fluffy fur.

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